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Where is updated Kirk's Enterprise?

luvsto1701luvsto1701 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
Many of the people I chat with in this game have been saying this and I have come here to find out why.

Dear Devs, we would like to know why you despise or even hate Kirk's Enterprise?

We do not understand why you can make a Fleet version of Enterprise B, C and D and not A?

The Enterprise A that you have ingame has even less weapon slots than a science vessel.

ST II and VI are probably the most beloved of the movies and yet you have a Klingon Bird of Prey that can fire while cloaked (surely not) and Fleet Excelsior and Enterprise and Reliant are left as newbie ships.

I see in one thread that you are using CBS as a deterrent, and you speak of the cannon from the show. Well the mirror mirror Enterprise episode clearly shows there is a way for an ingame episode to go and get us a ship if not a Zen version and Fleet version.

You did this with Enterprise C and the Tholians. Surely you can make some episode where the ship is able to be retrieved from the mirror world before it's attacked. YOU can think of something with bending time or a time loop or MANY things if you are so stuck on cannon.

You have a high end Vulcan ship from Enterprise era that has more weapon slots than kirks. None of this makes sense why Kirk's Enterprise is treated so badly in this game. The only thing we can figure is you have Developers that have their own agenda and yet it is we the players who pay your salary. I know there are free players but me and my friends support you through sub and lifetime and zen sales quite well.

You could make a retro lock box pack with actual Mk XII blue phasers, Blue torpedo launcher, the Reliant and Mk XII blue phasers (which were even shown in ST V) yet you do nothing.

I find it hard to believe that you cannot create an ingame image toggle for ships as well. Surely you know that people would pay $$$ to simply change the visual appearance or their ships with a perma on/off clicky. The programming is already ingame as we can clearly see there are ship illusions sold on DS9 from the Ferengi.

Make a Ferengi Delta Quadrant mission with those two that were stranded and maybe they sold holographic ship nodules for the ship exterior just like the romulan drones can do? These drones are also ingame.

You have tons of minor things in the game from little one episodes and things from movies yet again there is nothing for Kirk's Enterprise.

So many of us would keep buying your new ships for the layouts, all you have to do is give us an option to simply click a button for "Illusion Enterprise" or whatever you want to call it.

Here, I am throwing $$$$ at you and whatever profit CBS makes from this game to simply sell this to us.

I am eager to hear your thoughts on this Devs, cause I cannot see even one logical reason why in four years we can have tons of ships that are boosted to fleet and retrofitted status from one or two episodes and Kirk's Enterprise from 25 years of fame is left untouched with one refit.:(
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