Was checking it out earlier and must say I think its a rather poor change, I would highly suggest instead of removing them outright simply add the commendation reward to the other missions and leave the daily's as they currently are.
This would allow those who desire it to complete any one mission to get the commendation but also retain the current daily's as a option for a larger reward.
If this is already what you are working on then please disregard / remove this post at the moment tho all I was able to find was no more daily's meaning essentially no reason to do the contested zone towers and dreadnaught event and unless you are planning on increasing the rewards from the allied zone missions very little reason to do them either.
I think this is a horrible move. They made this interesting space zone, put time and effort into it and now it's going to be bypassed completely. I like this zone and I liked the daily, not just for the marks and dilithium, but exploring and discovering. I realise I can still do that but there is no incentive to do so.
Quite why they want to remove it is beond me, If it aint broke don't fix it!