Hello KDF Captains,
I have a KDF Tactical who was raised in BOP's doing PvE leveling content.
Today he flys a Mogh and has in the past flown a Galor. However I am finding I want something with a bit more of a kick than a Galor or Mogh. Are there any decent Raptors or Destroyers via the fleet?
I ask as I used to fly Raptors but found the pivot point really turned me off them. I understand Raptors rarely parley with Fedscorts but I mainly play PvE content so PvP doesn't matter much to me.
But before I dump in 4 fleet modules for a ship I'd like anyone who has some experience with the said vessels to help me make a good choice.
Alternatively I have been thinking of a Hirogen Hunter Escort, it's not like I don't have the money to buy one, I just want to see if there is a better KDF design first.
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With 4 fleet modules, the most interesting new boat I can think of is the fleet Kar'fi carrier. 4 tac consoles, tac heavy boff, 4/3 weapon layout, base turning rate of 8, and high shield modifier and hull, it's a unique tac carrier with destroyer/bc functionality along with tank. If you count pets, it has more "kick" than pretty much anything else.
I don't think any Raptor or BoP is going to outgun a Mogh though.
Later on,
I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
My engineer is in the Fleet Version and up until the patch she was doing extremely well. It has made me think that Craptic may have nerfed the Morg in the patch and like usual said nothing hoping no one will notice. So I may have to transfer her to the Fleet Corsair and avoid STF's for the time being.
As for my tactical. He doesn't seem to be putting out the Damage anymore (I haven't changed anything) and is struggling to stay alive. He is running the 2 piece borg set with Omega MK XII shields like he has done for almost a year now. I moved him out of the Galor because of a patch ages ago that increased all the difficulity/damage that the NPC's produced making it non-viable to run him in that anymore.
So not entirely impressed with what they have done, felt a bit cheated and finding it hard to even play a simple PvE queue to get rep marks etc. So looking for alternatives so I may continue to play the game and hope to find some enjoyment again. Only been back about 2 weeks now after 6 months off and after the patch the other day already thinking of taking another long break again.
The wiki does say it comes with a Commander Tac BOFF.
Which I am beginning to wonder if bops are actually going to get flanking. If they were to get flanking they would be more damage than the raptors given the amount of player skill to keep alive and behind your target(strafing runs would be more logical if we do get flanking).
Basically anything stronger damage wise than a mogh without lockbox intervention/breen raider will be determined based on if Cryptic releases a 5 tact console raptor or flanking. Flanking for space though was talked about and revealed a tad over 2 months ago and no word or confirmation on it so there is a chance that they might think the mogh didn't sell well enough to put more time into the KDF to be realistic might be the case.
What? It has stupidly high defensive stats (same as chel'grett), the size and turn rate of a defiant, a passive cloak and one of the best possible boff layout (double aux2batt +3 sci or double aux2damp or double EPtX) and you say it's nothing special? Well you are right, it's not special, it's best of all worlds in one.
Man this ship is on par with a JHAS and the reason why you dont want an obsolete escort or raptor. It's nonsense and power creep to an insane level.
I was flying a fleet somraw before this ship arrived, now i'm back on faw cruisers because there is absolutely no reason to use an escort ship anymore with that thing and the JHAS flying around.
Ah, and about the Kar'fi : its frigates have twice the cd of most frigates, they have much lower health and the ship also has very low hull for its size and lacks system targeting. It's also very fragile because of that single lt. eng. Plus you need to buy the store version first if you want access to s'kul fighters and fer'jais.
PS : pvp point of view.
Flanking would be cool, but I got to wonder, the dev's have little interest in keeping the factions unique in abilities. If we got flanking on our BOP's how long until the Fed's got them on their escorts (which tbh are already powerful enough).
Thanks I went and took a lot of the stats and the Hirogen Escort is very similar to the bug, so close it isn't funny. I have a bug on a Fed character that I really don't use anymore (shame I can't move it to another character) and after taking her into an STF today I found something like that is what I am after. I am not happy with the pivot points on the Raptors, makes them take longer to turn and put their fore weapons into a target and so I think when the escorts are at their lowest I will buy one. Probably not long now.
As for the Kar'Fi it's a great ship but not what I am after for this character. I do have it on a science I no longer use thanks to the excessive and endless grind in this game. If they ever bring in a re-class token I would love to re-class my first engineer (who has tier 4 Omega done solely through Defera runs) to a science and use it. But for now there is not even a hint that will happen.
If you don't mind 9 console ships:
- Guramba Siege Destroyer - Lack a 10-th console, but has the special 'Javelin' ability in exchnage. Very solid overall, albeit falling a bit behind due to rampant power creep, but still great for PvE.
- Mirror Qin Raptor - A solid ship overall, one which I have used to great extent and still do on one char. The DPS/survavibility ratio is great and it has the benefit of the cloak. It does have that weird raptor pivot which was basically a non-issue for me in PvE, but if it gets on your nerves, maybe this isn't the best choice.
10 console ones:
- Somraw Raptor - arguably the best raptor there (well not so much arguably, since there are only two 10 console raptors), but this ship is great, fast, turns nice and has the Boff layout of the Mirror Qin which I consider to be very good for a raptor. Like others said, the pivot is not that much of an issue with the Somraw and I consider it a good ship.
- Scourge Destroyer - Lacks cloak, but if escort/destroyer is what you're looking for, this is a ship that fullfills that role perfectly. With the secondary focus switched from engineering to science on this one, you have a bit of different gameplay. Very good for PvE, handles perfectly.
- Krenn Destroyer - Yup, it's a Lobi ship but I'm just too big of a fan of the design.
So these are basically your choices. I didn't say anything you probably couldn't see on paper, but in turns of PvE performance I personally prefer the Krenn Destroyer and the Somraw Raptor, with the Scourge comming very close. The Guramba is also a great classic if you don't mind 9 consoles.
Do note however that all of these have 4 Tac. consoles at most, and 4 frontal weapon slots so I don't know how that would relate to your desire of having more kick than a Mogh, because to be honest - the Mogh kicks TRIBBLE. :cool:
mogh with damage potential near to scimitar.
galor with tank comparable to a science/carrier and one of the strongest weapons on top of 5 tactical skills and "victory is life".
if that isn't "more of a kick" to 99% of other ships then... i'm actually speechless.
It must be my character then, he used to do really good in the Galor. I mean I could take on 3 players that were moderately equipped (uncommon and rare equipment) and flying c-store ships and not die but kill them with a score of 15 kills to me and 0 to them.
Since I have come back to the game he just keeps getting killed in PvE. I haven't done anything to him, no retraiting, reskilling etc. I have changed out a few items but that was only after I found myself having difficulties. He is skilled and traited like my Fed tactical and recently I was helping a friend on that side in an STF and I found she has nowhere near the issues only has exchange bought gear like my KDF tac. She drew more aggro and fly's an escort and didn't have half the issues my KDF does.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Build for Galor located here: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=msfckevaasgalor_3581
Build for Mogh located here: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=msfckevaasmogh_3581
The Mogh does great on my engineer but doesn't seem that good on my tactical. He can't seem to put out the damage nor keep his health up enough. It just must be my build. In any case since I can't seem to get these cruisers to work on him I really want him in a destroyer/raptor/escort type ship. I haven't played with that type of play-style for a long time having been in cruisers for years now I feel I want a change.
I hadn't considered that ship. Thank you I might try the standard one out first and see how he goes. It can't hurt any and won't cost me any. TBH I have never ran him in the Peghqu so it will be interesting to see how he goes.
Thanks again for the suggestion.
Good luck with it!
The Vet ship is not a bad deal at all, most esp. that outside of KDF BOPs, it is the only other ship in the entire KDF lineup that has a Battle Cloak. If you do like it, the Fleet version is an improvement. To make use of the console, you do have to use Disruptors. Not sure if you care about being funneled that direction.
Also on a similar note is the C-Store Guramba. Still a solid Escort and has a Disruptor Lance. It's been surprassed quite a bit with the newer ships. But in PVE it can still leave a great impression.
What I love about it is the extra weapon power it gets in siege mode. It turns a little slow, but you don't need all the weapon power consoles and clickys, its very easy to overcap this ship and the ease of power management makes up for losing one console. It is a bit fragile though, not even as tough as a BOP because you can't slot officers for healing/defense setups as easily: all you get outside of tactical officers are LTs.
I find my BOPs to be ideal for staying alive, give up the cmdr tac slot and use some sci & eng officers. Or get a big tough cow. The intermediate ships, the destroyers, usually lack ltcmdr slots for defensive skills, the PQ universal slot helps there.