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Few questions from returning player.

blonckebloncke Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Hey all,

I've recently picking up STO again, and I had a few questions. Last time I played the Cardassian Struggle was the last episode to go live. I've played through all the episodes now.

I was wondering though, which missions do you guys think I should play through again, in order to get some good rewards. Which missions are worth replaying for possibly newly added rewards I may have missed in the past? Very rare BOFF, or DOFF are always interesting. :P

Second questions. I have played through the Cardassian missions a ton of times, and at the moment I fly an Odyssey cruiser with the Jem'Hadar space set. I also have all the Jem'Hadar ground weapons. Both are upgraded using the Lobi crystals. I have enough Lobi left to purchase a ship of the Lobi vendor. Should I pick the Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught Carrier, since I already have all the Dominion weapons and items, or is another ship better? Ideally I would like the Galor, but it would appear it's not for sale on the Lobi vendor. Other sets I have are the Borg Assimilated space set, and the Breen set. Unfortunately I seem to have just mission the episode release and the free Obelist Carrier. I"m a Federation Engineer, if that matters. :)

PS, if anyone is interested in trading a Galor for a Lobi ship of your choice, let me know!

Finally, what are the current "strong" builds and BOFF layouts? It would appear some things have changes since last I played, and I"m a little lost as to what is good now. :)


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    scoustarscoustar Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Wow, that's a lot of questions!

    No, really, that's some serious information you're requesting!!

    I'll try to break it down into some simple steps...

    1. Forget the episodes; if you've done them all only replay those you enjoy :)
    1a. If you do want to re-run episodes for things like the Jem'Hadar Boff feel free; he's not really much good these days, more of an aesthetic choice, like most episode rewards really :rolleyes:

    2. With regards to Lobi Store ships, they're all pretty much of a muchness - they all have benefits and weaknesses. They all have similar Exchange values. The Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier is a monster ship, but it's very expensive to set up fully. You can buy some simple, cheap weaponry for it (Polarons if you have the Jem'Hadar space equipment set) and set it up however best suits your play style. I run mine with beams, but it's equally viable with cannons and torps/mines as you see fit (I'm lazy, so no effort is best) The Elite Hangar Pets (not essential but best available) require you to own the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship first; a very expensive outlay!! Add to this all of the extra equipment like Warp Core (Elite Fleet best) and Consoles (since Cardassian episodes was last time you played, prepare to require an all-new console layout (including several new Reputation (ie grind) consoles and more Fleet consoles)) and you're in for some very serious spending :eek:

    3. Boff build layouts are still very varied. The "simplest" recommended build these days (prepares to be flamed) is the "cookie-cutter" Aux2Batt (Auxiliary power to the emergency battery) build using 3 Technician Doffs for Boff ability cooldown reduction. Particularly viable build to your engineer career path as the ships best suited to you have plenty of available engineering Boff slots

    Apologies if there's a lot there but, in fact, there's hardly any information there at all. As I said at the start... You want a LOT of info ;)
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