Hey just wonder if the Vault is going to be like a ESD anytime soon for the romulan faction? It would be a awesome addition for the Remans and a nice area. And also could we please get the Reman area on New Romulas open? Please Devs!
The Remans are not officially a part of the New Romulus government yet, and if memory serves only part of the 'Free Remans' work with them. I could be wrong.
Plus - they have that cool underground city visible on New Romulus that needs developing Just look over the cliff...
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
IMO the RR's ESD-like zone should be a new outdoors area in the city of New Romulus itself, built in the vein of the Qo'noS' First City but obviously with a Romulan theme and designed to look incomplete, like the city itself is still under construction.
IMO the RR's ESD-like zone should be a new outdoors area in the city of New Romulus itself, built in the vein of the Qo'noS' First City but obviously with a Romulan theme and designed to look incomplete, like the city itself is still under construction.
This would be great, always wondered what was behind those walls. Couldn't hurt to have a small outpost/shipyard in orbit either.
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I could see the Vault being more of a K7 or Starbase Sierra type of installation for the RR. Also, put a Republic Academy behind the gates on New Romulus.
What's missing for the Romulan is an Academy. Or anything that could be used the same way (lore, DOFFs...). The ESD/Qo'nos equivalent is already there.
The Remans are not officially a part of the New Romulus government yet, and if memory serves only part of the 'Free Remans' work with them. I could be wrong.
Plus - they have that cool underground city visible on New Romulus that needs developing Just look over the cliff...
Well, the ones in the Vault are the ones working with/part of (Obisek seems to have come to regard D'Tan as a leader at some point, going by the New Romulus intro cinematic) the Romulan Republic. The greater story-problem would be that the Vault wouldn't be able to serve as a Republic installation until after the events of Freedom (and after the untold story of how Obisek formally aligned himself with D'Tan and the Republic), well into a Commander's career.
What's missing for the Romulan is an Academy. Or anything that could be used the same way (lore, DOFFs...). The ESD/Qo'nos equivalent is already there.
DOFFs is in Command (no exchange programs, but they've got a console handling the Recruitment assignments, and Centurion Velaar handling the commendation-connected DOFF acquisition).
The Remans are not officially a part of the New Romulus government yet, and if memory serves only part of the 'Free Remans' work with them. I could be wrong.
Plus - they have that cool underground city visible on New Romulus that needs developing Just look over the cliff...
funny, i coulda sworn i saw reman guards when on the floatilla and in command wearing RR uniforms as well as living with the rebel romulans. that shows that they are partners in the whole thing, then there is the inescapable matter of fact regarding Obisek and D'Tan talking with each other just outside command as to how to deal with the future, so that shows they are involved in each others concerns.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Obiseks movement clearly joint up with them. I don't know how this should be made more clear ingame.
Should the Remans wave RR flags??
Have it come up during the Freedom arc? It seems fairly clear from Obisek's interactions there that even if there are Remans in the Republic (which there are - and why not? It's not like Obisek necessarily has a monopoly on rebel Remans, especially since it seems his movement got going in the aftermath of Crateris - which saw at least one Reman join up with the Republic, possibly several more), and even if Obisek's Remans will join up with the Republic (which they do, seeing as we have that cutscene on New Romulus telling us he has), it hasn't happened yet during our last chat at the Vault.
Have it come up during the Freedom arc? It seems fairly clear from Obisek's interactions there that even if there are Remans in the Republic (which there are - and why not? It's not like Obisek necessarily has a monopoly on rebel Remans, especially since it seems his movement got going in the aftermath of Crateris - which saw at least one Reman join up with the Republic, possibly several more), and even if Obisek's Remans will join up with the Republic (which they do, seeing as we have that cutscene on New Romulus telling us he has), it hasn't happened yet during our last chat at the Vault.
New Romulus arrival cutscene.
Obisek can't get more clear without openenly saying "We Remans joint the Republic".
New Romulus arrival cutscene.
Obisek can't get more clear without openenly saying "We Remans joint the Republic".
This. I think they clearly say somewhere, either during that cutscene, or another cutscene/dialog that Obisek is in charge of the Republic military, and D'Tan of politics and diplomacy.
This. I think they clearly say somewhere, either during that cutscene, or another cutscene/dialog that Obisek is in charge of the Republic military, and D'Tan of politics and diplomacy.
Yes, I am aware of that cutscene. Read the last parenthesis, please (and keep in mind that there are several references to the outdoors New Romulus experience taking place *after* the events of the Freedom arc). My point is that Obisek's actions and words does not fit with him being Republic-aligned during the related Featured Episodes. By the time he shows up again, in the New Romulus arrival cutscene, he not only is Republic-aligned, but defers to D'Tan as a leader. Something changed off-screen.
Yes, I am aware of that cutscene. Read the last parenthesis, please (and keep in mind that there are several references to the outdoors New Romulus experience taking place *after* the events of the Freedom arc). My point is that Obisek's actions and words does not fit with him being Republic-aligned during the related Featured Episodes. By the time he shows up again, in the New Romulus arrival cutscene, he not only is Republic-aligned, but defers to D'Tan as a leader. Something changed off-screen.
Ehm... yes. Sorry for the misunderstand, it seems we share the same opinion then.
The Remans are not officially a part of the New Romulus government yet, and if memory serves only part of the 'Free Remans' work with them. I could be wrong.
Plus - they have that cool underground city visible on New Romulus that needs developing
It was supposed to be ready already from what I remember in old Dev logs.
- Judge Aaron Satie
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
This would be great, always wondered what was behind those walls. Couldn't hurt to have a small outpost/shipyard in orbit either.
Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
funny, i coulda sworn i saw reman guards when on the floatilla and in command wearing RR uniforms as well as living with the rebel romulans. that shows that they are partners in the whole thing, then there is the inescapable matter of fact regarding Obisek and D'Tan talking with each other just outside command as to how to deal with the future, so that shows they are involved in each others concerns.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Funny. I could have sworn one of my characters IS a Republic Reman. :rolleyes:
Obiseks movement clearly joint up with them. I don't know how this should be made more clear ingame.
Should the Remans wave RR flags??
may as well. remans are generally marginalized by the old romulan superstate, the new rebel group is likely to draw a lot of reman interest.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
New Romulus arrival cutscene.
Obisek can't get more clear without openenly saying "We Remans joint the Republic".
Ehm... yes. Sorry for the misunderstand, it seems we share the same opinion then.
Time travel back to the 1980s and go to Nicaragua. You'll find lots of Contra bands there.