I'm starting to have issues on email with 5 attached items, as fleet leader i receive a lot of items, most of time because fleet bank are full, some times i urgently need just a single item from email attachment. but system forces me take it all, so i have to email 4 back, thats when i have inventory space otherwise i have to run to bank open space etc..
Thats a pain when we receive a so many emails and items and we need just a single item in hurry.. So i was thinking about the possibility of drag just a single item from email to inventory..
I don't think that this will ever happen. The mail system is just that, a mail system NOT storage, if your postman/woman delivers a package to you that contains multiple items, you have to take the full package, not just some of the contents.
There have been a number of times when splitting the contents would make things easier, but mail is mail...
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There have been a number of times when splitting the contents would make things easier, but mail is mail...