Just a quick check to see if this happened to anyone else after the latest patch;
I've loved the Dyson uniform, and have proudly displayed it on all my toons and all my bridge officers ever since my fleet unlocked it. However! After the update earlier, the boots disappeared from all my male BOFFs and characters! If I go to try and edit the uniform in any means, they vanish and are no longer listed under the feet menu. My female characters and BOFFs are unaffected.
Was this intentional? Why are my boots gone? Where did they go? My character and his officers' feet are cold as they huddle in the trenches of the ground warfare zone, and I'd like an answer. I can't imagine this was intentional, as the boots were totally unisex and looked great on both genders.
Yep, posted about this in the gameplay bugs section myself: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1004741