Would someone please explain the rationale behind locking this quest and the rep system behind completing all of the previous episodes and not locking the other rep systems in the same fashion?
This isn't game breaking to me but it is an annoyance. I understand that you guys want us to run the episodes but locking the Dyson Rep system while not locking the other Rep systems just seems out of whack to me.
I guess I'm just blowing off some steam since I'm VA 50 and still just about halfway through the Cardassian series, (which is another issue for another day).
Skip through the missions until you unlock the rep, nothing prevents you from playing the skipped missions after that. It even counts as first playthrough for reward purposes.
I see no reason to lock the others out. Unlocking dyson is not unreasonable but I would rather it be locked by a quest than unlocked and take another 2 million EC to tier up.