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Need a little build help

beclourbeclour Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2013 in PvP Gameplay
I've been tweaking and tweaking my PVP raptor for a while not, but I just feel like I've reached my limits of what I can do to improve it even further.

Yes, I know the Fleet Somraw is a direct upgrade to my mirror Qin, but I'm still holding out in case we really do get a new KDF ship soon. The fleet Qin is just horrible to me, the ensign tac is pretty much useless in my eyes.

I'd hate to, but the best I can come up with is dropping the torp (and related gear) for a single beam just like every other escort out there. I'm very much open to any suggestions.

My main goal is, of course, the alphastrike. But I also enjoy being able to take a few shots myself. I would, however, be fully willing to sacrifice some survivability for more burst.

Boffs (All Nausicann. Considering getting a couple fleet Roms for increased crit)
TT1, TS2, APO1

Doffs (I'm flexible on almost all of them):
3x purple torpedo doffs
Debuff removal warp core engineer (green, will get purple one day)
Tac team cooldown reduction conn off (purple but I don't like wasting a doff just to prevent 5 second downtime on TT. I'd like to replace it but the attack patterns doffs cost a fortune, 5 seconds off evasive doesn't seem worth it. Really open to suggestions.)

Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Dmg] [Acc]x2
Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Dmg] [Acc]x2
Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Dmg] [Acc]x2
Gravimetric Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII

Elite Fleet Disruptor Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [Acc]
Elite Fleet Disruptor Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [Acc]
Kinetic Cutting Beam Mk XII [Dmg]x3

Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XII [+Turn]
Console - Engineering - Enhanced Neutronium Alloy Mk XII [+Turn]
Console - Universal - Assimilated Module

Console - Universal - Proton Particle Stabilizer
Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech

Console - Tactical - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XI (Purple. Holding out for fleet consoles)
Console - Tactical - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XI
Console - Tactical - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XI
Console - Tactical - Disruptor Induction Coil Mk XI

Klingon Honor Guard Positron Deflector Array Mk XII
Klingon Honor Guard Combat Impulse Engines Mk XII
Elite Fleet Reinforced Warp Core Mk XII [SEP] [W->S] [SCap] [AMP] [SST]
Elite Fleet Adaptive Covariant Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x2 [ResB] [Adapt]

Subspace Field Modulator
Weapons Battery

Power levels:
125/100 Weapons
75/45 Shields
39/15 Engines
72/40 Aux

(I rely on the leech to keep weapons up, and raise aux above 75 to trigger my Core's [AMP]. I use weapon battery to attack straight out of full impulse when it can't be avoided.)

I had considered getting a rule 62 for increased torp damage, even running another
photon to trigger the doffs more frequently. I'm just generally stumped at how to tweak
this build to improve my overall dps and burst.

The main problem is shield tankers. A sci ship or carrier can easily take the force of my
alpha strike without losing shields enough for my torps to be effective.

Any and all input is very much welcome. Thank you :)

Forgot to mention, I have all reps maxxed cept sphere which is T3 currently. The Nukara T4 perk is why I run
high aux.
Post edited by beclour on


  • twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Minor tip: you could consider dropping the torp doffs in favour of Damage Control Engineers, to reduce cooldown on EPtX skills - that way you could replace 1 EPtS with EPtE (movement buff) or EPtW (for some extra weapon power and a flat 13%ish damage buff).

    You'd get close to 100% uptime on both EPtS and the second EPtX ability, that way.
  • beclourbeclour Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @deokkent: Are you suggesting I run a beam, 2 cannons and a torp? I had considered that but I thought it would really cut down on my non-burst DPS.

    I do like sneaking in right under their rears before decloaking :) Closer the better from the charts I've seen (5km is the sweet spot but there is increased damage right up to 0.0).

    What do you think of dropping TSS1 and getting a tractor beam for a slightly prolonged burst before they can change facings on me or something? I know it makes me more squishy but... its something I've been thinking about.

    @twam: That's an interesting idea. I hadn't thought of EP2W. That 10% increase to damage is awful appealing. Only two things bothering me about it... its a 35% chance on each doff, so there's still a chance
    I won't have hardened shields all the time... I can live with that for higher burst.

    The other problem (and this is a biggy) is will dropping the torp doffs reduce my overall DPS more than
    the buff I'd get from EP2W? I like min/maxing but I suck at math. Anyone want to chime in and let me know if this will improve things for me?
  • beclourbeclour Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well... Maybe I'll pick up a fleet DBB then and try it out. Maybe I should just drop the torp. I hate to be a cookie-cutter raptor pilot but in PVP you're kinda required to stick with what works I guess.

    An idea I had with the tractor beam was dropping the proton console, and maybe my armor in favor of the dark spot console (I forget the name, big black spot, holds you still) + the new console that launches a bunch of missiles to a single location. If it works, maybe figuring out some way to squeeze in a jump console.
    Basically decloaked alpha + tractor + launch missiles + dark spot to keep them held (and blind) til the missiles hit.
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