Hey guys, first time posting in the forums. Been playing for a few months now, and I've noticed a lack of fleet activities, specifically activities that would need a large group of fleeties to come together in order to benefit the fleet as a whole (other than contributions)
What I was thinking of would be akin to the Fleet Alert or Fleet Defense STFs, but with a contribution requirement. The basic framework would be like this:
-Fleet Admin opens up a special project, a Fleet Sortie
-Members contribute to said project
-When the project is full, it goes into "search mode", waiting for a number of conditions to be met (ex, 10 in game fleet members)
-When the conditions are met, all fleet members are given an invite to a special STF, ideally with a large group, and are tasked with an objective, such as to capture a station, rescue prisoners, etc.
-Quality of mission completion will determine the rewards for the fleet (X number of extra provisions, X amount of extra experience, maybe toss in a fleet module for the member with most DPS, most kills, most objectives).
Of course, there are many other options that can be added, such as the fleet admin selecting players for the mission instead of random assignment. The project could also be a gamble too, with failure resulting in lost fleet XP. The mission could also have PvP characteristics, with one fleet assaulting another fleet's starbase, and the victor reaping a significantly larger reward.
Doing a mission that could lose Fleet XP will never be popular or welcome. Also, the idea of contributing resources to do a mission will make doing those missions tedious. All missions should be always available for those that want to do them.
Fleet PvP, on the other hand, will be fun content for those that are into that type of content.
Fleet PvP, on the other hand, will be fun content for those that are into that type of content.
I'd say take Scout Force and Minefield out back and shoot them, then revive them as tighter 10-man missions that reward fleet marks.