Hi there, I'm currently getting between 6-9k with a full-AP cannon build for my Avenger. I don't really want to go with the A2BDEM approach, as i already have a ship set up for this, and Imo the Avenger looks the best with cannons..
Ideally i'd like more, As i can get this in pretty much any of my ships.
Here's my set up so far :
Build :
Boffs :
Doffs : 3 Green Energy specs, that reduce cannon cooldown (Green because blue's are very expensive - nevermind purples..)
Thanks for your input.
My Fleet Avenger beam build is below:
1 purple Conn Officer for TT cooldown
1 purple Energy Weapons Officer for beam abilities cooldown
1 purple Torpedo Officer for torp abilities cooldown
1 purple Damage Control Engineer for emergency powers cooldown
2 purple Warp Core Engineers for power improvements using Emergency Power abilities
2 Efficient BOFFs
3 Romulan Embassy BOFFs for Superior Romulan Operative trait
Fit is more or less cookie cutter. Get scatter volley. If you dont want to waste esn tac get a torp, not a dual beam.
Aside from lack of scatter, the low dps likely has to do with your piloting. Fun fact: At 10km, beam array does the same dps as dhc. Always go in close.
If you want to switch to beam, go for traditional broadside, not the failfit linked by the guy above me.
though this can defiantely work, you have to ask yourself one question: Does it only work with the 3 turnrate consoles, or shouldn't i be running an escort if i need that much turnrate.
you are sacrificing A LOT of universal consoles (and set boni) for more turn rate.
DHC build on the avenger is viable for PVE, because it's natural turnrate is sufficent.
Stacking that many turnrate consoles means something is off.
You sacrifice too much for a turnrate boost that isn't necessary in PVE.
You wouldn't wanna miss out on the assimilated console, since you have the KCB already.
and the zero point module from romulan reputation.
next thing that is off: 3 energy doffs? You doubled rapid fire already, there is no more bonus those doffs can give you.
forget engi team 1...get EPtW 1 and 3 damage controle doffs for the shorter cooldown.
a torp launcher would also be my prefered choice. Especially the one from the dyson reputation set, that has 3% crtH as a 2piece set bonus.
start saving up for a plasmonic leech console!
Hmm, i hadn't thought of this. But will scatter volly be real dps though? I always find it funny when people post the l33t dps of their FAW builds, when most of the points are racked up hitting stuff like once, doing no real damage..
I normally try to keep to around 3-4km from my target, as to avoid their warp core breach, and the VATA thing won't fire if you are too close.
I'll try switching to Scatter anyway, and report back with some feedback!
(It's actually the Omni-beam array, to go with the warpcore!) I tried switching out one of them for the proton console, to go with the Torp idea that you suggested and i found it a little difficult to maneuver around and get my weapons on target. That might be because i'm used to it turning faster though. I shall try and get a fleet to let me use their mine, and i'll try 2 XII's instead of 3 X's.
I'll test out the torp idea on a ISE, and report back with the numbers!
Thanks for all the input.
Edit: Only use 4 DHC, the drop in weapons power decreases damage too much.
Your tac skills are fine, for your eng skills try this:
Use the EP2W with BO within 7K from your target
Faw picks 2 random targets, the targets can be different for every beam, and for every time it fires. Scatter picks 3 targets, all cannons hit these same 3 targets every time they fire until either it dies or skill ends. The "aoe" skills (neither of them are true aoe, since there's a set number of targets) of cannon concentrates a lot more firepower than that of beam. If that's what you meant by faw dps not being real, then scatter dmg is somewhat more real, as it's more concentrated.
Forget VATA, it's not worth a slot. There are only a few good universal consoles, all of them passive.
Don't switch out the omni beam if you want to keep the core. There's no point of using the horrible aux core without the damage bonus. It's a beam on a dhc boat, but the dmg set bonus is well worth it. Switch out a turret instead, it's a turret, not that beefy anyway.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with rcs consoles. I pack a full rack of fleet mk xii rcs on dhc boats. If you want your boat exactly where you will it, then they're worth the slots. Ditch the gemmick consoles, they're not worth the slots.
Go to channel "NoP Public Service" to get fleet instance invites from strangers. If you have limited fleet credits, get spire crit chance tac consoles first. It makes a big difference, especially since you're using ap.
I'll hold on to the VATA untill i can afford the leach, in Quantum mode it still hits for about 11k damage. Also, the Subspace jump is far from useless! It's good both offensively, and for times where you need to get out of somethings firing arc
Trouble with the Spire consoles, is my own fleet doesn't have any provisions, so even with an invite to another fleets map i still can't buy anything..