Right, so I recently tried some new things in my cruiser builds. Nothing new to the community at large, just new to me, and it has opened up some interesting possibilities for old ships.
The problem I'm facing is that if I port this new idea to me old faithful Fleet Negh'var... I'll have two completely and utterly useless ensign-level engineering slots. I can't use them for emergency power because I want higher levels of those and they'd conflict, and I can't use them for engineering team because I use Aux2SIF for healing and Tac Team for shield balancing. So there is literally nothing I can put in those slots.
Ensign-level engineering being nearly worthless on cruisers is hardly a new problem. But with all the love that Cryptic has shown for the big ol' cruisers lately, I think that it's time to make a change.
And that change is as simple as this: Move an ability from ensign Science (which is overflowing with extremely useful low-level abilities) to ensign Engineering. I suggest that "Tractor Beam", "Polarize Hull", and "Transfer Shield Strength" are all abilities that seem far more in line with what the ship's engineer would be doing than what the ship's science officer would be doing, i.e. manipulating large amounts of power through the ship's central infrastructure to achieve some kind of machinery benefit.
To Cryptic: Is such a change even possible at this stage of game development?
To community: Which of these abilities do you feel would be the least disruptive change, leaving the balance of useful abilities widely spread enough that no ship type is completely crippled?