I am Zeus and I would like to invite you to come try us out and see if we are the Fleet you are looking for. We are mature players and have been playing online since 2003. We have two Fleets running on STO. Info on the Fleets follows;
3rd Foot & Mouth (FED)
Dill Mine: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
Embassy: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
Spire: (Started but not at Tier 1 yet - we are finishing the Mine and Embassy first)
Starbase: Tier 3 (almost at Tier 4)
House of Bloodwing (KDF)
Dill Mine: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
Embassy: Tier 2 (almost at Tier 3)
Spire: (Started but not at Tier 1 yet - we are finishing the Mine and Embassy first)
Starbase: Tier 3 (almost at Tier 4)
I also own and operate our TeamSpeak 3 server for the Fleet. I have a Non-Profit license for it so I can have 10 virtual servers each with 100 slots although I doubt we will need that many. Right now I have two setup (info follows);
Olympus - Home of the Gods port 9987 password galactica
Bananaworld port 9977 password dtfc2012
Now for some info on us. We are casual based and don't have strict requirements for fleet asset access. We just want each member to do what they can for the bases and the Fleets. We enjoy STF's, Fleet Mark events, and doing missions. We mostly do PVE's but sometimes we will do some PVP to test out our builds and skills. We have members from the US, UK, and Sweden and are open to anyone that shows they are mature and can get along with others. We have all been in clans/guilds/fleets that have been run by dictators and that is not our style. Rank is easy to get with us and all it takes is your time and a desire to have fun.
I welcome you to come try us out by connecting to our TeamSpeak servers and talking with us to see if you would like to join us.
Our European members are on Bananaworld TS during US daytime hours each and everyday as well as myself and a few more of our members based in the US. At night I switch over to Olympus TS where my original STO Fleet is based. They are also casual and mature and would welcome you.
I personally have 3 alts (each with their own fleet bank) that are just used as Quartermasters for storage of massive amounts of ships, gear, commodities, reward items, etc. I use these Quartermasters to supply the bases and house my personal items.
I also have 12 other alts as my main toons that I play on.
We are not a large fleet but nor are we a small fleet. I like a smaller fleet as it is easier to be in and it allows for every member to feel like they are a major part of the Fleet.
Well I hope to speak with you soon and thanks for looking,
Co-Founder 3rd Foot & Mouth and the House of Bloodwing