I have a strong feeling that Cryptic is about to pull out their gold pooping monkey again. The JHAS. It seemed like the Voth Promo they ran with the Romulan Survivor pack was less then as popular then Cryptic expected. I have noticed whenever they discontinue a pack they run a JHAS special and the Rommy Pack has been around for almost a year now.
Also at the moment there are only a few JHAS's available, all hovering around 500 Million EC.
My conclusion is once the supply drys up and a pack has been around for awhile its time to release the JHAS. Last time was in August I believe, so we are about due.
If you have one, sell it. Once that magical monkey arrives the value of yours will plummet to between 250M and 350M.
I would just be happy with a C-store or Lobi version for carrier pets. I could care less about the ship it'self I want the pets
My thoughts exactly. I'd buy the attack ship as a carrier pet. That's why I wrote my sig...I just want it as a carrier pet. I'm never going to take it out of dry dock because the Federations fighters are pathetic.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
Why do I get the feeling the OP wants to scare people to sell their JHAS for cheap so they could buy it at a bargain? :rolleyes:
You might be right. But at the same time, I wouldn't mind paying $20 or $25 real world U.S. Dollars for a C-Store version of that attack ship. That ship is like the IRS, it only exists to take your money (or Energy credits in this case).
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
You might be right. But at the same time, I wouldn't mind paying $20 or $25 real world U.S. Dollars for a C-Store version of that attack ship. That ship is like the IRS, it only exists to take your money (or Energy credits in this case).
It's a ridiculous amount to pay and I have over $1.5 billion EC. I would not even buy that ship if it were down to $200 million. Although with dozens of toons I don't use anything other than c-store ships - which I have at least 15 T5's and at least that many sub T5
I have no interest in flying the godly Bug myself, the only reason I would ever get one would be to unlock the hangers for my JHDC and it's a damn shame that I'd have to do that :mad:
I wouldn't be shocked if they did. Cursory evidence seems to indicate that Voth were less than a big splash. Not shocking considering they appeared in 1 forgettable episode of a forgettable series.
But Geko had to have his Dinos in space ... with laser beams on his head.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Sooner or later they will bring the JHAS lottery again, but even if ther prices on the exchage fall dramatically, eventually they will rise again a few weeks after the "limited-time offer" finish
"In every age,
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
long ago, they were in the 200-250mil range when they were dropping. common supply and demand, as more show up the price will drop, or more precisely, as the supply increases people will wait for the price to drop before buying. if they weren't worried about price to begin with, there wouldnt be any left on the exchange as its been so long since they dropped.
so "people buying htem for 200-250m and reselling them for 500m" will not net them a sale if they didn't sell the ones they had already up they wouldn't sell the one they got now.
I have no interest in flying the godly Bug myself, the only reason I would ever get one would be to unlock the hangers for my JHDC and it's a damn shame that I'd have to do that :mad:
That's the reason why I'd buy the ship from the C-Store (if they had it). I gave Cryptic enough of my money getting a JHDC, I don't want to go through that again just for an escort I'll NEVER fly.
But Cryptic doesn't have the balls to sell the Jem'Hadar Attack ship on the C-Store (because that ship is their cash cow). I'd gladly spend $20 U.S. Dollars to buy Zen for that ship. All of us with JHDC's would buy it from the C-Store, the down side is all of the people selling it (for the price of your soul ) on the exchange would get mad.
The chance to win one from one of their packages makes them more money then just selling it out right. Because you're essentially gambling to get that ship. Like I said in my Sig, I've gone through to much to get the JHDC, I'm not ever going to do that again.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
The number on the exchange has gone up from 3 to 4, lowest price is 490M. I'm telling you folks be careful of the gold pooping monkey. When he arrives the price of the bug will plummet and the Exchange will take a dive as people do fire sales to gather the EC to buy the packs.
I had a JHAS a long time ago, held it for a couple of months, sold it for 450M and have used the proceeds to invest and make my game nearly grind free. I have also enriched the gaming experiences of many people in my fleet. I now have more then I started with and have given away a number of ships and equipment to my fleet mates. Personally Its a waste of EC to buy one in my opinion.
That's the reason why I'd buy the ship from the C-Store (if they had it). I gave Cryptic enough of my money getting a JHDC, I don't want to go through that again just for an escort I'll NEVER fly.
Why all the hating on the bug ship?! It's a very good and sturdy ship (basically a pimped out Fleet Patrol Escort, only with 5x Tact consoles).
And, silly me, I forgot the most important thing: it's so very very pretty, with that Jem set on it.
I have no interest in flying the godly Bug myself, the only reason I would ever get one would be to unlock the hangers for my JHDC and it's a damn shame that I'd have to do that :mad:
Started a grind to get one - got fed up and gave up.
Will take my chances on the next time the JHAS turn up in a DO "luck" box
Why all the hating on the bug ship?! It's a very good and sturdy ship (basically a pimped out Fleet Patrol Escort, only with 5x Tact consoles).
And, silly me, I forgot the most important thing: it's so very very pretty, with that Jem set on it.
It's not anything against the ship. It's "ok looking to me", but I prefer to fly carriers. That's why I don't want to go through flaming hooping just to get the ship when I really only want the carrier pet version of it.
Lastly, I've noticed the Jem'Hadar kit is very popular(regardless if it's an escort, carrier, cruiser or some hybrid ship). Every time I play I see a ship with that infamous grey/purple color scheme.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
Why all the hating on the bug ship?! It's a very good and sturdy ship (basically a pimped out Fleet Patrol Escort, only with 5x Tact consoles).
And, silly me, I forgot the most important thing: it's so very very pretty, with that Jem set on it.
The Jem'hadar Attack Ship's base turn rate is +6 too high for the base hull strength, or it has 5,500 more hull than a ship should have with that base turn rate. However you want to look at that, it's the problem. The Wells is the same way, it has 1,000 more hull and 0.02 more shields than a ship with turn rate should have as a Science Vessel.
It's not anything against the ship. It's "ok looking to me", but I prefer to fly carriers. That's why I don't want to go through flaming hooping just to get the ship when I really only want the carrier pet version of it.
On the latter we can certainly agree. I'm still more than a little annoyed that I have to buy a JHAS first, before I can get the namesame pets for my JHDC. The Fleet store description on them is quite misleading that way: you won't know, until you try to buy them.
On the latter we can certainly agree. I'm still more than a little annoyed that I have to buy a JHAS first, before I can get the namesame pets for my JHDC. The Fleet store description on them is quite misleading that way: you won't know, until you try to buy them.
As you can tell by my avatar, I've only been playing this game since April 2013. But for those of you whom have been playing longer, what year did you HAVE TO have the Jem'Attack Ship in your possession before you can buy the carrier pet version?
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
The JHAS was first introduced during the Winter Event the month before the game went F2P, and because of it's rarity it was selling for 300-500 million right off the bat.
It didn't become a requirement for the carrier pet until they released the Jem Carrier lockbox that used the pets many months later. Exactly when I can't recall. But you ALWAYS had to have the bug ship to get the bug pets for the carrier. They just didn't tell us that until they released the carrier.
Didn't this game go FP2 in early 2011? If that's correct then it's been their go to cash cow for 3 consecutive years now.
This is why I find the requirement very stupid. ANYONE (that has a Romulan toon and has reached the required level) can buy the most powerful ship in the game,...The Scimitar. I affectionately refer to the Scimitar as "Death's Space ship". You'll spend more money on a JHAS than you would on the most powerful ship in the game (the Scimitar). Then shouldn't the JHAS be the most powerful ship in the game, to warrant it's price tag?
Maybe it's just me that finds that strange.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
Didn't this game go FP2 in early 2011? If that's correct then it's been their go to cash cow for 3 consecutive years now.
This is why I find the requirement very stupid. ANYONE (that has a Romulan toon and has reached the required level) can buy the most powerful ship in the game,...The Scimitar. I affectionately refer to the Scimitar as "Death's Space ship". You'll spend more money on a JHAS than you would on the most powerful ship in the game (the Scimitar). Then shouldn't the JHAS be the most powerful ship in the game, to warrant it's price tag?
Maybe it's just me that finds that strange.
If something is rare enough, there's always some chump willing to pay out of the nose for it. It doesn't have to be the best.
Didn't this game go FP2 in early 2011? If that's correct then it's been their go to cash cow for 3 consecutive years now.
This is why I find the requirement very stupid. ANYONE (that has a Romulan toon and has reached the required level) can buy the most powerful ship in the game,...The Scimitar. I affectionately refer to the Scimitar as "Death's Space ship". You'll spend more money on a JHAS than you would on the most powerful ship in the game (the Scimitar). Then shouldn't the JHAS be the most powerful ship in the game, to warrant it's price tag?
Maybe it's just me that finds that strange.
actually, when it first came out, it was able to be gotten for free just by running the Q's winter wonderland race, not like the breen ships, you used to get a holiday package, the equivilant of a lockbox but not needing the key, only the red ones had a chance of dropping it i believe, they also sold them in the C-store for a limited time (the holiday presents, not the JHAS). but that initial run, if you were lucky, you never had to pay a dime to get it.
and it was the first "lockbox" ship, when it was released it WAS the most powerful ship in the game, some still consider it such. however, if they kept buffing the JHAS (it had already been buffed once, to fleet ship status, since its release) people would riot, and then demand all other lockbox ships be buffed, then people would complain that their fleet ships arent competitive anymore, and then those that own the "fleet ship comparable three packs" like the scim, oddy, bort, etc. would ***** that their purchases were now usesless...... it's basically a never ending cycle if you went on "how a ship should perfom" by how much money was spent on it.
The only reason the BUG ship is highly prized is because it was the first of its kind, first non-aligned vessel given to the STO populace. The only means to obtain one was via the red gift boxes of the 1st Winter event, a time that left many people broke, and many hearts broken.
No ship in STO has more controversy surrounding it than the infamous BUG. At the time, its spec was superior to any other Escort in STO, it was the envy of Star Trek Online. To this day, Cryptic refuses to place this non-aligned ship inside a lock box, doing so will make it lose its value and mystique.
The Bulwark cruiser is a pile of s h ! t, sure it has great specs and even an interesting weapon console, but truth be told, nobody cares about the non-canon dung. It is ugly and unappealing, and to top it off, it is non-canon.
The Bug is canon and represent what players want in their game, STAR TREK. Ships like the Risian Escort, any Voth vessel, Atrox, various KDF vessels, Gorn vessels, wells class and its destroyer counterpart, and even some of the Romulan vessels, though having some good qualities, are nothing in comparison to ships that have their origins in the movies and television series.
Ultimately the Voth are simply not interesting, originating from the minds of writers and designers at a studio whose only purpose is to make money by selling variety of ships that has nothing to do with Star Trek at all.
It is sad that Cryptic's only focus in bringing home the bacon, is by introducing ships every year. There is more to STO than just ships, ships, ships. They have yet to introduce bundle packs that consist of other aspect of this game, such as a TNG Costume/Alien species pack or weapons of the show, authentic weapons, etc....
There are also interesting species that can be added to the Federation roster, unfortunately; the same cannot be said about the KDF Faction and the Romulan Mini faction.
Don't get me wrong, not all of their non-canonical nonsense is bad or butt ugly like that Bulwark monstrosity, in fact I own many of those non-canonical vessels, however; in the end, I feel they need to steer away from ship offers and focus more on other contents that STO has to offer. Test the waters, take the risks, as of matter of fact, selling consoles and weapon sets that consist of both space and ground may be the better and smarter move for future sales.
The Bug is canon and represent what players want in their game, STAR TREK. Ships like the Risian Escort, any Voth vessel, Atrox, various KDF vessels, Gorn vessels, wells class and its destroyer counterpart, and even some of the Romulan vessels, though having some good qualities, are nothing in comparison to ships that have their origins in the movies and television series.
If we're making distinctions, strike the Wells Class from that list. The version we have in game is precisely what we saw in Star Trek: Voyager's "Relativity" and is most certainly canon.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Hate that stupid bug ship. :mad:
Yeah, ca. $300 RL bucks for ship with... wait for it... 2 Tact consoles. LOL.
Now, a Fleet Ark'if, with 4 Tact Consoles and a pet, that's more like it. I'd shell out for that, for sure!
My thoughts exactly. I'd buy the attack ship as a carrier pet. That's why I wrote my sig...I just want it as a carrier pet. I'm never going to take it out of dry dock because the Federations fighters are pathetic.
You might be right. But at the same time, I wouldn't mind paying $20 or $25 real world U.S. Dollars for a C-Store version of that attack ship. That ship is like the IRS, it only exists to take your money (or Energy credits in this case).
It's a ridiculous amount to pay and I have over $1.5 billion EC. I would not even buy that ship if it were down to $200 million. Although with dozens of toons I don't use anything other than c-store ships - which I have at least 15 T5's and at least that many sub T5
But Geko had to have his Dinos in space ... with laser beams on his head.
- Judge Aaron Satie
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
so "people buying htem for 200-250m and reselling them for 500m" will not net them a sale if they didn't sell the ones they had already up they wouldn't sell the one they got now.
That's the reason why I'd buy the ship from the C-Store (if they had it). I gave Cryptic enough of my money getting a JHDC, I don't want to go through that again just for an escort I'll NEVER fly.
But Cryptic doesn't have the balls to sell the Jem'Hadar Attack ship on the C-Store (because that ship is their cash cow). I'd gladly spend $20 U.S. Dollars to buy Zen for that ship. All of us with JHDC's would buy it from the C-Store, the down side is all of the people selling it (for the price of your soul ) on the exchange would get mad.
The chance to win one from one of their packages makes them more money then just selling it out right. Because you're essentially gambling to get that ship. Like I said in my Sig, I've gone through to much to get the JHDC, I'm not ever going to do that again.
I had a JHAS a long time ago, held it for a couple of months, sold it for 450M and have used the proceeds to invest and make my game nearly grind free. I have also enriched the gaming experiences of many people in my fleet. I now have more then I started with and have given away a number of ships and equipment to my fleet mates. Personally Its a waste of EC to buy one in my opinion.
Why all the hating on the bug ship?! It's a very good and sturdy ship (basically a pimped out Fleet Patrol Escort, only with 5x Tact consoles).
And, silly me, I forgot the most important thing: it's so very very pretty, with that Jem set on it.
Started a grind to get one - got fed up and gave up.
Will take my chances on the next time the JHAS turn up in a DO "luck" box
It's not anything against the ship. It's "ok looking to me", but I prefer to fly carriers. That's why I don't want to go through flaming hooping just to get the ship when I really only want the carrier pet version of it.
Lastly, I've noticed the Jem'Hadar kit is very popular(regardless if it's an escort, carrier, cruiser or some hybrid ship). Every time I play I see a ship with that infamous grey/purple color scheme.
The Jem'hadar Attack Ship's base turn rate is +6 too high for the base hull strength, or it has 5,500 more hull than a ship should have with that base turn rate. However you want to look at that, it's the problem. The Wells is the same way, it has 1,000 more hull and 0.02 more shields than a ship with turn rate should have as a Science Vessel.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
kinda have that feeling too.....but my bug will stay in my account bank until I decide what to do with it...so OP...good luck buying a cheap one lol
On the latter we can certainly agree. I'm still more than a little annoyed that I have to buy a JHAS first, before I can get the namesame pets for my JHDC. The Fleet store description on them is quite misleading that way: you won't know, until you try to buy them.
As you can tell by my avatar, I've only been playing this game since April 2013. But for those of you whom have been playing longer, what year did you HAVE TO have the Jem'Attack Ship in your possession before you can buy the carrier pet version?
Didn't this game go FP2 in early 2011? If that's correct then it's been their go to cash cow for 3 consecutive years now.
This is why I find the requirement very stupid. ANYONE (that has a Romulan toon and has reached the required level) can buy the most powerful ship in the game,...The Scimitar. I affectionately refer to the Scimitar as "Death's Space ship". You'll spend more money on a JHAS than you would on the most powerful ship in the game (the Scimitar). Then shouldn't the JHAS be the most powerful ship in the game, to warrant it's price tag?
Maybe it's just me that finds that strange.
If something is rare enough, there's always some chump willing to pay out of the nose for it. It doesn't have to be the best.
And Scimitar isn't the best.
actually, when it first came out, it was able to be gotten for free just by running the Q's winter wonderland race, not like the breen ships, you used to get a holiday package, the equivilant of a lockbox but not needing the key, only the red ones had a chance of dropping it i believe, they also sold them in the C-store for a limited time (the holiday presents, not the JHAS). but that initial run, if you were lucky, you never had to pay a dime to get it.
and it was the first "lockbox" ship, when it was released it WAS the most powerful ship in the game, some still consider it such. however, if they kept buffing the JHAS (it had already been buffed once, to fleet ship status, since its release) people would riot, and then demand all other lockbox ships be buffed, then people would complain that their fleet ships arent competitive anymore, and then those that own the "fleet ship comparable three packs" like the scim, oddy, bort, etc. would ***** that their purchases were now usesless...... it's basically a never ending cycle if you went on "how a ship should perfom" by how much money was spent on it.
No ship in STO has more controversy surrounding it than the infamous BUG. At the time, its spec was superior to any other Escort in STO, it was the envy of Star Trek Online. To this day, Cryptic refuses to place this non-aligned ship inside a lock box, doing so will make it lose its value and mystique.
The Bulwark cruiser is a pile of s h ! t, sure it has great specs and even an interesting weapon console, but truth be told, nobody cares about the non-canon dung. It is ugly and unappealing, and to top it off, it is non-canon.
The Bug is canon and represent what players want in their game, STAR TREK. Ships like the Risian Escort, any Voth vessel, Atrox, various KDF vessels, Gorn vessels, wells class and its destroyer counterpart, and even some of the Romulan vessels, though having some good qualities, are nothing in comparison to ships that have their origins in the movies and television series.
Ultimately the Voth are simply not interesting, originating from the minds of writers and designers at a studio whose only purpose is to make money by selling variety of ships that has nothing to do with Star Trek at all.
It is sad that Cryptic's only focus in bringing home the bacon, is by introducing ships every year. There is more to STO than just ships, ships, ships. They have yet to introduce bundle packs that consist of other aspect of this game, such as a TNG Costume/Alien species pack or weapons of the show, authentic weapons, etc....
There are also interesting species that can be added to the Federation roster, unfortunately; the same cannot be said about the KDF Faction and the Romulan Mini faction.
Don't get me wrong, not all of their non-canonical nonsense is bad or butt ugly like that Bulwark monstrosity, in fact I own many of those non-canonical vessels, however; in the end, I feel they need to steer away from ship offers and focus more on other contents that STO has to offer. Test the waters, take the risks, as of matter of fact, selling consoles and weapon sets that consist of both space and ground may be the better and smarter move for future sales.
If we're making distinctions, strike the Wells Class from that list. The version we have in game is precisely what we saw in Star Trek: Voyager's "Relativity" and is most certainly canon.