As some others on the KDF side might be aware there is the rare situation in which ppl who have a fleet corsair but not the c-store version have to buy the c-store version to change the interior, bridge or lights of the fleet version. Since I discovered it about two weeks ago I had hoped its some bug on the list get fixed sometime in the future. But if I assume what somebody in another thread said is true some dev already said it will not get fixed.
And I can totally understand that. Its a very niche ship and there are probably less than 5 people with active chars using the fleet version but had not bought the c-store version. I totally get that there are other bugs & problems, that there will always be other bugs and problems which affect by far more people than buyers of the fleet corsair. Its not just an economic descission, its a "for the greater good" one.
With that in mind I again went to the shipyard for customization, clicked customize starship, saw what I already knew what was coming and... still wanted to punch somebody in the face.
What would you do? What have you done if you already were in that situation?
But for the sake of the information - they didn't say it wouldn't get fixed ever, it was BranFlakes and he acknowledged that they know about the issue, but couldn't say when it's expected to be fixed. They never said they won't fix it.
Well, not outright.
Just that there's no ETA on this.
But given he said that in February it's probably another case of a KDF-bug. Meaning it's not worth fixing.