As I write this, there's one Jem'Hadar Attack Ship (aka, the bug ship) on the Exchange, and it's selling for 500 million EC. Clearly, it's one rare and popular ship.
There's also a number of annoying and persistent bugs in the game that defy resolution patch after patch. They're the cause of an unceasing supply of consternation among the player base.
So how about Cryptic sell some bug ships to fund a bug squashing fund? All proceeds from JHAS store sales would be solely directed to fixing long-standing gameplay issues.
Call it, oh I don't know, the Pun Fund or something.
Of all the lockbox-y ships to just put in the C-Store, either temporarily or permanently I'd say the bug should go in. Maybe make it cost more than the standard zen amount for a Tier 5 ship and keep it character locked.
It'd obviously sell very well, even if only to people who want bug ship pets on their Jem Dreads. Good idea, the devs would be wise to consider it.
I would support you supporting this. I would also support the OP.
And I'll support you supporting them!
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
It'd obviously sell very well, even if only to people who want bug ship pets on their Jem Dreads. Good idea, the devs would be wise to consider it.