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The Forums Speak!- Fleet Defiant

mt268mt268 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
edited January 2014 in Federation Discussion
Hello! This is my build, as advised by the forums. Helpful comments will be... er... helpful.

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    jagdhippiesjagdhippies Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Looks solid, I would keep it.

    To change it's flavor a bit I would:
    drop the zero point console for the plasmonic leech
    drop the shield emitter amplifier for a flow capacitor
    use the obelisk warp core and the omni beam for the AP damage boost

    This would weaken your shields a tad and lower your crit chance slightly in favor of more power and a higher non-crit damage. That said, I see no reason to change what you have unless it does not jive with your play style.
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    looks solid.

    personally i'd add a EPtW1 and get 2 damage controle doffs so that you can keep both EPtW and EPtS up 100%

    possible improvement would be a warpcore with [AMP], 3 subsystems will probably allways be above 75 anyway which means 10,5% more dmg (would wait for the spire version, with the weapon power drain resist)

    and a plasmonic leech console instead of the armor console

    pretty sure, though not certain, that projectile doffs don't work with omega torp launcher, should you have one.

    doffs: 2-3 damage controle doffs, for the CD reduction of EPtx abilities. a warpcore engi that gives a chance to add power to all subsystem on activation of EPtx
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    red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Overall this is a pretty good build. I'd recommend the following:

    * Field Generator instead of Shield Emitter.
    * Swap the Covariant Shield to either the MACO Resilient Shield Mk XII or an Elite Fleet Resilient Shield [Cap]x2 [ResB] [Adapt]
    * I'd swap the electroceramic plating with either a Fleet Neutronium (with either +turn or +hullhp) or possibly a plasmonic leech
    * Elite Fleet Warp Core with [Amp], depending on your power setup
    * You might consider Polarize Hull 1, or swap THY2 for CSV1, though the latter is probably not as great a boon as it may seem.

    That said, overall, even without these suggestions it seems like a solid build overall, although I'd recommend you post the DOffs so they can be examined, as well..
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    stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It's hard to go wrong flying the Fleet Defiant. I've been toying around with Aux2ID with the doff, to give it a bit more manoeuvrability and tankiness. Had to replace EPtW1 with EPtS1 though, and that's one of the reasons why I wish the ensign slot was universal on this ship.
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