I was wondering if the designers planned to go back and bring obsolete ships in line so that they become worthwhile again...
Let me explain, some people might fly a particular VA ship because it looks nice, and they like it. Which is fine I do that, but in the end 'game' wise we're 'gimped' because there is another ship which can perform that role better.
As they release more and more ships 90% of ships become obsolete, especially the original tier 5 ships. Even the 'retrofits'.
A player might like a specific cruiser, it's a tier 5 ship, but the 'goto' ship in that role is X ship. So everyone uses that, therefore that said cruiser no longer has a place in the game.
I'd like to see a system for the next tier which doesn't make it a progression but makes it versatile, highly specialized something like what eve did with tech3 ships. They realized that by constantly going up and up and up to tech 10, everything else would be obsolete, so they made a lateral approach to ship design.
environmental suit activated
Currently cruising the Pi Canis Sector Block...
I seem to recall at one point Geko talked about power creep and older ships, though to be honest I dont actually recall what he said, or if it was a P1 interview or a STOked one. All I do recall is that its something they have kept in mind, but as we have seen they havent made any real changes so far to address it.