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Now if only there was a place for a dedicated repair ship in STFs, or hell, even a dedicated debuffer.
As for officially announced stuff, the new ship switching mechanic should add much-needed flexibility to players who routinely fly more than one ship per character. That is the one I'd vote for.
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I haven't come across that leak -- would you post a link, please?
I have come across these:
http://imgur.com/a/Iosic --- Anniversary Ships
Although, Priority One Podcast can NOT YET CONFIRM the validity of these ships.
For season 8.5, what excites me most is the new episode. The only reason why the power tray and ship setup does not excite me as much is because my tray and ship boff layout for changing ships and boffs has been working almost flawlessly. I can change ships and it remembers my crew. I change boffs and the abilities change themselves on the tray. Sto has this feature built in but it is buggy and it is a matter of leaning how to work it. I would go into more detail but it would be kinda moot at this point. I can also seem to change ships from my shuttle bridge as well.
The only problem I can see with this new setup is if you change ships and you have limited boff slots you may not be near a boff trainer to retrain them for the different ship. In those instances you will still need esd, qo'nos or a high enough fleet starbase.
Edit. If they include doff swapping in the mix then I'm sold. otherwise there is not much time saving.
I wonder if we?ll ever see a unique ground set for special events. Ships are great, but since ground gameplay has gotten so much better with the launch Season 8 it would be interesting to see what could be done with some new ground equipment. A hybrid tech ground set with a unique costume unlock would be great.
I'm looking forward to getting to play the finalized versions of the KDF War arc especially seeing the new Origins Interior getting used to great effect in "The City of the Edge of Never." I'm also glad we'll be able to save ship layouts.
However this ship switch mechanic has me very VERY concerned.
The STO team seems to have this tendency to introduce mechanics that marginalize social zones. Remember Deep Space Nine pre-Season 7? It was one of the most used social zones. And why? Because the Task Force Omega Vendors were there. We had to go there at max level for our gear. After the Rep System Launched, the population at DS9 dropped dramatically. We have so many zones that are becoming empty and dead: Bajor, Vulcan, Andoria, Starbase Sierra, K-7, Ganalda Station, Drozana... Even adventure zones like Nukara and New Romulus. And why? Because we as players have gotten more convenient features like being able to access the Nukara Hards from the Queue or using a Tuffli Freighter to access Bank and Exchange on the go.
Now, I hear all the time "well I need these features because I have limited time to play the game." To which I reply: removing Trek Nostalgia from the equation, you are playing an MMORPG, a genre that is a notorious time sink. Even single player RPGs are time sinks. The inconvenience of having to backtrack to a social hub to use certain features is ubiquitous to this genre as the touchdown is to football. If we keep adding more convenience features like this new one, we will have no reason to have social zones at all. For that matter, we'll have no reason to have sector space either. This causes the world this game is in to shrink. Let me give everyone an example:
(Elijah and James, if you use me as a quote, rediculously summarize this part) In RPGs, typically the protagonist has limited inventory, so they have to buy a house or storage somewhere. So after a dungeon crawl, they come back to that house, store the loot they want to keep, sell to a local merchant and then head out again. After a while, subconciously, the player treats that town as "home" giving them a connection to it. Then if something happens there, they can get upset or angry or sad about it, because they care about it. This is "RP" part of an RPG.
There is no reason why STO shouldn't be this way. Every 10 or so episodes of TNG they were stopping at starbases or meeting with other ships for crew transfers and resupply. Because logisitics is just a part of life and to make life more simpler in STO starts taking that away and thus starts taking away part of the Trek part. If this trend continues those zones will have no purpose and STO will be downgraded to just a Queue and a power tray that does everything. And at that moment: we no longer have a game.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
Yes it's just a claim, so I am being more than a bit optimistic. Although apparently it's verifyable - you look through your fully-patched Tribble, you'll find it. But I'm a tad too lazy for that.
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It's not a "leak". Al "CaptainGeko" Rivera actually talked about it in this Trek.fm Podcast.
At about 44 Minutes he starts talking about balance. The podcast came out around the time cruisers got comm arrays and he goes into the reasoning why they did that.
At about 48 minutes he reveals the idea of a secondary deflector dish for science ships. How they could have deflector stats and a power on top of it. Kind of like a doff power. Like adding dmg procs to control powers. Or adding shield healing on top of hull healing powers. Something along those lines. Just give it a listen. Of course he talks about "plans" and "we've been talking about..."
And we all know plans can change...
Maybe I should end this with my two cents on the topic at hand...
I'm looking forward to quick equip, starship build-out saving and at the end of the road easy ship swapping.
Okay those look so cool, I'm looking forward to the aniversary episode.
Seems logical to me.
If those are the real ships then they are really pretty, exceptional job by the art team
The Federation one does look like it may have been based on a Luna without the mission pod.
Though the Romulan ship seems to be based on the Ar'kif and the Klingon one on the Peghqu (particularly the guns on the nose), though, both of which are escorts.
Not all tactical ships are escorts.
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1) Right now I get somewhat limited use out of what is meant to be my main toon's flagship, the USS Pax Federatica (natch), because I currently have it set up as a general-purpose ship and my other ships set up for more specialized purposes (one ship for the CE, another for the Dyson Sphere, etc.) With this new feature I can make multiple custom loadouts for the Pax to use in a wider variety of missions than I use it for now (basically just fleet-mark missions).
2) The ability to take ship equipment directly from our character banks makes organizing my in-game stuff a lot easier. We can just throw all our ship equipment into the character bank, leaving more regular inventory space for consumables and such.
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