Should be some major restrictions on it like the ability to cancel queued projects and those Basic Provision projects that cost up to 200k dilithium only.
Should be some major restrictions on it like the ability to cancel queued projects and those Basic Provision projects that cost up to 200k dilithium only.
the ability to cancel queued projects = ABSOLUTELY!
Definitely the ability to cancel queued projects, one of our alt fleets has stalled on its upgrades because the wrong one was incorrectly slotted. Been that way for nearly a month.
Had a similar issue with a former fleet leader who seemed to like queuing up 200,000 dil projects and forgetting the others that actually mattered. God what I would have given to cancel those.
Now a fleet leader myself, with a very small fleet, I won't bother with slotting those projects until all others are done or we get an influx of 450+ members and need something to do whilst the other projects are completing.
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Heck, just make "Empty Slot" an option in the project list. That'd take care of that.
My fleet just finished the Embassy off completely and we have miles of provisions, but people have slotted provision projects and people keep dribble contributing to them ahead of other "live" holdings. I'd love for people have common sense and contribute to the live stuff first, but in lieu of that just ensure we can stop sooner with a Empty Slot option would help.
My fleet just finished the Embassy off completely and we have miles of provisions, but people have slotted provision projects and people keep dribble contributing to them ahead of other "live" holdings. I'd love for people have common sense and contribute to the live stuff first, but in lieu of that just ensure we can stop sooner with a Empty Slot option would help.
I find the issue is that these people see a open project slot and have a bunch of Fleet Marks to donate. So instead of being considerate and fill out the other requirements as well, they just start these projects and leave it for others to complete it.
This problem can be solved by creating provision projects that cost just 5,000 Fleet Marks, has a cooldown of 30 minutes, and is in the Special projects slot. After all, the Starbase special project slot is no longer used except for when they do those Cosmetic Project Reruns and the other projects in that slot just suck. 600 Fleet Marks is just not enough especially when it takes forever to get that project filled up.
The problem I am having is that we have a small Fleet, and someone accidentally slotted a 200K Dilithium project, while under Dr's Care. It was completely by accident. We have plenty of ship slots, and all this project does is add 5 ship assignments.. No one has "fed it" yet..
Fleet Admiral GiGo
Network Prime Co-Processor
Hearts and Cortexes Graveyard Defense of Starbase 57
the ability to cancel queued projects = ABSOLUTELY!
Now a fleet leader myself, with a very small fleet, I won't bother with slotting those projects until all others are done or we get an influx of 450+ members and need something to do whilst the other projects are completing.
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
Removing a queued project- Definitely Yes
Heck, just make "Empty Slot" an option in the project list. That'd take care of that.
My fleet just finished the Embassy off completely and we have miles of provisions, but people have slotted provision projects and people keep dribble contributing to them ahead of other "live" holdings. I'd love for people have common sense and contribute to the live stuff first, but in lieu of that just ensure we can stop sooner with a Empty Slot option would help.
I find the issue is that these people see a open project slot and have a bunch of Fleet Marks to donate. So instead of being considerate and fill out the other requirements as well, they just start these projects and leave it for others to complete it.
This problem can be solved by creating provision projects that cost just 5,000 Fleet Marks, has a cooldown of 30 minutes, and is in the Special projects slot. After all, the Starbase special project slot is no longer used except for when they do those Cosmetic Project Reruns and the other projects in that slot just suck. 600 Fleet Marks is just not enough especially when it takes forever to get that project filled up.
Network Prime Co-Processor
Hearts and Cortexes Graveyard Defense of Starbase 57
this needs to happen
Don't do that. The thread had gone a month without comment.
Commenting in dead threads is against the forum rules. In future start a new thread.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy