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4 Accolades are being removed, get them before S8.5 if you care



  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    I thought peace was good for business?
    Rules of Acquisition #34 and #35. Both are apparently true.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Diplomatic talk for trimming/cutting down on content, as if we need that :P. might want ot make it a campaign to get any story/exploration accolades so when they start messing with the other missions you've got them safe.

    That's exactly what they did, they actually dumbed down STO even more. It was too easy even with all common gear as a fresh character. For instance, P'Jem, they have you starting off on the steps. At this rate they might as well have us beam right to the boss room, fight, and leave. Forget story, because we now have the cliff notes edition.

    Wonder who the genius who thought this was a good idea?

    How about they actually try to make the story stand out more and get you more involved? And you got these huge planet zones, why even have them if you condensed it to a small part of the map, Cryptic? I remember my first time in STO, I actually went all over P'Jem, looking to see if there were easter eggs or tidbits into STO's history like we had with other MMOs. But they killed that sort of fun.

    This is partly why it's getting harder and harder to support this company. STO shouldn't be called an MMO anymore, its more like a singler player shooter on a console with bunch of people that you never need to team up with.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,517 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I remember my first time in STO, I actually went all over P'Jem, looking to see if there were easter eggs or tidbits into STO's history like we had with other MMOs.
    And did you find any? If not, how exactly is this "fun"? I can wander pointlessly for miles around here - I don't need video games for that.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Point of order: Only THREE Accolades are being removed. One of those accolades is accessible in another way, the Navigational Beacon one, which can also be earned by performing the same action during one of the other 2 missions that takes you to the same place.
  • vsilverwings1vsilverwings1 Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Accolade complete: What do you need with a starship? Completed a mission without the use of a starship.

    Maybe this is the start of the JJ verse technology (only much much later) where we can simply take on the mission, instance transfer to the target and......what the heck blow it up/kill before beaming back and getting the credit. Wow the life of a starfleet officer is such hard work :P.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Also very stable; never got hit by a bug.

    And as such, made every other mission look bad by comparison- therefore, it has to go. ;)
  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Time to get rid of the Storyline anyway, the real money is in repetive grinds for shiny toys, lockboxes, and lockbox currency items. Now let me get back to grinding out that mission over, and over that awards my fleet the privilege to unlock the ability to unlock that thingy that they can build that we can all buy stuff later on..from that thingy we build.

    Everyone follow?;)
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    That's exactly what they did, they actually dumbed down STO even more. It was too easy even with all common gear as a fresh character. For instance, P'Jem, they have you starting off on the steps. At this rate they might as well have us beam right to the boss room, fight, and leave. Forget story, because we now have the cliff notes edition.

    Wonder who the genius who thought this was a good idea?

    How about they actually try to make the story stand out more and get you more involved? And you got these huge planet zones, why even have them if you condensed it to a small part of the map, Cryptic? I remember my first time in STO, I actually went all over P'Jem, looking to see if there were easter eggs or tidbits into STO's history like we had with other MMOs. But they killed that sort of fun.

    This is partly why it's getting harder and harder to support this company. STO shouldn't be called an MMO anymore, its more like a singler player shooter on a console with bunch of people that you never need to team up with.
    Reducing the number of encounter don't make the game harder, just less like a grindfest, and more Star Trek.
    I don't remember being overwhelmed in one of the older mission. Thx to the average MMO AI, the mobs are dumb enough not to use their combadge to call for reinforcement. But I remember how tedious it was to have to kill thousands of Klingons in a generic base just to find the computer room in the end.
    And I'm sorry, but the Orions in Stranded in Space, or the klingons on P'Jem never were a challenge to begin with. Undine ship/ground NPC were a bit more difficult, and AFAIK they are still there.

    I haven't played P'Jem on Tribble, a bug on vulcan prevented my char to go to the next part. However, except if they put invisible wall, I guess you can still wander in P'Jem if you like to. You just have less Klingons to grind for it.

    AFAIK, they didn't removed the HY torp on Rom ship, or Borgs encounter in the Assimilated Undine mission. They simply remove some useless encounter in old mission. That's not "dumbing down" anything.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    And did you find any? If not, how exactly is this "fun"? I can wander pointlessly for miles around here - I don't need video games for that.

    Guess this is your first MMO. :rolleyes:

    erei1 wrote: »
    Reducing the number of encounter don't make the game harder, just less like a grindfest, and more Star Trek.

    I don't remember being overwhelmed in one of the older mission. Thx to the average MMO AI, the mobs are dumb enough not to use their combadge to call for reinforcement. But I remember how tedious it was to have to kill thousands of Klingons in a generic base just to find the computer room in the end.
    And I'm sorry, but the Orions in Stranded in Space, or the klingons on P'Jem never were a challenge to begin with. Undine ship/ground NPC were a bit more difficult, and AFAIK they are still there.

    I haven't played P'Jem on Tribble, a bug on vulcan prevented my char to go to the next part. However, except if they put invisible wall, I guess you can still wander in P'Jem if you like to. You just have less Klingons to grind for it.

    AFAIK, they didn't removed the HY torp on Rom ship, or Borgs encounter in the Assimilated Undine mission. They simply remove some useless encounter in old mission. That's not "dumbing down" anything.

    Look, I won't argue that the AI is stupid and that reducing the number of NPCs don't make the game harder. But their changes makes you fly through the content faster and gives you less of a reason to play these missions.

    Do you agree or do you not agree with that?

    We all remember how long it took for us to get through the Tier 1 missions when STO was new, now all it takes is 2 hours to complete Tier 1. That's just stupid. Rushing people even faster to endgame.........why do we even need a leveling system? Why should I buy that C-store ship if I'm done with a level within 2 hours?

    That's why I see Cryptic shooting themselves in the foot. New players are less likely to stay if they are at endgame within a day and beginning "the grind".

    But nobody cares, so let the game die.
  • thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I cannot condone the removal of content. This game needs more content, not less.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Maybe I'm one of the few, but I was actually disappointed I was burning through levels faster then getting through the content. In fact, I asked the boards here how to slow my xp gain - and was quickly told "too bad".

    Anyone who played EverQuest knows - getting to max level was never easy by any stretch. Heck, even City of Heroes was challenging too!

    What both systems (as an example) had was a way to punish failure. For EQ it was losing XP. Lose enough and you could lose a level. In CoH, you gained xp "debt" thus slowing progression. In STO, if you fail (or whatever) you just ... respawn. Here, you can zerg anything and eventually you'll win (especially on Normal).

    Buuut now I have a level 50 toon with no alts. I'm no longer concerned with leveling - now I'm just playing the game to escape.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    thanks for the tip, i have managed to pick up 3 of the 4 accolades.
    i cant seem to get - Lending a Helping Scan - i have scanned the U.S.S. ShiKahr before and after beaming the scientists and had no luck.
    any tips? or is it broke?

    edit: oops I do have it after all, must have picked it up before.
    thanks for the tip, at least I managed to pick up the other 3.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • naharikajalnaharikajal Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Thanks for the information.

    I could remember that mission but I didn't collect the accolades at that time (shortly after STOs launch).

    So I've replayed it today and got all 4 accolades. Again thank you for remembering.

    Greetings Nahari
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I only had 1 of the 4! Thanks for the reminder. I just ran it again and got the accolades. Very easy w/ Stowiki telling you what to do for them. :D
    thanks for the tip, i have managed to pick up 3 of the 4 accolades.
    i cant seem to get - Lending a Helping Scan - i have scanned the U.S.S. ShiKahr before and after beaming the scientists and had no luck.
    any tips? or is it broke?

    It just worked for me. Fly to the ShiKahr as the first thing you do (before flying to scan the 3 objects) and the standard action button comes up saying Scan Ship. Do it and get it.
  • thedodgehopperthedodgehopper Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I really hope they wake up and don't get rid of War is Good for Business. It was one of the best storylines in the whole Federation Arc. It made for a nice One-Off story, and felt very Trek to me. The mission isn't actually saying War is Good for Business. It is rather pitting you against the Ferengi that feels that way. I love the chase scene, and Nausicaan Bootlocker gun is the whole reason I started playing my Nausicaan in the nascent first few weeks of the game's launch. I'm getting tired of them pulling missions I like, and for some reason it has to be the stuff I -Really- Like. This is one of those. The DS9 Fleet action is another. True STF's are another.

    For the life of me I can't understand why they could not have kept the old STF format for those of us who liked it, and since it was more difficult and required more skill and planning and gearing, it should have been rewarded better than doing them singly. Pulling content (especially good or great content) makes no sense to me. If some people don't like these pieces they don't have to play them. I don't understand why they need to go. Not everyone likes doffing, does that mean we should get rid of Doffing? Absolutely Not! Not everyone likes Crafting, does that mean we should get rid of Crafting? Of course not. I feel like they are pushing the game forward for people with the attention span of a gnat. I don't mind short-term efforts, in fact I think what they really need is a strata of activities for people to do. Short, Medium, Long, easy, moderate, difficult. There needs to be a range of activities to suit all moods and personality types.

    I'm on quite a few channels in STO, and there were a number of longtime players who are upset about the potential removal of this mission. Invariably we all seemed to end up discussing other great content that was pulled apparently for no reason at all. In a game where its detractors (such as on 10TonHammer, MMORPG, etc) claim there is nothing to do with it, I find it odd they would pull content, especially good or great content. I think we as players realize that it might take work for them to fix a particular bug with this episode or STF or whatnot, but what is hard to stomach is the removal of a beloved mission for apparently no reason at all.

    In short, I hope if you love this mission you speak out about it. Let the Devs know. If you loved the DS9 Fleet Action, remind them. If you loved Terradome for what it was and could have been, remind them. If you loved having the option of doing STF's and Fleet Actions with Ground and Space Combined, (Borg STF's, Starbase 24, etc) remind them.
    Somehow we need to let the Devs know that this is not what we want for the game. We want more content, not less. The only good reason I can possibly see for pulling something, is to fix it. Barring that its just incomprehensible, and I fail to see a good motive for it.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2014
    The release date has been announced. You have two weeks to get your 4 accolades before Cryptic takes away yet another thing from STO forever.
  • captainedwards09captainedwards09 Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I cannot condone the removal of content. This game needs more content, not less.

    I agree, keep content you put in please Cryptic, even if its not the greatest.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Good, old missions like that need to go away, it's a joke for new players to join the game, play awesome missions like the tutorial, and remastered missions, then play an old outdated mission it hurts the game, a new player will be like WTF the Dev's stopped trying.
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