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Large Fleet Sponsoring

aleaicaleaic Member Posts: 352 Arc User
edited January 2014 in Fleet System and Holdings
A thought occurred a while back, maybe simple, likely not...

A large fleet that has achieved at least Tier 4, can then choose a second smaller, allied fleet that is only at tier 2, at most, but not Tier 3 yet on any facility, or any holding, to then 'assist' in upgrading that allied fleet's holdings, via projects.

I'm offering this, as there are now quite a few large fleets, that have achieved T5 now, and there are still a BUNCH of small fleets that are complaining about their costs for projects and special projects. Obviously only faction aligned fleets can assist each other (Fed with Fed, KDF with KDF,) and the allied smaller fleet, cannot be of original 'reserve' designation, though maybe this could be discussed out.

The thought is that, through a myriad of reasons, that smaller fleets can be helped to achieve the unlocks that higher tiers are rather prohibitive to them, in the short term, and larger fleets can have their members attain fleet credits, and apply doffs and commodities, that could help out a smaller fleet instead.

At this point, this is only a discussion, and probable unseen abuses are likely, so, talk it all out, with Bat'leths, at this point. :D Go...
Post edited by aleaic on


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