Nelson Mandela has sadly passed away aged 95. He was such a strong and inspirational man that will be sadly missed by past and future generations that will surely learn about his life, what he endured and suffered through for his people.
He was and always shall be an inspiration to all of humanity.
R.I.P. Nelson.
"We will not forget. We will not fail you."
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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May he rest in peace
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I can only hope the world will never forget his legacy.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
I just stopped dead and stared at my screen for a minute or so, it was a level of stupidity I have never encountered before.
Guy finally admitted he didn't know who Nelson Mandela was and just said that because the name sounded "terroristy".
Some people need to be chained to a desk and forced to learn when in school.
It's terrible that a great man dies and this is how some people react.
I just unfriended a few folks on facebook for ranting on and on calling Nelson a terrorist while not knowing a thing about him or what they were talking about.
Some people can be so disrespectful sometimes and not realise that "Freedom" might not be what it is today without the acts, sacrifice and suffering of such a great man like Mr. Mandela.
Some people need to wake up, re-educate themselves and be thankful that such an inspirational man lived and walked on this earth and help make the changes that were made to many many lives!
What account was that? We should report that guy to the devs and get him kicked off the game. That level of racist idiocy is appalling.
I concur with you on the chain-to-desks thing. This is some grade-A, rarefied, ultra-pure idiocy.
The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela.
But if you look at his biography during the 50's and 60', his actions with the ANC, him being a co-founder of the MK, supporting and promomting their violent actions, you can't deny that he had at least terrorist tendencies. For that part of his life, he wasn't any better or worse than other people of his time, weather it's the IRA, german RAF or the communist revolutionary movement in Cuba.
I just had to wrestle away the .45 my faith in humanity was going to shoot itself with. Some people should not be allowed keyboards.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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May he rest in piece.
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
I may rename my Sovereign to USS Mandela
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
[Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.
In-game handle @Janetza
At least you are asking the question.
I can agree with part of that sentiment and quibble with some of it. Let's take the comparison of the experience of Irish Catholics to that of South African Blacks in the 1950's and 1960's. I'll quibble with that.
On the other hand, yes we are all equal. None objectively any better or worse than another. Yet... we are not objective creatures by nature. We will make subjective judgements. And those judgements say more about us than they do the things we are judging.
Rest in peace!
- Judge Aaron Satie
I'm South African and he is my lifetime Hero. He is with God.
^100% This!
My only regret is that we won't see another like him for a long, long time. I doubt there are many other men in this world who after 27 years of incarceration can come out of it with no misgivings or hatred to those who denied them of so many liberties for so long.
RIP Nelson Mandela.
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There's a minority of people on Twitter exactly like that, I saw one who was TRIBBLE off that the BBC interrupted it's programming to bring the news, someone was able to fake a tweet from Paris Hilton confusing Mandela with Martin Luther King, and another one who said "It's sad, but there's people dying in the UK too, what about them." I'm also disgusted at the disrespect some people give at times like these.
He was a great man who changed the world for the better, that should never be forgotten, and never will be.
I'm sure it was the way he would want anyone to go.