this is a hosus build im working on it, i will like opinion of other bop owners if it will work or things i need to change, this is just for pve for now.
of the build the weapons im not willing to change them cause already buy them and the fleet tactical consoles for them. the doff except for 2 conn officers for tactical team dunno what else to get, some help there will be great.
ty in advance for the help.
3 techs, marion, rsp doff, 1 of your choice.
For pve...that's how I would rock it...and it would rock well. completely unorthodox but epic just the same.
Here's a more streamlined version of your build
Gravimetric doff, 5 of your choice...
Always best to have csv and attack pattern at global cooldown.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree