nothing fancy, I mean we get character costumes and a vet ship, but how about a vet bridge, same default bridge we have now with a different color and some extra decorations. hell make it an exclusive for the vet ship. just a silly idea
Disco balls are cool and all that, but I really want a full on subspace Jukebox where I can choose the track that's played, the dance emotes that players in the vicinity would do, and the light effects coming from the Jukebox itself. If I could have that on my vet bridge, then I'm 100% behind the idea.
Disco balls are cool and all that, but I really want a full on subspace Jukebox where I can choose the track that's played, the dance emotes that players in the vicinity would do, and the light effects coming from the Jukebox itself. If I could have that on my vet bridge, then I'm 100% behind the idea.
im sure jim raynor wouldnt mind lending you his jukebox with that traditional red neck music and style .
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
A Tribble tank with a resident Disco Tribble and built-in Disco Ball. (Optional C-store flashing-lights dance floor) Win all around!
Mine Trap Supporter
I'd love to see a Tribble disco ball! lol
im sure jim raynor wouldnt mind lending you his jukebox with that traditional red neck music and style .
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.