Hello everyone,
I don't if this has been suggested before, I may even had done so once in a thread.
For a lot of players one of the things that annoys many players, especially blue side players that switch to the red side when they realise how much more fun the KDF is, would be the lack of ship kitbashing options.
Now I realise a lot of ships simply don't have the costumes in place. But have the dev's ever considered at least for the BOP and Raptor line having all the available ships (both in the c-store and the free leveling ones) share all parts, at least in the T5 c-store and fleet versions? Provided of course you have bought the c-store versions to be able to use the parts.

This wouldn't be too much work for the dev/art team, some minor adjustments so the kitbashing so it would work right. But it would open up a huge range of customisation for us players.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
Then again, on some of the ships - we've only got a single skin option. Meh, even with the recent blog about skins - the Feds all got #5, while only a select few KDF got #3. It would be nifty to be able to drop out even #1 on things like the Varanus, Marauder, etc...
simple. kdf will never get enuff attention.
i wanna see the low tier ships qvailable as tier 5. but before that hapens theymneed to apply a wild balance pass on kdf first.
B'rel is small frigate, same as Defiant. Norgh is the next step up, same size as a Corvette. HoH'Sus and Hegh'ta are escort-sized, the same basic size as a Patrol Escort.
Not possible to interchange model parts directly. New parts would be required. They arent going to remake models.
I think you forgot the Qul'dun there inbetween.:)
Besides the Norgh already has its own retrofit.
However, unless I'm mistaken, the Qul'dun is about the size of the B'rel so that one and its C-Store version should work.
In addition the T4 BoP could easily work on the Hegh'ta since it's already the same skin with just a few less guns.;)
Maybe it was possible in beta to cobine the B'Rel and the Qul'dun, wasn't around back then, but I seem to remember hearing something to that effect once.
Anyway you gave me an idea.
Assuming what's posted here is corect:
[...]"Draguas and Phalanx" look very similar to the Varanus so there's no point in doing Fleet versions of those[...]
if that's true Cryptic could still add those skins as non-mix-and match skins to the Fleet Varanus in the same manner the different skins for the K't'inga work.
This way they might motivate people to buy those ships for the additional skin unlock.
No harm done and they get a chance to boost sales on those ships.
To not use the skins ever again on a higher level ship makes no sense moneywise because they're dead ends right now...and it makes them look petty on top of that.
That does not mean it won't happen. It just means that it requires planning and resources to get done.
I am personally in favor of more customization though.
33.33% of the STO Ship Art team.
100% of the new guys on the STO Ship Art team.
I think it can be easy for some of us to neglect to consider everything that's involved. Initially, I was thinking about the "quick, easy, cheap" as quicker, easier, cheaper as an overall. Heh, not to be any more dismissive of folks in other departments as this thread may have come off to you guys...but in thinking about it more...developing a single new ship would probably be less resource intensive than adding kitbashes and more customization to current ships, eh?
Stats for a ship would "just" be a case of some database entries (yeah, it's not just - thus the quotes)...while for the kitbash, you're looking at all the skins - all the gear skins - all the patterns - all the FX - etc, etc, etc.
The more parts that are customizable, the more work that would be involved...because of how the number of "ships" that ship would be, eh?
One ship = one ship.
One ship with two ships that can be kitbashed with just saucer/hull = four ships.
^--- with nacelles = eight ships.
SaucerA, HullA, NacellesA
SaucerA, HullA, NacellesB
SaucerA, HullB, NacellesA
SaucerA, HullB, NacellesB
SaucerB, HullB, NacellesB
SacuerB, HullB, NacellesA
SaucerB, HullA, NacellesB
SaucerB, HullA, NacellesA
Making sure all the skins, patterns, etc don't look gooftastic...going through and testing all the variations - making sure that everything works for all the possibilities.
Then any time something new is added - not only does it have to work for that particular ship, it's got to work for all the ships in the game.
So yeah, can see where it would be a massive amount of resources...that one would have to compare to potential return on that investment.
Heck, even with the recent http://community.arcgames.com/en/news/star-trek-online/detail/3033203-season-8-dev-blog-_49 addition of Type3...we saw that certain ships just didn't get it. Which isn't really surprising, since some of the ships that didn't - well, they don't have any choices to begin with, eh?
Perhaps part of it is just separating the Klingon KDF ships from the non-Klingon KDF ships, eh? Those Gorn, Orion, and Nausicaan boats...
Heck, even in a somewhat recent podcast Geko mentioned as far as new KDF ships go - he wanted to go Klingon rather than non-Klingon...so the emphasis is generally there, eh? So perhaps we should be happy for getting something...
Heh, it still stands out like a sore thumb though - not just with ship costumes, but costumes and customization in general between the KDF and Feds/Roms. So perhaps it's just everything combined coming together into a bigger mess and causing a little more aggro?
At this point, I'm just rambling...but I tend to do that.
what would be quick and easy is a fleet version of all these unused at end game kdf ship models. for the life of me, i dont see why this hasnt been done for at LEAST the tier 3 and 4 raptors, tier 2 battlecruiser, and maybe some more orian, gorn and nasican ships. thers so many station setup niches the kdf lack, like the excelsior, armatige, mvam, fleet nova, etc. should be pretty easy to match those station setups to one of those potentual fleet kdf ships.
Some ships haven't even got Type2 or beyond skins. And some shield skins despite looking awesome will never get used. (poor ROI for ship team doing those)
Detaching skins from requiring shields immediately unlocks, what, 10+ skins for every ship in the game! And surely shouldn't be as an intensive task. Certainly the bottleneck wouldn't be with the busy ship team I'd think.
As to the thread, the art people need to go back and fix the skins/textures before anything else can happen. I guess about half of the KDF faction ships don't have any customization options at all, no coloring or patterns, or anything. This is especially true for the non-Klingon sihps, but there are a lot of incomplete Klingon ships too (Fleet B'rel). That is just a fundamental thing.
I get the feeling that they want to remake a lot of the models instead of trying to polish the turds we have now. But they dont have resources to do it and there wont ever be a budget for it due to low sales. So either it gets done in off-hours or not at all. I don't know if that's the case but that's the vibe I get.
How about "no"?;)
Besides we already have several. Do you even play the game?
There is a T5 Constitution Class? Do YOU even play the game?
LMAO!!! Oh, STO forums......LOL
The Heght'ta waves hello.
ZOMG!!! Here come the Hoh'sus and the Norgh and they're all waving at you together! :P
No, but we have several T5 BoPs...you know those things you say we can have after a T5 Connie.
Given to which of these ship types the word "multiple" applies I thought specifying I meant Bops would be redundant. Silly me for overestimating you.
I thought the point was that you wanted to be able to mix and match skins? Apparently my comment went warp 5 over your head. Allow me to verbosely rephrase:
"When we can get a T5 Constitution Class [which currently does not exist] you can get the ability to mix and match T5 BoP skins [many of which currently exist]"
Ah, I get it. So you're trolling. :rolleyes:
So you actually expect people to guess what you mean...brilliant.
When you order something at a drive-through it's probably very interesting because you leave out the relevant parts and then chew out the guy who didn't guess the other half right.
There's a difference between leaving out redundant information and the actual point you want to make.
Now that we can finally understand the point you wanted to make it's good to know in what way you regard this part of the playerbase.:rolleyes:
Hmmm....funny, I remember the dev. post saying the exact oposite of what you're saying. :rolleyes:
But obvious troll is obvious anyway, so you're forgiven.
That would actually be great as I believe some vessels lack detail (Ki'tang, Hegh'ta) and the higher Tier BoPs are larger than necessary (don't tell me the cannons the size of the Defiant and the overall size of the Hegh'ta - comparable to the intrepid class - never seemed strange :rolleyes: ), BUT I understand this is nowhere near easy, quick or cheap.
What should be done though is extending the new material to more (and ultimately all) KDF ships (including non Klingon designs: Gorn, Orion, Nausicaan, Fek'ihri), fixing bugs like the B'rothl skin not available on the Fleet B'rel and adding Fleet ships for currently unused lower Tier designs (Fleet K'Tanco, Fleet Su'Qob or Fleet Qaw'Dun anyone?!). All that's needed for these new Fleet ships is Tier 5 stats (a lot of holes in available layouts for the KDF you could fill just by copy/pasting from some FED vessels) and the Fleet material. Not that much to ask, is it?
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
You been reading the same post as the rest of us?
Yeah, totally the same as zilch. And don't worry we don't have more in our panties than usual which is quite enough...with ridges.:P
Only problems I really have with ships is the hoh'sus needs some different way to customize its wings I just have never been a fan of it looking like a joke of a bop rushed out of the shipyard.
The other gripes I have probally nothing to do with what you do but they need to implement ways we can use tactics to more canonize the b'rel for its enhanced battle cloak. As well as revamp the bortasqu' which they blamed it on not selling well even though it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it was a TRIBBLE poor designed ship and that is why it didn't and still doesn't sell well and barely ever seen used because of 3 consoles that are pretty much gimmicks and their set is a joke as well.
I keep telling myself they have just been putting off doing anything to the BoP till they have upgrades and balance passes done to it... like making it so BoPs don't get vaporized by the first torpedo spread they come across in Elite PvE queues. And when its all done, we'll see a sudden surprise overhaul of the BoPs.
I can dream can't I?
Hehe...we can allways dream.
Personally, I've been craving for a Fleet Hegh'ta for a long time as well. I get it that it can be complicated having many end-game BoPs due to their similar setup, but this is a ship that I imidiately fell in love with and would like to have an improved fleet version.
When you come think of it, the Hegh'ta already has a fleet level BoP hull, so releasing a fleet version of this ship would be some sort of an BoP improvement by itself.
Or you could say the Fleet accessible BoPs have lower hull than they should have...
But sure, I still like the Hegh'ta look more than the B'Rel, Norgh, Ning'tao or Hoh'Sus. So a Fleet Hegh'ta is a plus.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!