Just wonder why KDF player dont Q for starbase fleet defence after all it's so popular on federation side this mission give from 85 to 150 fleet mark,so if you have a KDF toon Q for it:
see you in batle!
The simple truth: There just aren't that many of us. It requires an act of congress to get any kind of KDF-exclusive que going.
Not true. There seem to be enough KDF players for a 15 on 15 Capture and Hold macth, but those same players never seem to queue for KDF fleet actions nor for KDF vs. KDF PvP matches. They avoid them like the plague.
This one's easy: you queue for Starbase Defence for FM's, and you do it while also queueing for some other FM missions. The other ones are 5 man's or the CCE. Those pop sooner, leaving the SB defence queue empty again.
I found out that this, just like most KDF related queue has to be organized rather than a simple pug where one just queues and waits for the queue to pop.
I recomend joining some KDF channels, some can be found in the >KDF channels list<. I found that joining those was very helpfull to get teams for instances such as the one discussed here.
I was wondering the same thing a while ago OP, especially regarding the Starbase Defense, but since I joined a number of KDF channels I have no issues doing the Defense or other PvE for that matter. The thing is, someone needs to step up on one or more of those channels and start forming a team for it. When organized people usually jump in, especially during the bonus event, I don't know why they're not queued to do it otherwise - but it is what it is, at least it can be done.
Monday-Friday, if you want to PvP, you end up on your Fed toon, doing FvF.
Timezone dependent, I'd say. In the European evenings I have no trouble getting into FvK pug matches, on my KDF characters. Daytime, yeah, that doesn't really happen.
Just wonder why KDF player dont Q for starbase fleet defence after all it's so popular on federation side this mission give from 85 to 150 fleet mark,so if you have a KDF toon Q for it:
see you in batle!
the mission is long and the reward is a bit poor... Better if you play a faster kdf fleet allert.
Moreover kdf players are much less than fed players so you need much more time to have 20 players accepting the mission. And since I need to gring FM as fast as possible, better queuing for a CE or a fleet allert, than change toon and queuing again for a CE and/or a fleet allert, than change toon again and... and so on. Faster and cheaper.
PW should encourage playing kdf...
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
KDF Tac: Bortasqu' Tactical
Fed Tac: Fleet Gal-X
Keep those big guns a-thunderin'
Not true. There seem to be enough KDF players for a 15 on 15 Capture and Hold macth, but those same players never seem to queue for KDF fleet actions nor for KDF vs. KDF PvP matches. They avoid them like the plague.
I recomend joining some KDF channels, some can be found in the >KDF channels list<. I found that joining those was very helpfull to get teams for instances such as the one discussed here.
I was wondering the same thing a while ago OP, especially regarding the Starbase Defense, but since I joined a number of KDF channels I have no issues doing the Defense or other PvE for that matter. The thing is, someone needs to step up on one or more of those channels and start forming a team for it. When organized people usually jump in, especially during the bonus event, I don't know why they're not queued to do it otherwise - but it is what it is, at least it can be done.
Timezone dependent, I'd say. In the European evenings I have no trouble getting into FvK pug matches, on my KDF characters. Daytime, yeah, that doesn't really happen.
the mission is long and the reward is a bit poor... Better if you play a faster kdf fleet allert.
Moreover kdf players are much less than fed players so you need much more time to have 20 players accepting the mission. And since I need to gring FM as fast as possible, better queuing for a CE or a fleet allert, than change toon and queuing again for a CE and/or a fleet allert, than change toon again and... and so on. Faster and cheaper.
PW should encourage playing kdf...
Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves