When in doubt, use the assimilated set with an elite fleet shield. The dyson might do well against voth as well. As for boff abilities grav well III is amazing when specced for correctly. Charged particle burst on the other hand is really only good for decloaking or shield stripping, I would probably replace it with tractor beam repulsers, feedback pulse or even a extra grav well.
I ran something like this for a while. TBR might help you with the swarmers, I haven't tried that though because my sci rommy hasn't been to the sphere yet. I recommend 6 levels in both particle generators and graviton generators for GW, TB, and TBR
Also the adapted MACO deflector boosts some sci skills. Running with the adapted deflector and engines with a fleet resilient shield has worked well for me. The nukara deflector and engines boost shields.
Honestly I would not worry about set bonuses unless you want the borg console and cutting beam, the obelisk warp core and omni beam, or the rommy console and experimental beam. Not all three at once of course
For BOFF skills
I ran something like this for a while. TBR might help you with the swarmers, I haven't tried that though because my sci rommy hasn't been to the sphere yet. I recommend 6 levels in both particle generators and graviton generators for GW, TB, and TBR
Honestly I would not worry about set bonuses unless you want the borg console and cutting beam, the obelisk warp core and omni beam, or the rommy console and experimental beam. Not all three at once of course
t/p/o Kontovar (Male Lethean Engineer in Imperial Assassins)
t/p/o Mira (Female Rom-KDF Tactical)
t/p/o Kreela (Female Ferengi Science in United Solar Legion)
t/p/o Star-Astra (Female Alien-Fed Tactical)