So, you might have recognised your acc can effectively go above 100% in theory.
I know that this overflow gets turned into CritH and CritD but does anyone know a formula for this?
I would actually like to calculate the effectiveness of overflowing acc to get an actual damage output-comparison between [acc] and [CritX]modified weapons.
Thanks in advance
If you NEED acc to hit your target no other mod will give better damage.
If you don't NEED acc to hit your target some mix of other mods will be better than acc.
Here, play with this tool a bit.
Anywhoo's have a ball.
Same rules apply though, if you're in PvP then accuracy is king, queen and heirs to the throne. If you're in PvE then go CrtD and get CrtH tactical consoles.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
So am I to assume no matter how high of a defense bonus we get during combat impulse speeds, npc's always have a 100% chance to hit?
It would seem that way to me, even at full engpwr of 125 they never seem to miss, but spam a skill that grants a huge increase in speed and defense and now they start to miss.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Torpedo Spread *never* misses either. I think the dev said (paraphrased) something like 'Everything that uses its own, ciustom targeting mechanic, bypasses [Acc] overflow mechanics, and is essentially broken.'
Engine Power doesn't directly affect defense. Impulse Speed does...but only up to 24 Impulse. You could have 1,000,000 Impulse and the Bonus Defense you'd get from it would be the same as it is at 24...+45%. Different builds need different amounts of Engine Power to reach that 24 Impulse...
With the 24+ bonus as the only one in play (either for Bonus Defense or Bonus Accuracy) or with the others balancing each other're looking at a 69% To-Hit.
Add in Elusive (+10%) and 9 Maneuvers (+15%)...then without any form of Bonus Accuracy, those NPCs have a 58.8% To-Hit. That doesn't mean they're going only to hit 58.8% of the time, but it does mean they only have a 58.8% chance to hit each time they roll to hit.
Well tell that to the game's mechanics when you are at the 24 impulse speed netting a +85% defense bonus, and they are possibly down -25% ACC do to constant crippling fire and -TRIBBLE perception and they still never miss with directed energy attacks.
But low and behold you make use of something that grants +TRIBBLE amount of defense bonus they start to miss once in awhile.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I don't experience that. I can sit there, parked, normally -15% but with 9 Maneuvers and Elusive it's actually +10% Bonus Defense...and they're still going to miss from time to time. There's what, close to a 10% chance of missing at that point? Little less because of the formula works? Meh, let me look - 9.1% chance to miss.
Cube (12202)
Plasma Array 7 Attacks/5 Misses/28.571 Accuracy
Plasma Array 14 Attacks/6 Misses/57.143 Accuracy
Cutting Beam 3 Attacks/1 Misses/66.667 Accuracy
Cube (12211)
Plasma Array 14 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Cutting Beam 7 Attacks/2 Misses/71.429 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 4 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Gateway (12214)
Heavy Plasma Cannon 22 Attacks/12 Misses/45.455 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 15 Attacks/7 Misses/53.333 Accuracy
Plasma Beam Array - FAW3 10 Attacks/8 Misses/20 Accuracy
Plasma Array 9 Attacks/6 Misses/33.333 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12398)
Plasma Torpedo 2 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Plasma Array 2 Attacks/2 Misses/0 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12404)
Plasma Torpedo 2 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Plasma Array 1 Attack/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12432)
Plasma Array 5 Attacks/4 Misses/20 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 1 Attack/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12433)
Plasma Array 4 Attacks/1 Misses/75 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 1 Attack/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12575)
Plasma Array 1 Attacks/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12579)
Plasma Array 1 Attacks/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12593)
Plasma Torpedo 2 Attacks/2 Misses/0 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere (12594)
Plasma Array 2 Attacks/2 Misses/0 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 1 Attacks/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Sphere (12203)
Plasma Array 13 Attacks/5 Misses/61.538 Accuracy
Sphere (12204)
Plasma Array 13 Attacks/8 Misses/38.462 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 7 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Sphere (12399)
Plasma Array 5 Attacks/3 Misses/40 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 3 Attacks/1 Misses/66.667 Accuracy
Sphere (12405)
Plasma Array 28 Attacks/5 Misses/82.143 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 16 Attacks/2 Misses/87.5 Accuracy
Sphere (12406)
Plasma Array 28 Attacks/7 Misses/75 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 15 Attacks/1 Misses/93.333 Accuracy
Sphere (12574)
Plasma Array 2 Attacks/2 Misses/0 Accuracy
Sphere (12577)
Plasma Array 26 Attacks/9 Misses/65.385 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 20 Attacks/2 Misses/90 Accuracy
Sphere (12578)
Plasma Array 33 Attacks/19 Misses/42.424 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 17 Attacks/3 Misses/82.353 Accuracy
Tactical Cube (12624)
Plasma Beam Array - FAW3 23 Attacks/15 Misses/34.783 Accuracy
Heavy Plasma Cannon 18 Attacks/4 Misses/77.778 Accuracy
Plasma Array 17 Attacks/9 Misses/47.059 Accuracy
Plasma Torpedo 3 Attacks/3 Misses/0 Accuracy
Well it shows some misses, which will happen but it seems only when I spam something to net higher defense.
Unfortunately by the shown results, I still see a heck of a lot of high ACC numbers when they should be lower IMO.
I am not sure what ship and def bonus you have, so cannot really say for sure.
With these results it shows to be pretty much an almost guaranteed 48% to hit chance average given any circumstances.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
That wasn't just me - that was from the POV of the NPCs against the five players in the PUG. I couldn't speak for them as far as their defenses - but I can pull the numbers for the to-hits against them.
Sphere(12405) 18 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Sphere(12406) 14 Attacks/3 Misses/78.571 Accuracy
Sphere(12577) 12 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Sphere(12203) 7 Attacks/2 Misses/71.429 Accuracy
Cube(12202) 4 Attacks/3 Misses/25 Accuracy
Sphere(12578) 1 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Sphere(12578) 43 Attacks/18 misses/58.14 Accuracy
Sphere(12405) 18 Attacks/4 Misses/77.778 Accuracy
Sphere(12577) 14 Attacks/3 Misses/78.571 Accuracy
PlayerB 6 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy (ahem - lol)
Sphere(12204) 6 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Tactical Cube(12624) 3 Attacks/1 Misses/66.667 Accuracy
Sphere(12203) 1 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Sphere(12406) 1 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Cube(12211) 28 Attacks/4 Misses/85.714 Accuracy
Tactical Cube(12624) 6 Attacks/2 Misses/66.667 Accuracy
Cube(12209) 5 Attacks/1 Misses/80 Accuracy
Gateway(12214) 4 Attacks/3 Misses/25 Accuracy
Cube(12202) 3 Attacks/2 Misses/33.333 Accuracy
Sphere(12203) 1 Attack/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Sphere(12204) 1 Attack/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
n/a - wasn't attacked
Tactical Cube(12624) 18 Attacks/10 Misses/44.444 Accuracy
Sphere(12204) 10 Attacks/5 Misses/50 Accuracy
Gateway(12214) 9 Attacks/2 Misses/66.667 Accuracy
Sphere(12399) 8 Attacks/4 Misses/50 Accuracy
Cube(12209) 8 Attacks/6 Misses/25 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere(12432) 6 Attacks/5 Misses/16.667 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere(12433) 5 Attacks/2 Misses/60 Accuracy
Sphere(12578) 4 Attacks/3 Misses/25 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere(12398) 4 Attacks/2 Misses/50 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere(12404) 3 Attacks/1 Misses/66.667 Accuracy
Sphere(12574) 2 Attacks/2 Misses/0 Accuracy
PlayerME! 2 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy (OOPSIE!)
Nanite Sphere(12579) 1 Attacks/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Cube(12211) 1 Attacks/0 Misses/100 Accuracy
Nanite Sphere(12593) 1 Attacks/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
Sphere(12406) 1 Attacks/1 Misses/0 Accuracy
PlayerME! = Willard the Rat in a Fleet T'varo.
0 Impulse (parked)
Normal 25.2%
APO1 21.4% (see, now that's a bug!)
Cloaked 75.2%
Cloaked APO1 84.2%
29.94 Impulse
Normal 85.2%
EM3 110.2%
APO1 96.7%
APO1 then EM3 128.1%
EM3 then APO1 128.1%
Cloaked 135.2%
Cloaked EM3 160.2%
Cloaked APO1 159.5%
Cloaked APO1 then EM3 190.9%
Cloaked EM3 then APO1 190.9%
Note: APO1's tooltip lists the bonus +25.6%, but that's a faulty tooltip. There's a formula out there somewhere that frtoaster fixed for me - just can't remember where it is offhand, that provides the actual bonus you receive from APO1/APO3.
You'll notice that I did APO->EM and EM->APO and may be wondering why? At one point, they varied - but it appears to be something that Cryptic has corrected.
The difference in To-Hit for an attacker with just Base Accuracy would go from 54% (85.2% Bonus Defense) to 34.4% (190.9% Bonus Defense)...yep, there's heavy diminishing returns...+105.7 Bonus Defense reduced the To-Hit by 19.6% - while the original +85.2% Bonus Defense reduced the To-Hit by 46%...
There's a minimum To-Hit of 25% regardless of Defense.
The 25% min I am aware of, the overall battle still showed the enemy to average out to be at roughly 48% for any given circumstances which seems odd since I would assume most if not all of the player's are spamming crippling fire which if combined against a single opponent can net a -36% acc penalty max to the given enemy.
That in itself would easily eliminate their base acc, so I would have to assume they also have maxed skill set along with possible accx3 weapons and any other device and skills that can boost acc to compensate.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!