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Best Science Boff skills to use

robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
As many people know science captains are getting a secondary deflector on there ships. Now my sci captain is normaly in a cruiser but i want to transfer to a science craft and have a question about sci doff skills.
I know Tractor Beam (Which I use Borg one), Gravity Well and Tykens Rift are the best doff skills to get but apart from those which ones are the best to use.

And finally what are the worst ones to have and must be avoided.
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  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2014
    This first 2nd deflector concentrates mainly on drain skills so it's better on a drain build. Once we get other types of 2nd deflector options, then there will be other possibilities. With this first one, I'd go for Energy Siphon, Tachyon Beam, and Tyken's Rift as they are all drain skills all enhanced by flow capacitors and get an extra bonus of shield drain with all 3. Keep Hazard Emitters on hand in case you need it.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    lucho80 wrote: »
    This first 2nd deflector concentrates mainly on drain skills so it's better on a drain build. Once we get other types of 2nd deflector options, then there will be other possibilities. With this first one, I'd go for Energy Siphon, Tachyon Beam, and Tyken's Rift as they are all drain skills all enhanced by flow capacitors and get an extra bonus of shield drain with all 3. Keep Hazard Emitters on hand in case you need it.

    I'm running an awesome Vesta build with Grav Well, Tychen's Rift, Energy Syphon, Tachyon beam, science team, hazard emitters, and transfer shield strength. I'd personally call these the core science abilities with the rest (feedback pulse, photonic bridge officer, viral matrix, tractor abilities, ect.) occupying "niche" space that you can dip in and out of as you see fit.

    However, prioritizing among them comes down to what you've spent skill points on, what ship you'll be using, what equipment you have, and how you ultimately want to play all that. Starting out with a pure science ship I say, go for a more direct build, learn how to use it differently than a cruiser, then try to work in the more devious stuff.
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  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Gravity well. Tractor beam repulsers, hazard emitters, transfer shield strength are awesome

    Tykens rift and energy syphon for pvp drainage is awesome

    Polarize, science team hull and tractor beam are decent to say the least

    Viral matrix is hit and miss

    Feedback pulse is devastating in pvp. a round when built around

    Tachyon beam is useless

    I think that's all of em
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    robeasom wrote: »
    I know Tractor Beam (Which I use Borg one), Gravity Well and Tykens Rift are the best doff skills to get but apart from those which ones are the best to use.
    And finally what are the worst ones to have and must be avoided.
    exactly. grav well and tyken rift are the most important.
    however never mix them. go either full drain or full crowd-control setup.
    best is to have them twice to reduce cooldown somewhat.
    also there are several "aftershock" doffs, which are essential.

    which skills avoid? as bad as it sounds - near anything else.
    tachyon beam has been nerved to uselessness very long ago. even a swarm of tachyon drones from a carrier barely make difference.
    energy siphon? very good in pvp, because its a bit stronger then tyken and buffs you, but its single target.
    tractor beam has its uses, still not as much as some one would hope. just because targets are either so slow that you don't need it or so fast that i wouldn't make difference. and even then its single target. main use is to prevent some one from using the battle cloak.
    still donatra cheat and cloak even under tractor.
    tractor beam repulsors - use them once or twice and you earn you place on ignore list. i've seen only few players using them wisely, all other just spoil the game.
    scramble sensors? worthless.
    particle burst? also outside of cloaked pvp no uses at all. damage is very low.
    photonic shockwave can deny the using of some nukes by some bosses like donatra's talaron blast. but that's it.
    viral matrix also has been nerved to uselessness.

    feedback pulse however can deliver a LOT of damage. but you have to be primary target and stand under focus fire. if you manage to make enough dps to be the highest agro/damage dealer you will do hell of a damage. if not then skill slot is wasted.

    in my opinion drain setup is the best option, so i would recommend using the tyken rift. especially along with plasmonic leech console.
    "thumb rule" is like tyken3, tyken2, 2 hazards1, 2 tss2.
    or gw3, gw2, 2 hazards1, 2 tss2 if you like gravity well.

    if you want to try feedback pulse then - feedback3, feedback2, 2 polarize hull, 2 hazards.
    simple reason - you can't use both, feedback and transfer shield at same time, shared cooldown, so you go hull-tanking :).
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