Hi everyone, I know over the years a lot of ideas have been put forward including some from me. Well as a budding game designer having shipped one game I....anyway I digress
Here are my thoughts:
The zone should be ideally persistent. The game play must be intense. There must be penalties for dying which do not frustrate you, but are part of the intensity.
The first challenge with
persistent zones I forsee:
How do you balance teams? Since feds are locked to fed side and roms/klings to that side. Suppose in the zone you have 3-1 odds even in a 20 zone limit. The cryptic design and 'story line' has really locked them into narrow set of options here.
With persistent zone like a neutral zone which has been much discussed there is going to be a huge disparity in numbers which will bring on endless whining.
Alternative 1: Make the map persistent but the matches instanced. So you have an overview, interface of a map of a persistent zone, let us use the old 'neutral zone' as an example. There are starbases scattered through out. Your faction has to try and control as many starbases as possible, to 'win' the neutral zone. To gain control you queue for a pvp contest as described below.
The Contest:
Proposed: 10vs10. Each side has a destructible star base to protect. From the time the contest begins, your base starts to generate provisions. Each time a player on one side is destroyed, that player gets another ship,
but only if enough provisions are there.
So if the star base generates 100 provisions per minute, then say as a rough figure the loss of a player's ship costs 100 provisions. If you don't have enough provisions, you have to wait until enough provisions are generated before 'respawning' or in this case 'reshipping'.
This should add the layer of intensity pvpers seek and appease casual persons, knowing that death brings a penalty which
isn't permanent or frustrating like the complete loss of a ship or equipment. It also encourages tighter team work and togetherness as the loss of a ship really stings for the side which loses one, so no one just meandres off willy nilly.
Some ideas from the main concept to consider. There
could be dilithium mines throughout the map. These mines act like control points, you have to be in range to bring control to your side. The more mines you have, the faster your base generates dilithium during the match while the mines are under your control.
This would give players several objectives, the main one being, destruction of the enemy starbase, defending dilithium mines already possessed, taking over new ones, strangling the enemy...etc.
Another idea: Towing. If your ship is 'destroyed' it could be marked as disabled, if a team mate tows you to the star base, you can be repaired without having to deduct provisions and 'spawn' a new ship.
Please discuss...
At the end of the day as a pvper we are competitive, ok so games don't matter, internet is poo and we are accused of being egotistical or whatever the fluffy car bears say these days. There's nothing at stake beside a win or a loss, and it makes it more intense because we 'prefer' to win therefore we try to win. Therefore the added intensity of a 'penalty' as proposed to death (as close as sto would probably ever let us) might actually be fun!
At least a trial on tribble!
Read up to that point. Your proposal may be interesting, but I'm not looking for another queue. I want more Open PvP. Less instancing. And no queues.