I dont fly it cause i love my scimitar far to much but the one reason why i dont fly it?
its so ugly it makes my computer scream for mercy lol jk
The scimitar was beautiful in the movie (my fav ship ever), in this game its really ugly.
That's why i prefer the Ha'Feh (its is similar to a scimitar, but its more beutiful - you can see it in my signature).
AGAIN: don't watch its original version, watch the haakona version.
I repeated it about 30 times in this thread.
If you like the scimitar, you would LOVE the Ha'Feh.
and again ... the Mogai ... really o_O ?
I can understand people likes it cause its a canon ship, but do you really like its look ?
it looks like a paper sheet, with its huge wings and tiny hull LOL
and again ... the Mogai ... really o_O ?
I can understand people likes it cause its a canon ship, but do you really like its look ?
it looks like a paper sheet, with its huge wings and tiny hull LOL
IMHO the Mogai is one of the best-looking ships in the entire game. My personal ship is a mix of Mogai and Valdore parts. Looks beautiful and menacing.
Of course I respect your opinion on the Ha'Feh, but I think you're in the very small minority here. I'd be very surprised if most people don't find the Mogai to be a much prettier ship in comparison to the Ha'Feh.
it has power potential for high burst damage, as a result makes for a fine vaper\finisher style of play.
the boff seating is flexible in that you can make it fairly tanky and still maintain high damage, or you can go sciency for some added lulz.
i pvp with mine and have made it to fit into the vaper\finsher style of play. though i don't consider myself to be a vaper, as it's simply bo\rapid fire without any gimmicks, [well elachi dbb is a little gimmicky] and i don't actually vape anything. lol
it is made more fun for me [and i think for others too] by also making it paper thin. i think this because i like the thrill of knowing that if i don't plan things right i can be easily vaporized. i believe this also makes it interesting for some players, as they have a better chance of also getting killz. there are people who don't like one sided fights... which leads me to my opinion of why more people don't fly it.
it doesn't have any innate 'gimmicks'. simply put. no extra consoles, no extra 2 piece set bonus', no special weapons, no pets to spam, ect. it's a vanilla ship. [personally, i like vanilla ]
the scim has the whole shields while cloaked and extra engy console slots for your beam over capping consoles, or extra sci slots for your embassy plasma enhancers. cloaked barrage and much more.
the mogai has a 2 piece set you can put on it. that ion beam ... 100k critz i've seen with that alone. add to that bo3 and iso metric.... nuff said.
heck even the t'varo has tons of gimmicks. EBC, destabilized torp, 2 peice set bonus' ect. the dehlan is the same insofar as gimmicks.
in short, i believe many players prefer the gimmicky, over the top ability having ships. lol
People dont like the huge model. 3D game on a 2D screen means the depth-of-field is in your imagination, so when you make a ship that turns like small escort but is big like a battleship, it is hard to control. You fly past the target, you turn too fast for the target, etc.
They are very pretty. Seems like the artists had a good time, too bad about the game play.
and this, so much this! but that is not just the ha'feh. i'll submit to you that the magai has it worse due to that long nose. [at least the 'flying past' part] ^^
Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
I believe that the Ha'feh is great in function...one of the best 'free' ships by far. It can hold its own even against some premium starships. Or at least it has done so when I have played it.
But having the main chassis look like a stubby rectangular commuter bus when the bulk of the Romulan fleet are all sleek streamlined arcs...gah.
I had enough Zen for the Scimitar...but went with the T'Varo because it kept more of the Rom aesthetic I have gotten used to. I know that the Scimitar is the Death Blossom on roids...but ugh. Still it is a movie canon...
Now if there was some way to use TOS warbird model with Ha'feh slots...yummy.
Until I find some ship with the specs of the Ha'feh and looks good...I will fly the freebie
I have a mirror ha'feh equipped with beams and FAW spamming boffs for when I go somewhere with a lot of pets like the swarmers in the dyson missions. Other times I fly my fleet dhelan
Now the Mogai, that's a sexy beast.
its so ugly it makes my computer scream for mercy lol jk
The scimitar was beautiful in the movie (my fav ship ever), in this game its really ugly.
That's why i prefer the Ha'Feh (its is similar to a scimitar, but its more beutiful - you can see it in my signature).
AGAIN: don't watch its original version, watch the haakona version.
I repeated it about 30 times in this thread.
If you like the scimitar, you would LOVE the Ha'Feh.
and again ... the Mogai ... really o_O ?
I can understand people likes it cause its a canon ship, but do you really like its look ?
it looks like a paper sheet, with its huge wings and tiny hull LOL
IMHO the Mogai is one of the best-looking ships in the entire game. My personal ship is a mix of Mogai and Valdore parts. Looks beautiful and menacing.
Of course I respect your opinion on the Ha'Feh, but I think you're in the very small minority here. I'd be very surprised if most people don't find the Mogai to be a much prettier ship in comparison to the Ha'Feh.
it has power potential for high burst damage, as a result makes for a fine vaper\finisher style of play.
the boff seating is flexible in that you can make it fairly tanky and still maintain high damage, or you can go sciency for some added lulz.
i pvp with mine and have made it to fit into the vaper\finsher style of play. though i don't consider myself to be a vaper, as it's simply bo\rapid fire without any gimmicks, [well elachi dbb is a little gimmicky] and i don't actually vape anything. lol
it is made more fun for me [and i think for others too] by also making it paper thin. i think this because i like the thrill of knowing that if i don't plan things right i can be easily vaporized. i believe this also makes it interesting for some players, as they have a better chance of also getting killz. there are people who don't like one sided fights... which leads me to my opinion of why more people don't fly it.
it doesn't have any innate 'gimmicks'. simply put. no extra consoles, no extra 2 piece set bonus', no special weapons, no pets to spam, ect. it's a vanilla ship. [personally, i like vanilla
the scim has the whole shields while cloaked and extra engy console slots for your beam over capping consoles, or extra sci slots for your embassy plasma enhancers. cloaked barrage and much more.
the mogai has a 2 piece set you can put on it. that ion beam ... 100k critz i've seen with that alone. add to that bo3 and iso metric.... nuff said.
heck even the t'varo has tons of gimmicks. EBC, destabilized torp, 2 peice set bonus' ect. the dehlan is the same insofar as gimmicks.
in short, i believe many players prefer the gimmicky, over the top ability having ships. lol
and this, so much this! but that is not just the ha'feh. i'll submit to you that the magai has it worse due to that long nose. [at least the 'flying past' part] ^^
But having the main chassis look like a stubby rectangular commuter bus when the bulk of the Romulan fleet are all sleek streamlined arcs...gah.
I had enough Zen for the Scimitar...but went with the T'Varo because it kept more of the Rom aesthetic I have gotten used to. I know that the Scimitar is the Death Blossom on roids...but ugh. Still it is a movie canon...
Now if there was some way to use TOS warbird model with Ha'feh slots...yummy.
Until I find some ship with the specs of the Ha'feh and looks good...I will fly the freebie
I'd be happy if they'd simply allow us to use the T'liss skin on the T'varo.