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Federation Styled Cloak



  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    kintisho wrote: »
    Nice esoteric detail which invalidates this entire game from all canon for the supposed timeline position.. All good things is not canon or we aren't period... I prefer to Go canon with actual trek not the cryptic supposed trek in any case.

    Then remove the cloak from your defiant as the only cloaking defiant was destroyed. Stop using your AGT galaxy as it was not from this timeline and ignore the Avengers cloakng option as the Federation do not operate cloaking vessels. Then your preciuos timeline is correct.
    The truth is that the history of Star Trek is irrelevant in STO due to the time that has past and the ingame canon that Cryptic has created . STO is not TNG version 2 or DS9 version 2.0 or even Voyager the continued story. STO is Cryptics creation with its on backstory written well after all the old events of the TV and movies.

    No wonder Star Trek cant get any new series started again. The fans refuse to accept anything new and will not let change happen to tell new stories. Much like old politicians they seem stuck in the past trying to keep old glories alive at the cost of anyone elses ideas.
    All this thread is suggesting is more unrealistic bastardizing of the IP into something that is as far from Star Trek as targ TRIBBLE is from brownies.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    And how is ambushing ships behaviour that the Federation would condone? Starfleet are about protecting themselves and other people rather than attacking first. A 15% attack bonus for ambushing ships is not what Starfleet is about. Personally, Starfleet should never get any cloak, but if Starfleet gets a unique cloak, then it should be about escaping rather than attacking which is why the Phase Shift Generator would work.

    Sometimes the best defense is a hell of an offense.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Sometimes the best defense is a hell of an offense.

    True, but the Federation is far too peaceful to do something like that.
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    True, but the Federation is far too peaceful to do something like that.

    Lol, not under my leadership.
    Sure, if this was more of an "RPG" themed game, with multiple ways to earn xp, and have missions, I would likely run a good amount of those types of missions. To help spread the "Federation ideals", and possibly to help when those ideals fall short.
    But in this type of game, where just about every mission (short of maybe some Foundry missions), where everything pretty much wants you personally dead, it pays to take them out as quickly, as possible. (Then again, most of my Fed characters, I tend to play a little more towards the "MU" types, not paranoid or bloodthirsty, just believing that if somethings' going to try to nail you, it deserves to be put down with no mercy.)
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • abystander0abystander0 Member Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You are going about it all wrong.

    Here is a superior technology that should be standard on federation starships.

    It violates no treaties.
    Shields remain up while it is active.
    It can be used at ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.
    It has very low power consumption.
    It does not rely on auxiliary power.
    It has very low maintenance, as well as being modular.

    It's the perfect solution. :D
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You are going about it all wrong.

    Here is a superior technology that should be standard on federation starships.

    It violates no treaties.
    Shields remain up while it is active.
    It can be used at ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.
    It has very low power consumption.
    It does not rely on auxiliary power.
    It has very low maintenance, as well as being modular.

    It's the perfect solution. :D

    LOL!!! Finally! A sense of humour. +5 cool points
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I know I shall regret this. But the idea for a three engine dreadnaught goes back to the manuals created for TOS. That the continuum trial about ceasing to exist. (remember Q stated he ran the trial because he was ordered to. But the helping hand was his idea.) The future was a possibility. And evidence gained in the future was backed up in the main time line. (Picard's illness) So the concept of a three nacelle galaxy was probably on the books somewhere. It just gets dusted off when they needed a new combat ship in a hurry. After all the tooling for a Galaxy is already there. Just put in the adjustments for the extra nacelle and weapons.

    As for the cloaks being un-Starfleet and only usable for cowardly attacks.
    F-117 fighters are not necessarily a first strike weapon. But calling something a first strike weapon is sexy for a politician. Those fighters entered hostile air space and took out hostile targets surgically. That is simple stealth. The bombers are for the same purpose.
    A submarine uses stealth as the only armour that matters anymore. You don't see it, you can't shoot it either. Which means they country smacking nuclear weapons are hidden and you can't just silence them prior to an invasion. Hunting attack subs because finding a stealthed target when you are not is like using an elephant in a china shop to find a mouse.
    For how the Federation could use cloaks peacefully is in missions observing pre-warp civilizations, like the Baku. (Bad end of mission parameter but good observation technique)
    Militarily a cloaked ship does not need to be a knife fighting mugger either. use a few cloaked ships to patrol your own side of the border. Your adversaries will not know if they are being watched or not. police action, cloaked ship escorts freighters on occasion. Pirates attack and uhoh the juicy target was defended.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I didn't read through all the posts so this is more at the OP. My 2ec:

    I think there should be cloaks for all sides. Eliminate integrated cloaks on all sides, make it a console, so there is at least some kind of trade-off for having it. All cloaks should behave like battlecloaks.

    Then go to classic game design to add flavor to each side, rock paper scissors style. Give feds a damage resist, klinks should get straight damage boost, roms should get a mask energy signature effect (or some other tricky effect).

    Then add in special cloaks in lockboxes which offer some random cheese. Wash, rinse, repeat - profit for the company.
  • elvnswordselvnswords Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Treaty of Algeron...


    I point out there is no Neutral Zone anymore, nor is there a Romulan Star Empire... The Treaty is null and void, a footnote to history. Yes there was an incident in 2385, and yes it was bad. HOWEVER: we are now at a war footing with the Tal-Shiar, the True Way, the Borg, the Voth, and officially at war with the Klingon Empire.

    The Commitment to Peace has got to be overturned, and Starfleet IS researching cloaking tech again, (see stats on the Avenger Battle Cruiser for proof), that being said the previous technology would be readdressed.

    I suggest a new cloaking device be made available for everyone capable of using it (ie having a cloak capable ship already), that does the following:

    Pegasus Cloak:
    Recharge 30 seconds, Battle Capable Cloak

    Drops Weapon Power to 0,
    Leaves Shields intact
    Intangible, may pass through objects and other ships,
    If decloaks in an object self destructs as per Abandon Ship

    No bonus to attack on decloak,
    Residual Intangibility: On decloak, residual effects shutter the ship between vibrational planes causing a large buff to defense, (or a debuff to enemy Acc).

    Downsides: During Pegasus Cloak, while not visible or targetable emission seeking torpedoes, transphasic torpedoes (lore choice), and exotic energy types that the ship might fly through deal damage normally. (or deal damage direct to hull during cloak if needed for balancing).

    I personally think it should be on all ships for Tier 5 with the following changes....

    Escorts: Boost to Weapon Power on Decloak, (effectively returning weapons to 50 from the 0 setting inherent to the cloak)
    Cruisers: Boost to Structural Integrity on recloak, boost to Threat Control on decloak
    Science Vessels: Photonic Decoys Deploy on relcoak during battle.
  • abystander0abystander0 Member Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    What is it about Federation ships that is so bad that you need to hide them? What point is there in having a cool looking starship, if you are going to hide it all the time?

    Ok, I see, the Galaxy IS an ugly ungainly space whale. I would want to hide it too. That thing got too much screen time.

    Meanwhile, you do know that cloaks can be easily defeated.

    Just look at this example of cloak failure.
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