SOLVED by dahminus
Ok, so over the last week ive obtained 2 blue (rare) and 1 purple (very rare) technician doffs with the boff ability cooldown reduction on using A2B. With this in mind I decided to give the Aux 2 Bat build a try. Here is what i have so far;
Engineer Captain in an Avenger battle cruiser
EPTW 1, A2B 1
ET 1, RSP 1, EPTS 3, DEM 3
TT 1
THY 1, TS 2, BFAW 3
HE 1, ST 2
2 blue techs with 8% boff ability reduction each
1 purp tech with 10% boff ability reduction
now according to this guide (with 3 purp doffs) Aux to Bat should have a base cooldown of 40 secs reduced to 28 secs by the tech doffs. - guide
My aux to bat has a recharge time of 1 min 20 secs according to the skill info window. This is reduced to 58 secs with the 2 blue and one purp tech doffs.
However when I remove the tech doffs the cooldown on my aux to bat is 2 mins. I understand there should be a small difference because i have 4% less cooldown reduction but still my numbers seem very off and that part shouldn't affect the base cooldown.
Anyone know why my numbers are not matching up with the numbers quoted in that guide?
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
You can use 2 Aux to Bat to get even lower cooldowns but 1 can also be used. The guide figures i mentioned in my OP are for 1 Aux 2 Bat.
Quote from guide
"According to rarity Tech doffs provide a 4/6/8/10 percent reduction. Slotting 3 to active duty will provide a 30% cooldown reduction when A2B is activated. This reduction is applied to any ability which is on cooldown, or "ticking." Any ability which is ready for use will be unaffected. A2B is itself affected by the Tech doffs, so 1 copy will have a cooldown of 28 seconds instead of 40."
What that suggestion, you still have good shield heals, and way more uptime with A2B. HE gives you a decent hull heal... Hmm, If you want to keep ET though, there is swapping EPtw1 with ET1. A2B will have your weapons covered anyway in that regard.
If you still want to stick to having only one A2B skill, though, one of the others will have to adress that, my knowledge of A2B builds is limited to what I have learned in my time on the forums. I've been playing this game for a few months now, and am just now starting to experiment with A2B builds a bit. I can't afford the proper Doffs, so I never bothered with them before. Still can't afford them, but I figured I might as well see what I can learn since my Klink got a Boff with A2B already on him.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Im the same. Been playing for ages but just recently started working on my builds. I may go for 2 A2B's eventually but I just wanted to test it with one to see how I like it.
No dumb questions, im pretty new at this
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Ah you caught what id done. Id forgotten to increase the skill rank of ATB. Now ive reduced the cooldown on ATB to 30 secs and it now matches the guide.
Thank you very much for your help.
It's what I try to do :cool:
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Running 2 copies only is a strong gain on skills that are on the short cooldown. (Tac team or scatter volley say, the ones that are 30 seconds/15 global) The skills that are 45 seconds or higher do not require a second A2B to be on nearly full time. the only exception is occasionally in very long combats things desynch a touch quicker. Getting even a little break in combat between groups lets you get that under control, so most of the time it is a complete non-issue.
The second copy brings your 30 second cooldown abilities down to the global, prolongs the time until desynch, and occasionally brings a skill back a couple seconds quicker. It is very good to have, but in a ship that can only fit one A2B, you can still make things work. It is how I run my Atrox. I found I got better performace when I replaced my second A2B with EP2W3
Edit: If you are trying to get power out of A2B as well... 2 copies steps on eachother. I find the second A2B fires too quickly for most of the power to be back in my aux, so I don't get as large a boost from it.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Good information here. Even some things not mentioned in the guide I read.
Thank You.