Has anyone encountered an error when trying to use chat channels. Specifically I am able to send messages to "PublicEliteSTF" and "RedditChat" but I cannot receive messages back. I have force verified the game files, removed myself from said channels above and reclogged. Once I logged back in still no messages received. I even checked to see if I had enabled both channels on the chat settings (Since I use separate tabs for multiple channels).
The Oddity is I can receive some messages across the fleet channels I am a member off but that seems a bit hit and miss at the moment.
If anyone has encountered this or has a fix for it I will buy you a drink at quarks lol
No Drama, No Fuss, Just good old fashioned pew pew!
The command is something along those lines. Happened to me a couple of times as well. I thought everyone stopped pestf for Christmas lol.
I am Elachi! All other sentient lifeforms must bow before Elachi! Yo soy Elachi! For those of you who don't "habla Iconoa", Elachi is Iconian for.. The Achi!
The command is something along those lines. Happened to me a couple of times as well. I thought everyone stopped pestf for Christmas lol.