I am just returning to the game after a long hiatus. Back when I was playing, I was among a few intrepid captains who sought to pioneer the art of running a B'rel Retrofit torpedo boat. After some spectacular success, I left the game for a while. When I came back, I saw that some nerfs to certain systems, and buffs to others have made the torpedo B'rel increasingly difficult to pull off with consistent effectiveness (these days it seems you need to find an incompetent target, lol).
I am resuming my quest to honor General Chang and find a new way to make the B'rel Retro torpedo boat the feared killer that it became before my departure. I noticed that there are sweet Fleet versions of this craft these days. Though the upgrades it has are not really relevant to how it would fly in the torpedo role, I feel a nagging that I should make an attempt to fly the best B'rel possible in my endeavour.
To that end, I am looking for a fleet that has access to these magnificent ships, that can help me acquire one.
I am a mostly casual player, who gets on about 30-60 minutes most days, with longer stretches on my days off. I enjoy doing PVE content with others, but limit my PVP to Ker'rat.
then pop into 'NoP Public Service' channel. you will have your fleet b'rel pretty quickly.
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