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New PvPer's Guide to understanding it's major problems



  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited February 2014
    lucho80 wrote: »
    You forgot morons exploiting the kill counter and the devs doing nothing to fix it.
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Unsure but a team yesterday played the system and didn't make 7 of our kills count.
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Ok, faulty memory. In the end, they're exploiting the system.

    They aren't exploiting anything. Kills don't count when the last hit comes from certain forms of DOT, DOT which your team applies and the receiving player has nothing to do with. Serious PvPers count up total deaths to see who won a match, and the rewards are basically the same for winning or losing so it doesn't matter too much. That said, it is depressing how long Cryptic has sat on this annoying yet insanely easy to fix bug. Ideally the kills would count for whomever applied the DOT, but in the meantime you could literally fix the the issue in fifteen minutes by changing the kill counter to keep track of number of deaths instead of the number of kills. Usually people exaggerate when they claim something can be fixed in fifteen minutes, but in this case it's absolutely true. The only way it could take longer is if you had trouble finding the relevant section of code.
  • abcde123123abcde123123 Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    voxlagind wrote: »
    If Cryptic never plans to fix any of these problems (despite making claims that they will, their actions have betrayed their credibility on the subject), then any new PvP player with a chance of sticking it out to become a regular will need to know what they're getting into, and accept it for what it is.

    Doh I wonder... Why does every PVP player think that everyone wants to get into pvp? Especially new players. I understand the wish of pvp community to increase the numbers, perhaps for the good of the game. But. Frankly. At the current stage of the game i don't really see it happening:

    So In bullet points:

    * LAG. that's right in all caps.

    Im not really sure how you guys play it. Here in Ireland I get pings at 120 - 180. It takes me 5 clicks at least to activate silly TT, complex powers like GW sometimes do not activate at all. I played a fair share of online shooters with 100+ pings and things there happen instantly: as I press "shoot" character shoots right now.

    * COMPETITIVE GEAR cost both in times and money

    lets see... say around 600 usd in cash or time invested equivalent and 40 days of rep grind which is pretty exciting on its own.


    Yes, the company called cryptic for a reason.

    * REWARDS or lack thereof.

    And after you grind like tribble for 40 odd days, spend months learning, dump 600 bucks into the game, what kind of pvp rewards do you get, except massaging your ego? Same 1.4k dil for 3 matches and occasional 50 fleet marks, when pvp daily mission isn't bugged and actually is daily?


    as it currently stands the company is focused on monetizing everything: grind, powercreep, convenience etc. Pvp kinda excluded.

    So, do me a favour, put youself into shoes of a new player and ask yourself "would I really want to pvp in this game at all?".

    My answer is "No, thank you very much, sir."
  • magniacapramagniacapra Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    One could simply ask, why does anyone run the same stf a million times or do over and over the same TRIBBLE in PvE.

    Most of pve in sto aren't really games, there interactive experiences or digital punch bags that drop loot. Why should anyone value that over the PvP experience which, although difficult, has more depth, variation and re playability than most of the stfs combined?
  • magniacapramagniacapra Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Anyway, I always find it cute when a captain kirk drops by with his 2 cents and reminds us that we're all a dying breed. Thanks for caring I guess. :D
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited February 2014
    dagonbach wrote: »
    I think most of us have just reached a point of extreme frustration. We all clearly desire the game to be better, because while it is a 4 year old MMO, it still has the potential to still be a challenging, social and engaging game.

    I think most of the issues in PvP (and vicariously the now laughable PvE elite STFs) may be solved with a level cap increase and Mk XIII gear. Yes, I know - you spent hours upon hours and maybe money on ships, gear, zen etc. But, what other feasible choice is there for rebalancing. If the devs can't redress the state of PvP now that might be there only other option. They can add options to increase console/weapon slots to current ships. Introduce new gear with additional PvP stat(s) for offense AND defense. Introduce tiered PvP queues based on a new PvP experience system or a PvP gear check.

    YOu realize the more skill points available less specialized a capt and his ship become and more dangerous. Right now the new DSD are meh in PVP but throw in another 20K in skill points and now tac capt can skill into all tac skills maybe some tanking skills and more sci skills. Now a DSD that is tough in tac mode will be even tougher with more skill points to buff the sci skills that are available. More skill points would make a vaper build even more powerful instead of energy weapon skills maybe a vaper decides that projectile skills to buff kinetic damage so the KCB becaomes even more powerful and useful than torps. Skill points would make good pvpers even better since the common denominator is the the knowledge or lack there of, of the metagame.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited February 2014
    Doh I wonder... Why does every PVP player think that everyone wants to get into pvp? Especially new players. I understand the wish of pvp community to increase the numbers, perhaps for the good of the game. But. Frankly. At the current stage of the game i don't really see it happening:

    So In bullet points:

    * LAG. that's right in all caps.

    Im not really sure how you guys play it. Here in Ireland I get pings at 120 - 180. It takes me 5 clicks at least to activate silly TT, complex powers like GW sometimes do not activate at all. I played a fair share of online shooters with 100+ pings and things there happen instantly: as I press "shoot" character shoots right now.

    * COMPETITIVE GEAR cost both in times and money

    lets see... say around 600 usd in cash or time invested equivalent and 40 days of rep grind which is pretty exciting on its own.


    Yes, the company called cryptic for a reason.

    * REWARDS or lack thereof.

    And after you grind like tribble for 40 odd days, spend months learning, dump 600 bucks into the game, what kind of pvp rewards do you get, except massaging your ego? Same 1.4k dil for 3 matches and occasional 50 fleet marks, when pvp daily mission isn't bugged and actually is daily?


    as it currently stands the company is focused on monetizing everything: grind, powercreep, convenience etc. Pvp kinda excluded.

    So, do me a favour, put youself into shoes of a new player and ask yourself "would I really want to pvp in this game at all?".

    My answer is "No, thank you very much, sir."

    Because they didn't care when we were a larger part of the game. The neglect of PvP has thinned our numbers even more. When I mean numbers I mean Diehard PvPers that played this game for PvP and only grinded while waiting for pops. There actually was a time when 5 minutes between pops was considered a long time.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • sp74656sp74656 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    PVP needs a lot of attention that Cryptic just aren't going to do. If all they can do in 4 years is add shuttle PVP, it's pretty clear they don't give a hoot even though the PVP crowds will always spend the most and spend more time in the game since they don't have to wait for a new content patch to do what they love.

    Even now, I try to get PVP to happen but it's difficult since the damn queues take forever and even when you do get into one of the public queues, it's one or both of the same kind of players. It's either the poor noobs who you feel like apologising to every time you turn them into a ball of flame or the damn vap/broken mechanic/cloak and run troll builds which don't make it fun for anyone but themselves. The good decent PVP players pretty much stick to private queues with proper rules, never see them in the public queues and I don't blame them.

    I enjoy sharpening my claws at Kerrat and there is plenty of challenges. You get some really great players and you get the morons, ok... mostly morons but hey! I'm not sitting at ESD for an eternity waiting for a stupid queue to pop just to be left disappointed a few short minutes later. At least with an open war zone, you never know what's going to happen.

    PVP before F2P was almost half decent cause it actually kind of used something called skill. I remember some glorious matches that would take over an hour and the scores would hang on every decision on a beautiful knife edge that left you on the edge of your seat. Not any more. I remember the TRIBBLE they told us that lock boxes would only have cosmetic things....uh huh. That quickly flew out the shuttlebay didn't it?
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