what I take from this is sto has a very small player base.. even if steam only represents say a quarter of the player base, or even slightly lower.. those are still pretty pathetic numbers for a game that has one of the most popular ips on the planet as its focus..
and calling the legacy of romulas a full blown expansion is laughable at best.. compared to the rest of the mmo industry, lor was a just a fraction of what most games put out as expansions..
all that being said, I fail to see why knowing player numbers and what not should change anyones opinion of the game or the company in either direction.. if you like the game, knowing that it has a low player base doesn't change weather you like it or not.. on the other side of the coin, if the game is not to your standards, why would it matter weather it has a large player base or not.. move on.
the only thing this can show you is why they wont bring in more developers, why production quality is poor, and why there is absolutely no customer service.. to be honest, this helps it make sense to me now..
what I take from this is sto has a very small player base.. even if steam only represents say a quarter of the player base, or even slightly lower.. those are still pretty pathetic numbers for a game that has one of the most popular ips on the planet as its focus..
There is absolutely no clue what percentage of players that are represented with this graph. So this could only represent 0.1% or 1% of all STO players. Also, it is not known how they measure each point. We assume that it is the amount of people that play that game each day, but it could be just the maximum number of people playing on that day at the same time.
The only thing that this graph proves is the general trend of the game and that Season 8 was more successful than Season 6 and Season 7. If we created a graph that recorded the total amount of people playing each day, then we would get a similar graph with slight differences, but the numbers will be completely different.
There is absolutely no clue what percentage of players that are represented with this graph. So this could only represent 0.1% or 1% of all STO players. Also, it is not known how they measure each point. We assume that it is the amount of people that play that game each day, but it could be just the maximum number of people playing on that day at the same time.
The only thing that this graph proves is the general trend of the game and that Season 8 was more successful than Season 6 and Season 7. If we created a graph that recorded the total amount of people playing each day, then we would get a similar graph with slight differences, but the numbers will be completely different.
no there is no clue as to the actual percentage, but saying .01 or 1 % is being a little far fetched.. lol...
realistically, I would say that somewhere between 15 % and 25 % of the total player pop. uses steam.. (and I bet that will rise with the addition of arc..)
but I would also have to say that the graph represents a daily, or possibly weekly per account log in.. as in, on x a day, 4k different accounts logged in at some point or another..
all im saying is this graphs shows a much, much lower number of players than I would have expected. and on top of that, you cant say that a season was anymore of a success or less of a success than another based on a day or two of log ins.. look at it this way.. a ton of people logged in to check it out, but according to this graph (not saying it represents "all" players and what not) peeps logged in, and withing a few days the loggin rate dropped substantially.. that to me shows that people logged in to check it out, were not happy with what was there, and stopped loggin in.. that does not resonate success to me..
I would also say that season 6 and 7 were more successful (by this graph) than 8 as they sustained their numbers longer, and had less of a drop off.. everyone here seems to just be looking at the peak which means nothing.. its how long it can sustain the peak that makes the graph worthwhile...
Exactly. LoR was a pretty decent effort and it shows up in the graph. But Season 8 is a huge let down that barely generated any attention and lost all of it in a short time. I think the evidence is pretty clear based on this graph that people respond to content and not grinds and gimmicks (Dinos with lasers on their heads). LoR had grinds but it also had a decent amount of content too.
As for the finances, I bet Cryptic (PWE) made out like a bandit with all the lock boxes and ships over the last 2 years (and especially this one) so it is definitely not evidence of Doom.
no there is no clue as to the actual percentage, but saying .01 or 1 % is being a little far fetched.. lol...
realistically, I would say that somewhere between 15 % and 25 % of the total player pop. uses steam.. (and I bet that will rise with the addition of arc..)
but I would also have to say that the graph represents a daily, or possibly weekly per account log in.. as in, on x a day, 4k different accounts logged in at some point or another..
all im saying is this graphs shows a much, much lower number of players than I would have expected. and on top of that, you cant say that a season was anymore of a success or less of a success than another based on a day or two of log ins.. look at it this way.. a ton of people logged in to check it out, but according to this graph (not saying it represents "all" players and what not) peeps logged in, and withing a few days the loggin rate dropped substantially.. that to me shows that people logged in to check it out, were not happy with what was there, and stopped loggin in.. that does not resonate success to me..
I would also say that season 6 and 7 were more successful (by this graph) than 8 as they sustained their numbers longer, and had less of a drop off.. everyone here seems to just be looking at the peak which means nothing.. its how long it can sustain the peak that makes the graph worthwhile...
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Exactly. LoR was a pretty decent effort and it shows up in the graph. But Season 8 is a huge let down that barely generated any attention and lost all of it in a short time. I think the evidence is pretty clear based on this graph that people respond to content and not grinds and gimmicks (Dinos with lasers on their heads). LoR had grinds but it also had a decent amount of content too.
As for the finances, I bet Cryptic (PWE) made out like a bandit with all the lock boxes and ships over the last 2 years (and especially this one) so it is definitely not evidence of Doom.
oh im not calling doom, I could care less at this point.. I actually play 1 day a week right now, (I used to play every single day)..
im clearly showing that this is a travesty to the star trek namesake. how is it that something that has one of the largest conventions, one of the largest vegas exhibits, and for a sci fi show, has had the most shows and seasons not doing well.. like I said, this is just steam users, but im gonna bet that it is roughly a quarter of the pop.. so if you add up the remaining 3/4's that is potentially missing, its still very very sad numbers for an mmo..
this is due to the gimmicks, and the lack of wanting to create what the player base is looking for.. sure, winter events are cool, but they could have rerun last years without touching it (ginger bread land) and focused their efforts on something that will be ingame for more than a month.. this is the big problem cryptic struggles with, the spend so much time on monetary items and things, that they don't create what is the basic fundamental things an mmo needs to survive..
at the very least, when lor came out, that is when we should have gotten a bunch of new stf's. and I would even argue that they should have came a year and a half earlier than that.. also, lor sucked because it only introduced a half faction and their story line.. there was "no" fed content, and very little klink content.. yet, we had a summer event that really wasn't needed.. sure its nice, but it wasn't needed.. I shake my head when I see where all the dev time is placed.. its like a car manufactuerer who designed a car to look good, and when it hit the show room floor, they realized it had no engine, or transmission, or anything..
I like this game, and I wish to see it do good, but the dev team needs to get their heads in the game, and start thinking longer term, and start thinking in terms of trek.. this isn't sci fi online, this is star trek online..
and as far as doom, no, this game will be around as long as they drop lockboxes and stupid stuff in them that people want to spend money on. or update the lobi store.. they seem to be happy being a small mmo, so I don't see doom, I just see wasted potential...
no there is no clue as to the actual percentage, but saying .01 or 1 % is being a little far fetched.. lol...
realistically, I would say that somewhere between 15 % and 25 % of the total player pop. uses steam.. (and I bet that will rise with the addition of arc..)
but I would also have to say that the graph represents a daily, or possibly weekly per account log in.. as in, on x a day, 4k different accounts logged in at some point or another..
all im saying is this graphs shows a much, much lower number of players than I would have expected. and on top of that, you cant say that a season was anymore of a success or less of a success than another based on a day or two of log ins.. look at it this way.. a ton of people logged in to check it out, but according to this graph (not saying it represents "all" players and what not) peeps logged in, and withing a few days the loggin rate dropped substantially.. that to me shows that people logged in to check it out, were not happy with what was there, and stopped loggin in.. that does not resonate success to me..
I would also say that season 6 and 7 were more successful (by this graph) than 8 as they sustained their numbers longer, and had less of a drop off.. everyone here seems to just be looking at the peak which means nothing.. its how long it can sustain the peak that makes the graph worthwhile...
Thats why I said that it could be 0.1% or 1%. Obviously 0.01% is far fetched, but so is 25%. So do you mean to say that only 12,000 to 20,000 people have logged on yesterday to play this game? Therefore, the only conclusions is that the amount of people represented on this graph is extremely low or it is measuring the maximum amount of people at a particular time.
So when the graph is expanded out that far, then there was a maximum of 7,910 playing the game at the same time through Steam at the F2P launch, but there could have been 20,000 players or more that played the game on that date and the amount of players playing on a given day is not known. Just how many players are on at a given time. After all, people don't play the game for 24 hours per day. One player could spend 30 minutes per day playing the game while another spends 6 hours per day playing the game. Here is the data for Star Trek Online for February 4 to 7, 2012 which includes the maximum peak of 7,910 players on at the same time.
Since it only gives the amount of people on at a specific time, then there is no possible way to determine the amount of players that played Star Trek Online through Steam on February 4, 2012. Just that the number is higher than 7,910 players. People really need to understand a graph before making any rash conclusions. Therefore, the only useful information we can get out of this graph is the general population trend of Star Trek Online and I think most of us already knew that.
Thats why I said that it could be 0.1% or 1%. Obviously 0.01% is far fetched, but so is 25%. So do you mean to say that only 12,000 to 20,000 people have logged on yesterday to play this game? Therefore, the only conclusions is that the amount of people represented on this graph is extremely low or it is measuring the maximum amount of people at a particular time.
So when the graph is expanded out that far, then there was a maximum of 7,910 playing the game at the same time through Steam at the F2P launch, but there could have been 20,000 players or more that played the game on that date and the amount of players playing on a given day is not known. Just how many players are on at a given time. After all, people don't play the game for 24 hours per day. One player could spend 30 minutes per day playing the game while another spends 6 hours per day playing the game. Here is the data for Star Trek Online for February 4 to 7, 2012 which includes the maximum peak of 7,910 players on at the same time.
Since it only gives the amount of people on at a specific time, then there is no possible way to determine the amount of players that played Star Trek Online through Steam on February 4, 2012. Just that the number is higher than 7,910 players. People really need to understand a graph before making any rash conclusions. Therefore, the only useful information we can get out of this graph is the general population trend of Star Trek Online and I think most of us already knew that.
where are you getting that they are only pulling info from a certain "time" of the day.. what I am seeing is how many people log in per day or week.. someone from steam didn't just say, oh, I guess we cant figure out how many people per day, so im gonna count how many people are on at 5 oclock eastern time or something like that.. 7,910 is the total logins for that day. not for 5pm or 6 pm.. yeah your right, people should really learn how to read and understand graphs before they comment on them
25% is not an unreasonable number.. steam is pretty popular, I know a lot of people who use it, especially since arc started.. and I also said, that I would concede to as low as 15%... but that still shows a very low number.. in the future, when I say 15-25% don't take the larger number cause you are trying to prove me wrong, and ignore everything else I said..
again steam is pretty popular, show me another third party gaming company that has enouph players tha they can have a ship made for them ingame and profit from it..
You can't dismiss the data and it's certainly interesting to see. Basically romulans attracted a large number of players. The 'expansion' could have been called missing or long overdue content.
What I would like to see is hard figures from cryptic on player base figures.
Did LOR help the kdf player base grow? If so by how much?
How many fed roms is there vs kdf roms
How many of Feds kdf and roms spend the most time active on average.
How many roms quit when they got to level 10 and found out they had join another faction?
How many roms became inactive and at what lvls like lvl 10. Some where in the middle or not long after lvl 50.
You can't dismiss the data and it's certainly interesting to see. Basically romulans attracted a large number of players. The 'expansion' could have been called missing or long overdue content.
What I would like to see is hard figures from cryptic on player base figures.
Did LOR help the kdf player base grow? If so by how much?
How many fed roms is there vs kdf roms
How many of Feds kdf and roms spend the most time active on average.
How many roms quit when they got to level 10 and found out they had join another faction?
How many roms became inactive and at what lvls like lvl 10. Some where in the middle or not long after lvl 50.
that would be nice, but they will never release those numbers, not only would it make them look bad, most gaming companies don't release statistics like that.. sure some will release how many players they have or had, but most keep it all underwraps..
Legacy of Romulus was a full-blown expansion -- it's hard to compare that to a Season. You're also missing the circles for Season 6 and Season 7. And, this is only Steam players
Brandon =/\=
yes those are only about steam players but as all statistic on large group of people that is representative for the playerbase so the same spikes will be in non steam players.Either way that shows the game is growing with each season.
where are you getting that they are only pulling info from a certain "time" of the day.. what I am seeing is how many people log in per day or week.. someone from steam didn't just say, oh, I guess we cant figure out how many people per day, so im gonna count how many people are on at 5 oclock eastern time or something like that.. 7,910 is the total logins for that day. not for 5pm or 6 pm.. yeah your right, people should really learn how to read and understand graphs before they comment on them
25% is not an unreasonable number.. steam is pretty popular, I know a lot of people who use it, especially since arc started.. and I also said, that I would concede to as low as 15%... but that still shows a very low number.. in the future, when I say 15-25% don't take the larger number cause you are trying to prove me wrong, and ignore everything else I said..
again steam is pretty popular, show me another third party gaming company that has enouph players tha they can have a ship made for them ingame and profit from it..
Did you even bother clicking on my link? It shows the data between February 4, 2012 and February 7, 2012. The maximum point is 7,910 with each point representing every 10 or 15 minutes. Therefore, the 7,910 that is designated as the maximum amount of players on a given day is actually the maximum amount of player at a given time on February 5, 2012. If your interpretation of the OP's graph was correct, then my graph would give a much lower number not the exact same number. Therefore, SteamGraph measures the number of players that are playing at a given time like between 5:10 to 5:20 PM not the total amount of players that logged in for that day.
Did you even bother clicking on my link? It shows the data between February 4, 2012 and February 7, 2012. The maximum point is 7,910 with each point representing every 10 or 15 minutes. Therefore, the 7,910 that is designated as the maximum amount of players on a given day is actually the maximum amount of player at a given time on February 5, 2012. If your interpretation of the OP's graph was correct, then my graph would give a much lower number not the exact same number. Therefore, SteamGraph measures the number of players that are playing at a given time like between 5:10 to 5:20 PM not the total amount of players that logged in for that day.
are we looking at the same graph cause mine is showing between 1/1/2012 and 10/1/2013
I just went back through every page and post in this thread, I see nothing referring to a time, or specific dates, just a graph that shows players to points between certain times.. and in my statements, I often eluded to not knowing the actual facts of how the graph is set up, but.. I assume (and given what I am looking at for the graph I am looking at) that it is taking certain days, and posting the amount of separate account logins for that day and or week.. it is a vague graph that still shows fairly low numbers.. even compaired to the other games in some of the other graphs, all those games don't exactly top the charts in players and what not, and are all fairly sub par games.. I hold this game to a higher standard, as it has much better gaphics, and a better overall feel..
Looking at SteamPowered directly, it looks as if the figures are for "current" players, and this graph is going to be the peak "current" players, per day. Not the number of unique accounts.
What the graph isn't going to show is the length of time players are on. Seeing as LoR introduced a new story line, I'm sure that people were playing for longer, to level up toons from 1 to 50. I know I was. The longer people are on, the higher the number of concurrent users you will have for the same player base.
The classic business mistake is looking at a report without actually understand what it is telling you, and forcing a pre-conceived interpretation onto it.
I'm sure the players numbers have dropped off from LoR. People came, tried and moved on. And S8 didn't get the pre-launch mention in the press that LoR did. Because it didn't have the content behind it, because it wasn't a full on expansion.
I'm hoping that S8 was a little thin in places because they are working on the next expansion.
I'm just amazed so many people are still playing Fallout New Vegas
I just went back through every page and post in this thread, I see nothing referring to a time, or specific dates, just a graph that shows players to points between certain times.. and in my statements, I often eluded to not knowing the actual facts of how the graph is set up, but.. I assume (and given what I am looking at for the graph I am looking at) that it is taking certain days, and posting the amount of separate account logins for that day and or week.. it is a vague graph that still shows fairly low numbers.. even compaired to the other games in some of the other graphs, all those games don't exactly top the charts in players and what not, and are all fairly sub par games.. I hold this game to a higher standard, as it has much better gaphics, and a better overall feel..
I created a new graph and listed it in one of my previous posts. Here it is again. It goes from February 4 to February 7, 2012 which shows the maximum peak of players playing Star Trek Online through Steam. For the OP's graph, it seems to be the peak for each day instead of the amount of players on at a specific time since more extensive details are not shown.
This graph compares Star Trek Online to The Secret World, Lord of the Rings Online, Eve Online, and Dungeons and Dragons Online. Star Trek Online is doing very well on Steam compared to these other games, but it is completely meaningless. Every MMO has a different percentage of players using Steam to login and it is highly possible that more and more players will access Star Trek Online through Steam due to Arc while these MMOs don't have something like Arc so players of those MMOs are far more likely to use the MMO's launcher instead of something like Steam. So the only information we can get out of this graph is the general population trend of these games and nothing more. We can't determine the health of any game or the number of active players with this graph.
and calling the legacy of romulas a full blown expansion is laughable at best.. compared to the rest of the mmo industry, lor was a just a fraction of what most games put out as expansions..
all that being said, I fail to see why knowing player numbers and what not should change anyones opinion of the game or the company in either direction.. if you like the game, knowing that it has a low player base doesn't change weather you like it or not.. on the other side of the coin, if the game is not to your standards, why would it matter weather it has a large player base or not.. move on.
the only thing this can show you is why they wont bring in more developers, why production quality is poor, and why there is absolutely no customer service.. to be honest, this helps it make sense to me now..
There is absolutely no clue what percentage of players that are represented with this graph. So this could only represent 0.1% or 1% of all STO players. Also, it is not known how they measure each point. We assume that it is the amount of people that play that game each day, but it could be just the maximum number of people playing on that day at the same time.
The only thing that this graph proves is the general trend of the game and that Season 8 was more successful than Season 6 and Season 7. If we created a graph that recorded the total amount of people playing each day, then we would get a similar graph with slight differences, but the numbers will be completely different.
Neverwinter launched on Steam on December 5th. Its a new F2P game for Steam users to try.
no there is no clue as to the actual percentage, but saying .01 or 1 % is being a little far fetched.. lol...
realistically, I would say that somewhere between 15 % and 25 % of the total player pop. uses steam.. (and I bet that will rise with the addition of arc..)
but I would also have to say that the graph represents a daily, or possibly weekly per account log in.. as in, on x a day, 4k different accounts logged in at some point or another..
all im saying is this graphs shows a much, much lower number of players than I would have expected. and on top of that, you cant say that a season was anymore of a success or less of a success than another based on a day or two of log ins.. look at it this way.. a ton of people logged in to check it out, but according to this graph (not saying it represents "all" players and what not) peeps logged in, and withing a few days the loggin rate dropped substantially.. that to me shows that people logged in to check it out, were not happy with what was there, and stopped loggin in.. that does not resonate success to me..
I would also say that season 6 and 7 were more successful (by this graph) than 8 as they sustained their numbers longer, and had less of a drop off.. everyone here seems to just be looking at the peak which means nothing.. its how long it can sustain the peak that makes the graph worthwhile...
"There are lies. Then there are damned lies. Then there are statistics."
This is true. I have STO on Steam but my usage would not be recorded as I use my desktop link rather than Steam link to start the game.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
As for the finances, I bet Cryptic (PWE) made out like a bandit with all the lock boxes and ships over the last 2 years (and especially this one) so it is definitely not evidence of Doom.
- Judge Aaron Satie
Well, f2p was s5 and lor was s7, so technically it's spiking only higher than s6 and pre-f2p seasons.
Elite Defense Stovokor
oh im not calling doom, I could care less at this point.. I actually play 1 day a week right now, (I used to play every single day)..
im clearly showing that this is a travesty to the star trek namesake. how is it that something that has one of the largest conventions, one of the largest vegas exhibits, and for a sci fi show, has had the most shows and seasons not doing well.. like I said, this is just steam users, but im gonna bet that it is roughly a quarter of the pop.. so if you add up the remaining 3/4's that is potentially missing, its still very very sad numbers for an mmo..
this is due to the gimmicks, and the lack of wanting to create what the player base is looking for.. sure, winter events are cool, but they could have rerun last years without touching it (ginger bread land) and focused their efforts on something that will be ingame for more than a month.. this is the big problem cryptic struggles with, the spend so much time on monetary items and things, that they don't create what is the basic fundamental things an mmo needs to survive..
at the very least, when lor came out, that is when we should have gotten a bunch of new stf's. and I would even argue that they should have came a year and a half earlier than that.. also, lor sucked because it only introduced a half faction and their story line.. there was "no" fed content, and very little klink content.. yet, we had a summer event that really wasn't needed.. sure its nice, but it wasn't needed.. I shake my head when I see where all the dev time is placed.. its like a car manufactuerer who designed a car to look good, and when it hit the show room floor, they realized it had no engine, or transmission, or anything..
I like this game, and I wish to see it do good, but the dev team needs to get their heads in the game, and start thinking longer term, and start thinking in terms of trek.. this isn't sci fi online, this is star trek online..
and as far as doom, no, this game will be around as long as they drop lockboxes and stupid stuff in them that people want to spend money on. or update the lobi store.. they seem to be happy being a small mmo, so I don't see doom, I just see wasted potential...
season 7 was separate from lor. they explicitly made that clear on more than one occasion. lor was an expansion, there was a separate season 7..
Thats why I said that it could be 0.1% or 1%. Obviously 0.01% is far fetched, but so is 25%. So do you mean to say that only 12,000 to 20,000 people have logged on yesterday to play this game? Therefore, the only conclusions is that the amount of people represented on this graph is extremely low or it is measuring the maximum amount of people at a particular time.
So when the graph is expanded out that far, then there was a maximum of 7,910 playing the game at the same time through Steam at the F2P launch, but there could have been 20,000 players or more that played the game on that date and the amount of players playing on a given day is not known. Just how many players are on at a given time. After all, people don't play the game for 24 hours per day. One player could spend 30 minutes per day playing the game while another spends 6 hours per day playing the game. Here is the data for Star Trek Online for February 4 to 7, 2012 which includes the maximum peak of 7,910 players on at the same time.
Since it only gives the amount of people on at a specific time, then there is no possible way to determine the amount of players that played Star Trek Online through Steam on February 4, 2012. Just that the number is higher than 7,910 players. People really need to understand a graph before making any rash conclusions. Therefore, the only useful information we can get out of this graph is the general population trend of Star Trek Online and I think most of us already knew that.
where are you getting that they are only pulling info from a certain "time" of the day.. what I am seeing is how many people log in per day or week.. someone from steam didn't just say, oh, I guess we cant figure out how many people per day, so im gonna count how many people are on at 5 oclock eastern time or something like that.. 7,910 is the total logins for that day. not for 5pm or 6 pm.. yeah your right, people should really learn how to read and understand graphs before they comment on them
25% is not an unreasonable number.. steam is pretty popular, I know a lot of people who use it, especially since arc started.. and I also said, that I would concede to as low as 15%... but that still shows a very low number.. in the future, when I say 15-25% don't take the larger number cause you are trying to prove me wrong, and ignore everything else I said..
again steam is pretty popular, show me another third party gaming company that has enouph players tha they can have a ship made for them ingame and profit from it..
What I would like to see is hard figures from cryptic on player base figures.
Did LOR help the kdf player base grow? If so by how much?
How many fed roms is there vs kdf roms
How many of Feds kdf and roms spend the most time active on average.
How many roms quit when they got to level 10 and found out they had join another faction?
How many roms became inactive and at what lvls like lvl 10. Some where in the middle or not long after lvl 50.
that would be nice, but they will never release those numbers, not only would it make them look bad, most gaming companies don't release statistics like that.. sure some will release how many players they have or had, but most keep it all underwraps..
yes those are only about steam players but as all statistic on large group of people that is representative for the playerbase so the same spikes will be in non steam players.Either way that shows the game is growing with each season.
Steamgraph is a 3rd party site that gets its data directly from this page on Steam.
That page lists, and I quote, "Top games by current player count"
Did you even bother clicking on my link? It shows the data between February 4, 2012 and February 7, 2012. The maximum point is 7,910 with each point representing every 10 or 15 minutes. Therefore, the 7,910 that is designated as the maximum amount of players on a given day is actually the maximum amount of player at a given time on February 5, 2012. If your interpretation of the OP's graph was correct, then my graph would give a much lower number not the exact same number. Therefore, SteamGraph measures the number of players that are playing at a given time like between 5:10 to 5:20 PM not the total amount of players that logged in for that day.
are we looking at the same graph cause mine is showing between 1/1/2012 and 10/1/2013
I just went back through every page and post in this thread, I see nothing referring to a time, or specific dates, just a graph that shows players to points between certain times.. and in my statements, I often eluded to not knowing the actual facts of how the graph is set up, but.. I assume (and given what I am looking at for the graph I am looking at) that it is taking certain days, and posting the amount of separate account logins for that day and or week.. it is a vague graph that still shows fairly low numbers.. even compaired to the other games in some of the other graphs, all those games don't exactly top the charts in players and what not, and are all fairly sub par games.. I hold this game to a higher standard, as it has much better gaphics, and a better overall feel..
What the graph isn't going to show is the length of time players are on. Seeing as LoR introduced a new story line, I'm sure that people were playing for longer, to level up toons from 1 to 50. I know I was. The longer people are on, the higher the number of concurrent users you will have for the same player base.
The classic business mistake is looking at a report without actually understand what it is telling you, and forcing a pre-conceived interpretation onto it.
I'm sure the players numbers have dropped off from LoR. People came, tried and moved on. And S8 didn't get the pre-launch mention in the press that LoR did. Because it didn't have the content behind it, because it wasn't a full on expansion.
I'm hoping that S8 was a little thin in places because they are working on the next expansion.
I'm just amazed so many people are still playing Fallout New Vegas
I created a new graph and listed it in one of my previous posts. Here it is again. It goes from February 4 to February 7, 2012 which shows the maximum peak of players playing Star Trek Online through Steam. For the OP's graph, it seems to be the peak for each day instead of the amount of players on at a specific time since more extensive details are not shown.
This graph compares Star Trek Online to The Secret World, Lord of the Rings Online, Eve Online, and Dungeons and Dragons Online. Star Trek Online is doing very well on Steam compared to these other games, but it is completely meaningless. Every MMO has a different percentage of players using Steam to login and it is highly possible that more and more players will access Star Trek Online through Steam due to Arc while these MMOs don't have something like Arc so players of those MMOs are far more likely to use the MMO's launcher instead of something like Steam. So the only information we can get out of this graph is the general population trend of these games and nothing more. We can't determine the health of any game or the number of active players with this graph.