I'm new to STO and I'm enjoying the Foundry missions a lot. I wanted to play some of the missions I've seen advertised on Youtube such as the Purity Series. There's also a bunch of later installments of series (part 4 or 5 etc) but I can't find any of the older installments by searching them.
Is there a way to find these older missions or do they become lost in the ever expanding history of STO? Also if anyone has any suggestions for missions/series that tie into the Klingon War that'd be cool, I already played Sword of the Kuvah'Magh. Very cool!
It should be easy to find later instalments of a series if you know the title or author that you're looking for. Which search tab are you using? There are about four; I'm not sure exactly, and for some reason the game won't load tonight so I can check. But the main one you need to use - well, let's say, the one I always use and never have any problems finding missions - is the "Custom" tab. The others are a bit odd, mainly showing the latest or most popular missions rather than exactly what you searched for.
Once you've opened the "Custom" tab, as Ashkrik says, type the name of the mission in the "Title" box, and there you are.
Purity III, iirc, uses 31 level mobs, so if you're not yet up to the level requirements of the mobs in the mission, then you won't see the missions. Otherwise, you should be able to find older missions, but you have to know what to search for in the custom tab.
Several authors of really great missions (like Alimac) have moved on from the Foundry and their missions are in a broken state or simply unpublished.
Thank you for playing the Foundry. I wish it was easier to find all of the good stuff.
Ah-haa! I think that's why i can't find them. I must be looking for missions which are above me just now... I'm only a lowly lieutenant-commander at the moment! Well good, that gives me something to look forward to!
I'm finding some of the foundry missions have better stories than the main game at times. I think after I've played more I'll try to make my own.
Once you've opened the "Custom" tab, as Ashkrik says, type the name of the mission in the "Title" box, and there you are.
Several authors of really great missions (like Alimac) have moved on from the Foundry and their missions are in a broken state or simply unpublished.
Thank you for playing the Foundry. I wish it was easier to find all of the good stuff.
I'm finding some of the foundry missions have better stories than the main game at times. I think after I've played more I'll try to make my own.