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B'Rel Retrofit 2014 :)

scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
edited January 2014 in Klingon Discussion
Hey folks,

since many patches and many new grind factions have passed, I would like to know what you think the best PVE setup for a B'Rel retrofit would be.

What I would ike to use:

Hyper-Plasma torpedo (atm I have only Lvl 3, so I'm still waiting for it :()
Temporal Disruptor
Bio Neural

Tricobalt Mk12 (Mines of yourse)
Breen Cluster.

TAC: Tac Team 1, High Yield 2, Omega 1, Dispersal 3
TAC: High Yield 1, Beta 1, Omega 1
??: ???, ??
Sci: Hazard 1, ???

What would you suggest for the missing BOFF skills and what consoles would you recommend? (Please, do not suggest the Rule 62 console...I'm running low on crystals)
Post edited by scytek on


  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited January 2014
    On my B'rel:

    Quantum torpedo
    Bio-Neural Warhead
    Breen Cluster

    Hyper Plasma
    Dyson Photon

    BOFF (I believe this is correct):
    Tact Com: TT1, T:S2, T:HY3, APO3
    Sci Lt. Com: Jam Sensors1, HE2, Gravity Well 1
    Tact Lt: TT1, T:HY2
    Eng Lt: ET1, Aux2SIF

    Works fine for PvE and PvP.
  • scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So, this is all?
  • scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    friendly bump...

    so really no one who uses this thing in PvE? C'mon Klingons!
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I kept meaning to post in this thread, but kept forgetting.

    Anyways, you are looking for PvE only, that's fine. Anything in particular you are wanting to do?
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited January 2014
    I forgot to mention my consoles:
    Eng: Fleet Neutronium, Assimilated Module, Rule 62, and Aceton Assimilators
    Sci: Embassy Particle Generator, Elachi black hole, Impulse burst
    Tact: 3x MK XII purple generic torpedo damage

    I also adjusted the BOFF skills in my previous post.

    Previously, I had 2 Embassy Particle Generators and 1 Embassy Flow Capacitor. But, when they gave out the free ship with the Barrier Field, I replaced the Flow Capacitor with the Barrier Field.

    I liked it, but it wasn't saving me as much as I'd like. So, I tried Photonic Displacement recently. Not a huge fan of that.

    Decided to settle on the Impulse Burst console. Took out one of the Embassy Particle Generators for the Elachi black hole torpedo.
  • scytekscytek Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I kept meaning to post in this thread, but kept forgetting.

    Anyways, you are looking for PvE only, that's fine. Anything in particular you are wanting to do?

    Hm, anything particular? In fact I'm just doing STF and all that stuff, nothing special. Due to the fact, that this game is no real challenge I'm looking for something special, and this is a full torp boat.

    Meanwhile, I have the set bonus of the KHG Mk XI, so I am nearly ready, the only thing missing is the Hyper-Plasma Torpedo. What I am looking for is someone telling me, that a full torp boat is still viable in PvE and not completely nonsense. I know that there are far better ways to dps in a STF...i know, but this is not the question at hand.

    Regarding consoles, I would use the zero-point, the assimilated module, tachyokinetic converter, 3 torp consoles in the tac.slot and maybe some stealth modules for the science slots.

    Concerning the mentioned Elachi consoles..I really never heard of them, sorry for that. So I have no idea if I should use them, as well as the Flow capacitor and particle generator consoles. In fact, nothing should hit me. And if I am targeted by something, it's done, nothing to care about.

    As you can see, I have an idea how to setup my torps but no concrete idea for consoles and BOFF layout. as DOFF I would use some projectile weapon officer.
  • dpsloss88dpsloss88 Member Posts: 765 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I tried using hyper rom torp with improved battle cloak. You get way too much splash damage. I would stay away from any tricobolts or aoe torpedoes if you run cloaked. If you mount them rear there is at least a chance you will be out of aoe before they pop.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Here is kind of a general build to go on:


    Fore: Breen cluster, Breen cluster, Transphasic Torp, Transphasic Torp
    Aft: Transphasic Mine, Any Mine (your choice, web mines are good)


    Eng: 2 Neutroniums, 1 RCS
    Tac: 3 Transphasic
    Sci: 3 Particle Gen

    Other gear: KHG set, Warp core with focuses on engine and/or aux power.

    Mind you that the gear-set above is presuming you have access to no fleet gear, which is why it might seem a bit...cheap.

    Now if you DO have access to fleet gear:

    Weapons: Don't change (don't waste your time with fleet torpedoes or mines, not worth it)


    Eng: 3 Fleet Neutroniums +HullHP (and if you need the turn, you can replace one of those with a neutronium with turn instead)
    Tac: 3 Transphasic with CrtH consoles
    Sci: 3 Particle Gen consoles with either the hull heal or Plasma proc

    That isn't accounting for any universal consoles you choose to add in.

    Other gear: KHG set, Elite Core with AMP and again bonuses to engine and/or aux power


    Cmdr: TT 1, THY 2, Torp spread 3, DPB 3
    Lt cmdr: TSS 1, HE 2, GW 1
    Lt: PH 1, TBR 1
    Lt: EPTE 1, A2D 1

    For BOFFs, Embassy bought Romulans are great, but if you don't care or can't afford em, Nausicaan BOFFs are very much so your friend.


    3 Projectile Weapons Officers (reduce CD on torpedoes)
    2-3 of your choice (recommendations include: M/AM specialist that affects A2D, Technician that can boost Aux power while cloaked (pricy, and note that it doesn't stack), DOFF that helps you resist control abilities while using EPTE (can't remember what specifically it is), Gravitmetric Scientist for more GWs.


    Get your aux to as close to max as possible, ignore shield and weapons power of course, and then once you've hit max or almost max aux, pump the rest into engines. The above stuff is not my exact build, my own B'rel is more for PvP, but even so, without fleet tac consoles and no Rule 62 console, I have still managed to get my own Transphasic Torps to hit for 5,000 damage each (before resists and the like). I am running 3 Nausicaan BOFFs though.

    I'm not scoring 'uber' level DPS with it, but depending on my team and how I do, I can generally get between 3-7k DPS, with an average of around 6k roughly. Also, CrtD is what you want on the transphasic mine and torps. If you cannot afford CrtDx3, then try for CrtDx2 and CrtH. But the crits are the important thing. Don't bother with the DMG modifier on mines, it doesn't work.

    That is all off the top of my head for now. But I hope it helped. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited January 2014
    scytek wrote: »
    Hm, anything particular? In fact I'm just doing STF and all that stuff, nothing special. Due to the fact, that this game is no real challenge I'm looking for something special, and this is a full torp boat.

    Meanwhile, I have the set bonus of the KHG Mk XI, so I am nearly ready, the only thing missing is the Hyper-Plasma Torpedo. What I am looking for is someone telling me, that a full torp boat is still viable in PvE and not completely nonsense. I know that there are far better ways to dps in a STF...i know, but this is not the question at hand.

    Regarding consoles, I would use the zero-point, the assimilated module, tachyokinetic converter, 3 torp consoles in the tac.slot and maybe some stealth modules for the science slots.

    Concerning the mentioned Elachi consoles..I really never heard of them, sorry for that. So I have no idea if I should use them, as well as the Flow capacitor and particle generator consoles. In fact, nothing should hit me. And if I am targeted by something, it's done, nothing to care about.

    As you can see, I have an idea how to setup my torps but no concrete idea for consoles and BOFF layout. as DOFF I would use some projectile weapon officer.

    I can put out more total damage than most escorts in PvE. DPS is fairly even as well. Torpedo boats, if built properly, can perform as well as regular builds.

    I, personally, do not see a need for Tachyokinetic Converter. The B'rel already has the highest turn rate of anything, and you should divert most of your power to Aux and Engines. The turn rate while cloaked should get high enough that you can turn on a dime.

    Stealth consoles aren't needed. I run 6 points into Stealth and can sit right on top of an NPC and never be detected. Free-up that console space for something else.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited January 2014
    shookyang wrote: »
    I can put out more total damage than most escorts in PvE. DPS is fairly even as well. Torpedo boats, if built properly, can perform as well as regular builds.

    I, personally, do not see a need for Tachyokinetic Converter. The B'rel already has the highest turn rate of anything, and you should divert most of your power to Aux and Engines. The turn rate while cloaked should get high enough that you can turn on a dime.

    Stealth consoles aren't needed. I run 6 points into Stealth and can sit right on top of an NPC and never be detected. Free-up that console space for something else.

    But that still doesn't make them a better choice. The way I see it, there are a couple of problems with torpedo boats.

    1. Shields almost completely negate damage of most torpedoes and mines. Even a sliver of shields offers nearly 100% protection. Shields don't take much damage from torpedoes.
    2. Transphasic damage is pretty weak, kinetic resists are high on most ships now
    3. Trans. Cluster mines can be eliminated in so many ways ... fly away, GW, FAW, PH or BI ... they are slow ... did I mention easy to avoid and outrun
    4. Torpedo fire slowly even with doffs and other CD reduction
    5. Enhanced battle cloak can be disrupted easily with cannon or turret spam
    6. Shield drains are pretty weak

    Don't get me wrong, I can do top damage in PvP with my Torpedo T'varo. But the ship is more for trolling and diversionary tactics. It is pretty hard to kill most players even with CC and cheese consoles like IC. And trust me ... I have gotten tons of kills and lots of practice.

    [Edit] LOL, I misread PvE for PvP. They under perform in PvE too. Nothing beats continous fire from CRF/CSV fire or BFAW spamming. Even the best torpedo boat will be hard pressed to keep up. And Voth shields make them even less desirable.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited January 2014
    macronius wrote: »
    But that still doesn't make them a better choice. The way I see it, there are a couple of problems with torpedo boats.

    1. Shields almost completely negate damage of most torpedoes and mines. Even a sliver of shields offers nearly 100% protection. Shields don't take much damage from torpedoes.
    2. Transphasic damage is pretty weak, kinetic resists are high on most ships now
    3. Trans. Cluster mines can be eliminated in so many ways ... fly away, GW, FAW, PH or BI ... they are slow ... did I mention easy to avoid and outrun
    4. Torpedo fire slowly even with doffs and other CD reduction
    5. Enhanced battle cloak can be disrupted easily with cannon or turret spam
    6. Shield drains are pretty weak

    Don't get me wrong, I can do top damage in PvP with my Torpedo T'varo. But the ship is more for trolling and diversionary tactics. It is pretty hard to kill most players even with CC and cheese consoles like IC. And trust me ... I have gotten tons of kills and lots of practice.

    [Edit] LOL, I misread PvE for PvP. They under perform in PvE too. Nothing beats continous fire from CRF/CSV fire or BFAW spamming. Even the best torpedo boat will be hard pressed to keep up. And Voth shields make them even less desirable.
    I only use my torpedo boat to troll Ker'rat. It's effective enough against most mediocre players. Especially effective when you are supporting someone else. RSP does nothing to protect you against a wave of torpedoes.

    And, honestly, the majority of my kills come from Hargh'Peng's secondary explosion. The rest of my torps just whittle down the hull enough for the explosion to take them out.

    I've taken my B'rel to the Arenas several times, and it's really hit or miss. Really depends on whether or not people notice you enough to go after you.

    As for PvE, yes, it's harder to get top DPS and damage. But, I still manage. I've parsed my runs, and I've matched or beaten out all-cannon users before.
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