As many of you may have noticed, there is quite a market for holiday items of all kinds on the Exchange right now. More than likely, the current prices will drop - as they have already decreased since the Winter Event began - once people get what they want and start building a surplus of the commodities.
Unfortunately, the price of the uncommon items is still incredibly high, because they drop at deplorable rates throughout the Winter Wonderland.
Still worse, there is an odd trend with the price of Bajoran Gratitude Beads. Last I checked, their price was slightly more than three times that of the bells. This is due, in part, to the fact that beads drop far less than bells. Coupled with the fact that neither item drops often enough, the Beads are now in high demand and short supply, landing them somewhere around 300,000 EC each. (Again, last time I checked - hopefully I'm wrong and it changed to something lower than that already.)
I don't normally say it this way, but...
Devs, please tell the Grinch to give back the Uncommon items he stole!:D
Um... I don't see it. I've gotten approximately equal numbers of beads and bells. Exchange prices are insane in general...
Maybe it's just happening to some people, but I've gotten only three beads so far, as opposed to thirteen bells. Either you are really lucky, or I'm really unlucky.
As for the Exchange prices, I realize that they'll probably go down, but I've never seen a disparity like this between two functionally identical items. The current prices just seemed to be evidence that Beads were rarer than Bells.
Beads rarely drop for me.
I've even resorted to the Exchange.
What's funny about this situation is loot from snowpiles were disabled because of the farmers BUT those same farmers from last WE are the only reliable sources of Beads and Bells, now.
Enable the snowpiles, Devs.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Here's a better idea. Give us guaranteed drops rates on the events. A minimum of 1 bead & bell per run/event & 5 of each common. 25% chance to get 2 beads & bells, 5% chance to get 4.
Same with the race, everyone who finishes the race gets a token, but only the winner gets enough to buy a Epohh.
Just to see if people are really buying at these prices, yesterday I posted three beads on exchange, each for 290K, when the regular price seemed to be 300K. They were gone in ten seconds, lol.
(Though I was short on bells, so I used some of that EC to buy bells.)
Here's a better idea. Give us guaranteed drops rates on the events. A minimum of 1 bead & bell per run/event & 5 of each common. 25% chance to get 2 beads & bells, 5% chance to get 4.
Same with the race, everyone who finishes the race gets a token, but only the winner gets enough to buy a Epohh.
I've noted one thing that seems guaranteed, Recipes. But getting those is buggy right now.
I think they actually decreased the drop rates, at least from the half hour snow fights. I did many runs yesterday and today, and I never got more than two greens (and usually just one), not even when the number of player was very low, whereas previously I pretty consistently got three or four greens in such cases. I might be wrong of course, but the drops definitely feel changed.
I have the same problem, getting way more bells than beads. I had this problem last year too. As of right now, including leftovers from last year (remember that bells and beads are spent evenly in all cases), I have 240 sleigh bells to 38 gratitude beads. That's even worse than the 3:1 price ratio on the exchange noted above.
I don't know why they drop more rarely, but either they should be blue to indicate they're more rare, or the rate should be adjusted.
Then again, it's possible I'm INCREDIBLY unlucky, I suppose!
Yeah, the RNG must hate you... more than the rest of us.
I've collected approximately equal numbers of beads and bells, but I've actually been having a minor issue with getting Terran ornaments. I've gotten a lot more of the other commons.
I have the same problem, getting way more bells than beads. I had this problem last year too. As of right now, including leftovers from last year (remember that bells and beads are spent evenly in all cases), I have 240 sleigh bells to 38 gratitude beads. That's even worse than the 3:1 price ratio on the exchange noted above.
I don't know why they drop more rarely, but either they should be blue to indicate they're more rare, or the rate should be adjusted.
Then again, it's possible I'm INCREDIBLY unlucky, I suppose!
I had fifteen left over from last year, and I've only earned six beads this event thus far. I had eighty of some of the other commodities.
By my estimates I'm going to need something on the order of 125 beads in order to do my Christmas shopping on all four characters. This is gonna suck.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
My drop rate experience is about 10 whites to 1 green, across the spectrum all the white quality and both the green quality items seem to have about the same drop rate, but that said it can also be streaky at times.
The thing is, the item costs have a much tighter ratio on them, with Scarfs being 3:2, Jackets being 10:8, and weapons being 8:5.
Hopefully the drop rate adjustments will bring the ratio from 10:1 to more like 3:2 which would be more in line with the costs of more items, though the jackets still have the highest cost ratio. That could be fixed by dropping the Jacket cost from 8 to 6 for the green quality items, bring all the items cost rations roughly in line with the 3:2 ratio.
Re: drop rates -- watch out for Tribble patch notes.
I hope it's good news
As with others, I'm dreadfully short on beads.
Left over from last year I had 600-800 of each common holiday commodity, but only about 150 bells, and 50 or so beads.
So I'm pretty much done with my Winter Shopping on my main character, and getting frozen boots for my Rommies and other new toons (those don't require uncommons), but I'm going to need many many more beads (and still some bells) to get all the clothes I want for may Alts.
Unfortunately, my uncommon drop rates have been more in what I'd call the "rare" column of things, with "very rare" beads drops at best (I think I've got less than 5 at all so far this year).
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I've been running DOff missions across multiple characters to get a decent supply of beads and bells and have enough stocked up to get a few jackets for characters that didn't get them last year. Even with only a 27-33 percent crit rate, they're just a better way to get those commodities right now.
Hopefully the aforementioned patch notes will help with that.
I've been running DOff missions across multiple characters to get a decent supply of beads and bells and have enough stocked up to get a few jackets for characters that didn't get them last year. Even with only a 27-33 percent crit rate, they're just a better way to get those commodities right now.
Hopefully the aforementioned patch notes will help with that.
In more ways than one... doffs are going from 0/8 to 4/12... lol
Re: drop rates -- watch out for Tribble patch notes.
Brandon =/\=
Thank you for reading and considering our feedback! I am very happy you decided to listen to us on this one! Also, thanks for taking the time to post a response, Brandon. It means a lot to hear from the devs regarding feedback.
Well, I'm getting both uncommons at roughly half the rate of the commons. Currently I'm at like 80 Bells and 70 Beads or something. Nothing to be alarmed about.
But it seems others do have some trouble with Beads...
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Well, I'm just gonna say that I need something like 380 bells and beads to get all the snowmen and costumes I want...trying not to think about it but yeah. I do hope the drop rates on these are increased a tad, maybe make them drop a lot on Christmas Eve, Day and Boxing Day?
Still I do seem to be getting plenty of the other ornaments and my fleet is big enough to pool it's numbers and even out the RNG for us.
My character Tsin'xing
Maybe it's just happening to some people, but I've gotten only three beads so far, as opposed to thirteen bells. Either you are really lucky, or I'm really unlucky.
As for the Exchange prices, I realize that they'll probably go down, but I've never seen a disparity like this between two functionally identical items. The current prices just seemed to be evidence that Beads were rarer than Bells.
XO of Training
Tier 5 Starbase, Tier 3 Embassy, Tier 3 Dilithium Mine, Tier 3 Spire
Join us at
Beads rarely drop for me.
I've even resorted to the Exchange.
What's funny about this situation is loot from snowpiles were disabled because of the farmers BUT those same farmers from last WE are the only reliable sources of Beads and Bells, now.
Enable the snowpiles, Devs.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Same with the race, everyone who finishes the race gets a token, but only the winner gets enough to buy a Epohh.
(Though I was short on bells, so I used some of that EC to buy bells.)
My character Tsin'xing
I don't know why they drop more rarely, but either they should be blue to indicate they're more rare, or the rate should be adjusted.
Then again, it's possible I'm INCREDIBLY unlucky, I suppose!
I've collected approximately equal numbers of beads and bells, but I've actually been having a minor issue with getting Terran ornaments. I've gotten a lot more of the other commons.
My character Tsin'xing
I had fifteen left over from last year, and I've only earned six beads this event thus far. I had eighty of some of the other commodities.
By my estimates I'm going to need something on the order of 125 beads in order to do my Christmas shopping on all four characters. This is gonna suck.
Brandon =/\=
The thing is, the item costs have a much tighter ratio on them, with Scarfs being 3:2, Jackets being 10:8, and weapons being 8:5.
Hopefully the drop rate adjustments will bring the ratio from 10:1 to more like 3:2 which would be more in line with the costs of more items, though the jackets still have the highest cost ratio. That could be fixed by dropping the Jacket cost from 8 to 6 for the green quality items, bring all the items cost rations roughly in line with the 3:2 ratio.
As with others, I'm dreadfully short on beads.
Left over from last year I had 600-800 of each common holiday commodity, but only about 150 bells, and 50 or so beads.
So I'm pretty much done with my Winter Shopping on my main character, and getting frozen boots for my Rommies and other new toons (those don't require uncommons), but I'm going to need many many more beads (and still some bells) to get all the clothes I want for may Alts.
Unfortunately, my uncommon drop rates have been more in what I'd call the "rare" column of things, with "very rare" beads drops at best (I think I've got less than 5 at all so far this year).
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
I'm estimating that my daily haul will triple overall. O_O!
My character Tsin'xing
Hopefully the aforementioned patch notes will help with that.
Interesting method of fixing the recipe issue in Winter Invasion.
I kid, I kid. Thanks to the team for increased drop rates.
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
My character Tsin'xing
But it seems others do have some trouble with Beads...
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
Still I do seem to be getting plenty of the other ornaments and my fleet is big enough to pool it's numbers and even out the RNG for us.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.