I have been playing STO for about a month now, and love my cruiser... it just seems to deliver so much. Now granted I have dumped alot of time and energy into him. But I decided to make a romulan, and a science officer at that. Upon hitting 50 I went from unfamiliar, to confused, to shocked, to stumped and finally found myself at rock bottom of aggrevated! I must admit I had no idea what to do with a Romulan Ha'nom ship, or which way to take it. I think, finally, that I have a sensible idea now and thought I would share my plan of action with all of you for review!
(Please not that this is my plan, and many of the items I have yet to get)
(Also please note! This is STRICTLY for PVE only, mostly for just having fun about dyson or random missions and definately ESTF's)
Ship: Fleet Ha'nom Guardian Warbird
Fore Weapons - Nukara Beam Bank, Polarized Tetryon Beam Array, Quantum (or better) Torpedo
Aft Weapons - Polarized Tetryon Turrets (if they even exist, otherwise Tetryon), Nakura Mines ( I dont see myself getting a great deal from the mines, except maybe for stfs where i know things will travel, but i have never really used mines either and the idea sounds... intriguing at the very least.)
Specific sets/consoles:
2 items from Omega Set (Deflector+Engines) - For Minor Energy Siphoning per shot.
3 Items from Naukara Weapons (Nakura console just seems amazing, extra damage on science abilities really, more accuracy, the set itself giving me more tetryon damage and perhaps put all 3 on for extra and much needed beam attacks). To be honest though I am unsure as to just how effective those extra beam attacks are, let alone the nakuran beam bank... thoughts?
Plasmonic Leech - Dat Leech... more draining...
Boff Line up:
Ens T: Tactical Team I
Lt. T: Tactical Team I, Fire at Will II (or.. if the nakuran beam attacks are any good... Torpedo: High Yield/Torpedo: SpreadII)
Lt. E: Eemergency Power to Shields I, Aux to SIF I
Lt. Com S: Tractor Beam I, Energy Siphon I, Viral Matrix I (Unsure as to just how useful Energy siphon or Viral matrix will be at only rank 1, thoughts?)
Comm S: Hazard Emits I, Transfer Shield Strength II, Tyken's Rift II, Grav Well III
Use of build: Well here is my reasoning and please be as harsh as needed, I have yet to test ANY of this so I would like to know before I step on a mine here.
I liked the idea of draining, alot. The idea that I could drain things energy in an STF sounded very good, ok ok, I may not shut the target down completely on a system, maybe if I was lucky I could, but correct me if im wrong in thinking that the less power to a targets subsystems (tactical cube let's say) the less damage it does and more damage it would take. So we first look at sources of draining. Constant drains from Tetryon Glider (2 set omega) and Plasmonic Leech sounds nice. Add in random Polaron proc's from weapons, yay.. (I only hope nakuran weapons do in fact hit for tetryon like the polarized ones should). Now we can through down an energy siphon, not bad i guess, but again the rank may really hinder me. Lastly, at least on a Tactical Cube, I can throw a Tykens Rift II down on top of it, draining yet more. The idea again is not to completely shut things down but weaken their subsystems so much they become near useless. I would then add in Viral Matrix as a bit of insurance that at least a subsystem would be taken offline, especially hoping for weapons
Every shot I take may also reduce their shields down a little bit, which taking my role into account (im not a dps boat) should help other members of the team hit their hull's that much easier. Also with Tractor beam I intend to have the drain shield Doff, in hopes that.. again... their shields will be trivial so the escorts have an easier time of things. Another role I see (at least in PUGS) is CC, and thats where GWIII would be best, plus the dmg it does isnt too bad either. With the Doff for Viral Matrix (spread) perhaps it could even shut a group of enemies engines down for a little bit. Tractor Beam as a last resort perhaps as well, unless I could turn that into an AOE (or cone). Almost done all, sorry... but last tid bit. The reason I would like to know more about the Nukaran weapons would be for the beam attacks they grant. Are these good? Becuase if they are, that would be a huge help as you all will have noticed I am slim on the Tact Boff deparment, and would give me alot more coverage for AOE or straightline damage, and open at least one spot up for whichever I wanted, Torp high yielf or even AP:B.
That is my plan, I am thinking of getting Elite Fleet shields (covariant) My cruiser uses them, and tbh I love them to death. The resistances are cute, but I fear they affect hull? not sure on that, but still every little would help on bleedthroughs I think.
Anyway thats my idea, drain alot and easily, with the occasional shut down, and nice aoe damage+CC. Let me know what you all think!