just forwarding this, as it was reported to me on my googledoc but is actually a game bug, so that one is for you Bort.
it used to be that all Gamma Quadrant commodities (Bateret Incense, Ferasan Nepeta Leaves etc.) Haggle assignments, Shortfall / Shortage / Emergency Shortage were all visible by both Factions.
Now it seems that "shortfall/shortage/emergency are faction-specific for leaves and incense", which would be inconsistent with the rest.
Please take a look at those assignments whenever you got the time, thx.
Probably not a high priority, as I don't think many people use this but: concerning Gamma Quadrant Commodities, while Haggle is indeed cross faction, shortfall/shortage/emergency don't seem to be (anymore?). I've been observing completely different sets of these assignments on my FED and KDF characters ever since I started paying attention to this (maybe not completely different, but they do differ, and that's certainly not due to cooldown, as I don't do these assignments. It's also not instance-specific problem).
Edit: Having looked closer at it for the last couple of days, I'm pretty convinced that
shortfall/shortage/emergency are faction-specific for leaves and incense. Other GQ assignments seem to be the same for both factions.