I know i am not the only one who sees this, but these new dyson ships are basically a "grind to get" version of the veteran 1000 day ships. I didn't like the idea of them from the start because us subscribers payed to support the game and now the people who played for free are getting something that was exclusive to subscribers.
Now they say there will be a 10 console 3 pack of the dyson ships in the c-store, so now everyone can buy what is basically a better version of the veteran ships. Not to mention that you make your subscribers pay more to get a fleet ship module for the fleet version of the very ship they got as a thank you for supporting the game.
Now don't misunderstand me here, i am happy that science players will get a nice ship to fly and it will be a c-store item and not a fleet item, but now you are messing with the players who are supporting you and it is going to hurt cryptic.