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Not a "nice" ground guide.

peevil31peevil31 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2014 in The Academy
Huddle up all ye of little ground skills. I'm going to try and make this as simple as possible. If you try and try and just don't seem to "get" ground or if you think you're not very good at it, this is the guide for you.

This guide won't make you an overnight celebrity. If you're an idiot, this guide might even make you worse. I can't stop you from doing stupid stuff if you're dead set on TRIBBLE up in the first place. What I can do is, perhaps, show you a different way of looking at things.

Off we go. A few things to get outta the way first:

1. This is not a 'nice' guide.
This guide is the last resort of someone who can no longer stand the quality of public PvE ground missions.

2. You probably won't agree with all/some of this guide.
I do not care. Post whatever you like. Maybe I'll even learn something new.

3. I'll tell it like it is and how it should be.
I'll make specific examples of what not to do when I'm able.

4. Try it.
Don't flame me because it sounds like it won't work. Or flame me then secretly try it and find out it does. I don't care.

5. Experiment whenever you can.
Trying new things is the only way to improve yourself. (hint: stuff coming up might be new)

Starting at the beginning..

How you actually use the controls.

Don't: ONLY use the WASD keys (mouse free) or ONLY use the mouse to do ground combat.

Do: Right hand on mouse. Left hand on number row.

Explained: This positioning allows you to use elements from both of the rigid styles above. Strafing is for sissies. Auto targeting and rolls make strafing just kind of stupid so don't give me no TRIBBLE like, "But if my left hand's on the number row, how do I figure skate then?".

The R button. This button makes you shuffle along. Shift button. This button, when pressed after R button, makes you move normal like. Holding down the R click button will steer you. "But what about A and D buttons, those steer you too!" They do indeed. And you turn like someone using a walker. Mouse PoV manipulation is faster.

If you spent your entire last paycheck on a mouse that has 13 buttons and a massager built in and you want to setup the custom color buttons, go for it. When the carpal tunnel eases up and you're able to type again and thank, me I'll be waiting. If your keyboard does weird things when you start-up your computer like flash goofy lights or make noises and you want to hardware macro, go for it. Good luck remembering the reasigns.

Don't: Press the B button. Ever. (well... it's ok to in 1 circumstance, but 1** ONLY)

Do: Use the RPG configuration.

Explained: 'Shooter' mode does nothing for you. Nothing. There's no damage increase for it. There's no head shot crit fairy. Stop doing it. It's awkward and you have almost 1 degree of visibility with it. It's like playing paintball while only looking through a toilet paper roll tube.

The only exception to this rule is when you're under the effects of "Confused". After you read this and put it to use you don't want to massacre your whole team by being better than those who didn't read it do you? (I'll pretend you said "no") Pressing B and then manually aiming with the mouse to a real bad guy will enable you to continue raining the pain on the near-dead without one shooting those feeble teammates of yours. **amendment - Leading a target for Orbital Strike or other anticipatory actions is also an acceptable use of Shooter mode. Thanks Vilzk@chuzordie5

Wasted Talent

Don't: Just spam your main and secondary weapon attacks and call it a good days work.

Do: Use the Aim, Crouch and ability buttons.

Explained: X button. Imagine this magical button as your 'Insta-buff' button. Pressing this increases damage dealt with guns by +33%. B does not do this. Pressing X then B does nothing but give you the Aim bonus and make you suck.

C button. Think of this as bending your knees to tighten up your strike zone. It adds +50% Dodge and recently, a Sure Footed buff. Use this when you've got some distance from your enemies. Press C again to UNcrouch when your enemies close in. While crouching you suffer a -100 melee damage nerf, meaning that if they hit you with their little finger, you will die. Badly. So use it but know how to use it.

Abilities. You spent a small fortune on that Romulan Embassy Mk 12 kit for a reason. Slot and USE the bloody skills! People who don't use skills are like people who have a $400 smart phone but don't know how to text message or surf the internet with it. Familiarize yourself with your skills. Know what each one does, what it works best on/against and roughly how fast it'll recover.

Gear for intelligent people.

Don't: Use that old, Mk 7 kit just because you got used to it and you think it works fine.

Do: Keep multiple, current kits on you at all times.

Explained: The Developers spend a lot of time dreaming up ways to make the encounters on ground as different as they can. Your kits have different skills in them. Look you'll see.

Don't: Think that Exchange gear is "good enough" when you hit level 50.

Do: Research the Fleet, Reputation, mission gear.

Explained: Exchange gear is simply sub par. Reputation and fleet gear trumps it every time. Farm the Jem'Hadar set if you must. (make and use the capacitors if you do...)

Don't: Carry a main gun with another that you don't even know works anymore.

Do: Keep a few different guns on hand to suit the situation.

Explained: You might not agree with me. I don't care. If it fires below the waist it's a waste of space. You don't look cool firing those big hunchback guns like the Mingun and Blast Assault. You don't even do good DPS. To the informed person, you look like someone who probably doesn't use Hypos either and can soon be stepped over and forgotten.

High Density Beam Rifles do the best Single Target DPS in the game. Pulsewave handles groups the best. Slot both to not suck. Wide beam pistol is the best gun to keep in secondary when meleeing. Don't melee unless you know how/when to not melee. People melee SDing makes me and the other Sword professionals look bad.

Romulan Plasma Reputation weapons can't be beat for versatile destruction. Get a nukara weapon if you're going to fight the Tholians regular grind-like.

Edit: I never meant to ignore the Split Beam Rifle or to make light of it's capabilities. I, personally, think it's probably the best bet for Fabrication Engineers. For all those people who don't understand that no guide can cover ALL potential aspects... keep rocking 0 Hypos in your inventory.

All the cool kids use them.

Don't: Object to using Hypos.

Do: Buy them at the ESD vendor (near Tailor) for dirt cheap.

Explained: If you don't use hypos, you're an idiot. If you're one of those people who say, "I don't use Hypos, I take cover and wait for shield regen." then you too are an idiot. Even if you're a Science Captain with a Medic kit on and you don't stock hypos, you're an idiot. If you object to me saying that you're an idiot, then you should probably keep on not using them. ...like an idiot.

Need no explanation.

Do: Compliment people. If you notice that someone in your team is just tearing it up in your team, be sure to say as much in team or fleet chat. Who knows they might just have some good advice for you.

Do: Communicate with your Teammates.

Do: Ask questions before and after politely.

Do: Que PUGs.

Do: Research an mission before doing it publicly, either with a friend or YouTube.

Do: Farm accolade Passives.

Do: Get your accolades. Knock out those kill accolades. They really are worth it!

Do: Challenge Friends and Fleet-mates to a match. Even if PvP isn't your thing I'll be you have fun. (especially against the no-hypos)

Do: Analyze and learn from your mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over it, make a better strategy and move on.

Do: Make costumes! They make things interesting and who knows, you might forever suck at ground but you could maybe look good while doing it!

Don't: Feign competence when you're first-timing it, believe me... we know.

Don't: Say, "gg". I've parsed hundreds of encounters and it's always the lowest DPSing noob in the group who says, "gg". Either form a full, short sentence or keep silent, either way, keep your lazy off my screen.

Don't: Shoot off your guns, in the air, before an encounter. We know you're a Shooter mode noob if you do haha.

Don't: Cry, "Help!" or "Hilfe" or w/e. Should know whether to Respawn or wait. If you spam it because you're bored and/or lonely I might just try and get you killed again.

Don't: Run on ahead of your group. Leeroy Jenkins was funny about 10 yrs ago. Now you just look like you don't know what a Hypo is.

Don't: Use "Lag" as an excuse to suck. If lag is such an issue for you then you would know before entering the que and should choose not to que it in the first place.

Don't: Assume someone's a noob just because they're having an issue. Check out their title or perhaps their accolade points in info before you lay down the the slam hammer. They just might come back with a, "Sorry, a -insert tragedy- just happened."

Don't: Get 'Tunnel Vision', constantly be aware of where your fleet-mates are and what they're up to.

Don't: Be a Lemming. If you're unsure about a que with your fleet-mates, ask for a quick, understandable strategy first. If they're too impatient to do that, drop the que prompt and ask a friend to explain it and PUG it with you.

Here, for more of my brand of ground advice.

That in now way, shape or form, covered all the things you should know about ground combat. It is, however, a good stepping stone with which you can start on down the road to hypos and not sucking as much.

Pellina@Peevil31 - Contact me if you want. I'm an 8th level, grand master Black Lister if you're a no-hypo kinda person.
Post edited by peevil31 on


  • evilbsg62evilbsg62 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    bout time someone posted one of these.
    Section 31Lane/Jeffjr/Varek @jeffjr USS Stadi/USS Grendel/USS AshigaruDreadnought Class Refit / Avenger Class Refit/Rhode Island Class Refit"With your shield or on it"/"Mors venit ad omnes."/"One with courage is a majority"https://www.youtube.com/@jeffjr84
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I enjoyed this.

    So the Dyson expose/exploit rifle, omega carbine and a typical split beam crthx3 are out the picture?

    And could you add some power tips? Like the gambling device is amazing...those things that the typical person. is unaware of
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    peevil31 wrote: »
    Don't: Shoot off your guns, in the air, before an encounter. We know you're a Shooter mode noob if you do haha.

    I think I'm going to start doing this every ground encounter. :P
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ok, not a bad guide overall, but a few nitpicks for you.

    Shooter mode is not bad at all in PvE. A player in practice with Shooter mode can outperform a player in RPG mode. RPG mode is ideal in PvP because players move more often than NPCs. Even then, Shooter mod has it's place in PvP, as it does not require line of sight to fire. It is important for players to have good control over both combat aspects. If you don't, you are gimping yourself significantly.

    Exchange gear is not a bad option if you have a new character. Try to get a Personal Mobility Shield Mk XI [Cap] [Reg] (they drop from a very rare duty officer assignment). For armor, Polyalloy Weave Armor Mk XI [HP] [RegHP] [RegSH] is the best modifier. As for weapons, try to stay away from Polaron, the proc doesn't last very long and has very little effect in the long run. The Jem'hadar set isn't a bad choice, but the armor is a bit of a risk due to the lack of Physical damage resistance and a striking lack of a [HP] (bonus hit points) mod.

    As for your weapon type choices...High Density Beam rifles are not the best DPS weapons in the game. Full Auto Rifles, especially the Omega Force Antiproton Autocarbine, will blow the High Density out of the water. A High Density Beam Rifle is basically a Split Beam Rifle that hits up to 3 targets in a straight line (they must be in a straight line to hit), rather than three targets anywhere in your weapon arc. Due to this, split beam rifles are superior to high density beam rifles.

    Now I agree with your assessment on Assault Miniguns and Blast Assaults, the animation lock makes these weapons highly undesirable. Your comment on wide beam pistols is completely in left field however. Wide beam pistols at MK XII Very Rare sell for minimum price on the exchange for a reason, they are vendor trash. I'd go as far to say they are the worst weapons in the game.

    Generally, you want a Split Beam Rifle, Full Auto Rifle (Omega Autocarbine), Sniper Rifle, Pulsewave Assault, or Compression Pistol for PvE. As above, you can get some use out of High Density Beam Rifles. The New Dyson Set Wide Beam Rifle/Sniper Rifle hybrid is a very nice weapon as well.

    The last thing is your whole comment on running ahead. If the player knows what he is doing, then there is no reason he cannot venture ahead of the group to take out NPCs. This is especially true for Cure Ground Elite. When I'm in pug matches, nobody has Frosted Boots, thus I run ahead and fight without them. There are times when the group must stay together (Infected Ground Elite), but for the most part it is not an issue.

    Other than that, I liked the guide overall. Thanks for putting the guide together.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • howiebabey82howiebabey82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    good info here's a question what are my options for a stealthy sniper what gear? i know the omega set but id like to use my sniper rifle cloak and hit cloak again ur opinion?
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    good info here's a question what are my options for a stealthy sniper what gear? i know the omega set but id like to use my sniper rifle cloak and hit cloak again ur opinion?

    In PvE, there is never a time where you need to decloak/snipe/recloak. If you are looking for a good sniper rifle, the MACO Sniper Rifle is nice. The Overcharged Plasma Sniper Rifle from the Federation's Romulan arc is also a great sniper rifle. As far as covert strikes go, the best weapon for an operative is a pulsewave. Ranged cloaking is tedious and accomplishes very little.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It still surprises me how many people don't use hypos. I get paranoid when I drop under 20 hypos in my inventory. Gotta keep a full stock of those at all times.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lan451 wrote: »
    It still surprises me how many people don't use hypos. I get paranoid when I drop under 20 hypos in my inventory. Gotta keep a full stock of those at all times.

    What really surprises me is the fact that the same people that use buffs liberally in space don't use any captain or kit powers on the ground.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What really surprises me is the fact that the same people that use buffs liberally in space don't use any captain or kit powers on the ground.

    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What do you guys think of the piercing plasma rifles and the repeating plasma pistols from the dilithium store?

    I'm kind of fond of them on my Romulans. They seem like they do good damage, but I'm not sure.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What do you guys think of the piercing plasma rifles and the repeating plasma pistols from the dilithium store?

    I'm kind of fond of them on my Romulans. They seem like they do good damage, but I'm not sure.

    The split beam pistol isn't too bad, but it's only Mk XI. If there was a Mk XII version of that weapon, I'd probably use it liberally. The Wide Beam Rifle is not all that effective, it's outclassed by the Split Beam Rifle. The Long Range Minigun and the Chargeup Blast Assaults are interesting due to the limited animation lockdown, but they aren't any better over existing weapons. Now the Piercing Plasma Rifle and the Plasma Repeater Pistol are both decent weapons. If Cryptic ever creates a Mk XII version of either, I will be getting them.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The split beam pistol isn't too bad, but it's only Mk XI. If there was a Mk XII version of that weapon, I'd probably use it liberally. The Wide Beam Rifle is not all that effective, it's outclassed by the Split Beam Rifle. The Long Range Minigun and the Chargeup Blast Assaults are interesting due to the limited animation lockdown, but they aren't any better over existing weapons. Now the Piercing Plasma Rifle and the Plasma Repeater Pistol are both decent weapons. If Cryptic ever creates a Mk XII version of either, I will be getting them.

    I totally wish there were Mk XII versions of the piercing/repeating plasma weapons. They're my favorites in the game.
  • cheesebasketcheesebasket Member Posts: 1,101 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Dem people who don't use hypos...
    It's so annoying because you can REPLICATE hypos from the ship replicator for cheap, and while small hypos aren't great they can still save your bacon.

    if they don't use kit powers, they don't need to ground, plain and simple.

    Yea, armor sets are OK, but some fleet armors have built in nanite monitors, and the fleet equips don't function like a set

    Just my 2 cents lol
    The hamster will RULE ALLL....

  • howiebabey82howiebabey82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i see there are fleet shields that allow you to adapt to the energy signature like the borg
    does it work as all as borg npc or no?
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thank you for the tips and the extra commentary.

    If I have any concerns it is that the Rep Gear may not be better than an Exchange item: I'm telling you I have out-shot players using the Elite Cryo Full Auto Rifle on Nukara with a Rare Mk XII Split Beam AP Rifle (with Sonic) enough times to not go for the Rep weapon.

    BUT, the movement and shooting tips are very welcome as I want to be better at Ground.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i see there are fleet shields that allow you to adapt to the energy signature like the borg
    does it work as all as borg npc or no?

    Elite Fleet Ground shields build up +5% shield damage resistance every time a specific damage type strikes up to 5 stacks per energy type (25% shield resistance). You can have multiple resistances at maximum at once. However, due to the relatively low shield ratings in Ground combat, this shield modifier was never a problem for ground players.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • howiebabey82howiebabey82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    this is what im using currently compare them against each other ur opinion?
    advanced fleet personal shield mkxii cap 3 REV
    get-364.8 max shield capacity
    16,100 fleet marks,3,600 dilithium
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    @Howie - that's exactly what I use and don't see a reason to switch. Especially through the Rep system.
  • howiebabey82howiebabey82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lol i mite try the omega rep set but thas my primary along with the below and im debating on tactical kit

    advanced fleet tetyron sniper rifle mkxii
    (scroll all the way to the bottom)
    dmgx3 dot 3 68.7 , second setting 185.6
    26,800 fleet credits,10,000 dilithium

    armor to get (its in the fleet category)
    elite fleet energy dampening armor mkxii
    {ResAll}RegHP} {Nanite}
    58.2 all energy resistence
    50.1 maximum hit points
    price 24,000 fleet credits, 4,800 dilithium

    secondary weapon in adv assault
    category advanced fleet anti proton
    pulse wave mkxii dmg x3 kb3
    26,000 fleet credits,9600 dilithium
  • pokersmith1pokersmith1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    peevil31 wrote: »
    Don't: Say, "gg". I've parsed hundreds of encounters and it's always the lowest DPSing noob in the group who says, "gg". Either form a full, short sentence or keep silent, either way, keep your lazy off my screen.

    Well my idea of a 'gg' is a bit different. Idk why ppl in STO keep taking 'gg' to literally mean 'good game.' For me, it's like shaking hands after a game of basketball or soccer to acknowledge your own team and your opponents. Its demonstrating good sportsmanship. You don't have to write profuse poetry, just a nod and a tip of the hat will do fine, and 'gg' does just that. If you are that concerned that the lowest dps-ing noob is the first to call 'gg', a successfully completed mission is still a successfully completed mission, and maybe you should pat yourself in the back for carrying the noob. He will appreciate it :P

    Other than that particular nitpicking, I cannot thank you enough for plugging hypos. People who do not use hypos when needed are on my personal pet peeves list. That, and who blatantly display around their injuries like they were some sort or war medal. Come to think of it, I don't think you plugged regenerators in your post. Can you modify it to plug them, pretty please? :D
    Elite Defense Starfleet
    Elite Defense Stovokor
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ground combat guy here!

    Yeah - I'll have to nitpick on gear from the exchange. Honestly, if you're willing to pay, it's MORE than fine. In fact, I prefer some of it.

    Quick example:

    Mk XII Tetryon Split Beam Rifle [CritD]x2 [CritH]
    53.7 Damagex2 [113 dps]

    And the closest fleet comparison:

    Advanced Fleet MK XII Tetryon Split Beam Rifle [Dmg]x3 [CritX] (Crit X = CritH + 1/2 CritD)
    54 Damage x2 [114 dps]

    You see? You lose an unnoticeable amount of DPS but gain a buckton more CritD from the non-fleet version. All of the exchange.

    Remember Kids, when it comes to ground combat CRIT is KING.

    Other things to remember also:

    [Dmg] = [lol]. It's a ****e modifier. In general, avoid. (Hence why many of the fleet weps are lacking.)

    Hybrid weapons: I'm mixed. I am in general of the mind that losing a Crit modiifer of a sort is not worth swapping for an additional proc at double the proc chance. I use them for my BoFFs - theyre more than fine.

    If youre not part of a fleet or don't have enough rep points, any pollyalloy weave armor or energy dampening armor at MKXII Very Rare will work fine. Just be prepared to open up your wallet. Same thing goes for shields. Plan ahead. Fighting Voth? Get a shield with an [Ap] resistance. Fighting Klingons? Get one with the [Dis] modidfer, etc.
  • panserbjorne39panserbjorne39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Don't use shooter mode? Holy TRIBBLE, I had no idea you could even shoot in RPG mode. lol I've been getting bored with space and with the new battlezone i thought id build up my ground game. thanks for the guide.
  • peevil31peevil31 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A High Density Beam Rifle is basically a Split Beam Rifle that hits up to 3 targets in a straight line (they must be in a straight line to hit), rather than three targets anywhere in your weapon arc. Due to this, split beam rifles are superior to high density beam rifles.

    I said, "Single Target", not multiple target DPS.

    [QUOTE=majortiraomega;13735311 Your comment on wide beam pistols is completely in left field however. Wide beam pistols at MK XII Very Rare sell for minimum price on the exchange for a reason, they are vendor trash. I'd go as far to say they are the worst weapons in the game.[/QUOTE]

    Clearly you don't melee that much or don't really know your guns. Wide beam is the best all purpose gun in the game in my opinion. Why? 1. Rate of fire with a critX build. 2. Has a both single and multiple target versatility. 3. Is the only gun to have this single and multiple target versatility. 4. It's decreased range isn't an issue for the nonmobiity challenged person.
    The last thing is your whole comment on running ahead. If the player knows what he is doing, then there is no reason he cannot venture ahead of the group to take out NPCs. This is especially true for Cure Ground Elite. When I'm in pug matches, nobody has Frosted Boots, thus I run ahead and fight without them. There are times when the group must stay together (Infected Ground Elite), but for the most part it is not an issue..

    Those who know how to 'venture ahead' probably won't need to read a semi-insulting guide like this to know which end is down.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    peevil31 wrote: »
    . 3. Is the only gun to have this single and multiple target versatility.

    The Split Beam Rifle , Pulsewave Assault Rifle and Bajoran pistol would like to have a word, among others...

    (Unless I misunderstood your point...)
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    peevil31 wrote: »
    I said, "Single Target", not multiple target DPS.

    Clearly you don't melee that much or don't really know your guns. Wide beam is the best all purpose gun in the game in my opinion. Why? 1. Rate of fire with a critX build. 2. Has a both single and multiple target versatility. 3. Is the only gun to have this single and multiple target versatility. 4. It's decreased range isn't an issue for the nonmobiity challenged person.

    Those who know how to 'venture ahead' probably won't need to read a semi-insulting guide like this to know which end is down.

    High Density Beam Rifles aren't true single target weapons, their secondary strikes up to three targets. The only difference between High Density and Split beam is the fact that High Density is a linear attack and Split Beam is a cone attack. Due to this, Split Beam is superior to High Density.

    Melee weapons are weak in most cases, unless a player is using Critical Hit duty officers. Even then, energy weapons remain superior against most enemies. Wide Beam Pistols are terrible, there is no getting around this fact. Wide Beam Pistols have an identical rate of fire with Split Beam Rifles. The range on rifles is far superior to pistols. When close to the target, a pulsewave assault weapon will kill the target faster than a wide beam pistol could ever hope to do. Wide beam pistols also aren't the only weapons capable of hitting multiple targets or single targets. Full Auto Rifles, Split Beam Rifles, Pulsewave Assaults, Split Beam Pistols, the Dyson Rifle, and certain special weapons all have single/multiple attack modes.

    The wide beam pistol has the shortest firing range for a beam weapon. The secondary attack is balanced for hitting five targets, which drastically reduces it's overall damage potential. The high rate of fire further reduces the spike damage potential on the secondary fire. The primary fire does damage equivalent to a stun pistol. You may personally like the weapon, but the vast majority of the community hates the weapon. Wide Beam Pistols are the cheapest weapons on the exchange for a reason.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To the OP:

    How you control your movement is going to be best determined by how coordinated and comfortable you are with various setups. Unless you are going to tell them about Keybinds then you are wasting your fingers there.

    Shooter mode also has one other use which is the full utilization of the CRM 200, Miniguns, sniper rifles or anything else you need to "charge" up before firing. However, you have to be good to accomplish this well so it is not recommended for anyone who is not comfortable with it.

    I agree with Aim... Crouch is usually a great way to die. What usually kills you is Grenades and other projectiles not just normal fire. Enemies are far too pathetic to kill you with normal fire if you are well geared. If you stop moving you are asking for death.

    Abilities can be handy but there are a lot of circumstances were in the time it takes you to activate them, wait for their animation, and then fire you could have killed the enemy with a little 1 and a little 2. So as they currently are they are not always that worth using. You need to know WHEN to bother using them and on what.

    Sniper Rifle and CRM 200 do more damage than a High Density but I hate Snipers so I am with you for using the High Density instead. Besides you can line up multiple hits with that one. The Phaser Type 3 Rifle you get from Night of the Comet is actually one of the most powerful weapons in the game and murders groups and best of all it is basically free. You are welcome.

    Also Full Auto Rifles deal massive damage.

    Using Hypos is fine at the right moment especially with the proper DOFF but for a Medic it is silly to bother with Hypos. Have Shield Rechargers instead. You can keep your health up just fine what you need is more shields. For everyone else Hypos are ok but you will probably rarely use them as most of what is likely to kill you is going to do it instantly or not at all. However, I would agree with keeping one handy just in case.

    I also want to say YEEEES! to that challenge your friends thing. I have learned SO MUCH about SO MANY things in STO be it in space or on ground by abusing the challenge as a laboratory to test things out.

    As for communicating with your team... Well if they are a PUG then good luck. Most of them will not say anything and many of the rest will be annoyed at you for trying to get them to actually do what is required to be successful.
  • guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    As Jesus would say:
    Thou hypocrite, first get gud; and then shalt thou see clearly to help thy brother get gud.
    peevil31 wrote: »
    Don't: ONLY use the WASD keys (mouse free) or ONLY use the mouse to do ground combat.

    Do: Right hand on mouse. Left hand on number row.

    Explained: This positioning allows you to use elements from both of the rigid styles above. Strafing is for sissies. Auto targeting and rolls make strafing just kind of stupid so don't give me no TRIBBLE like, "But if my left hand's on the number row, how do I figure skate then?".

    The R button. This button makes you shuffle along. Shift button. This button, when pressed after R button, makes you move normal like. Holding down the R click button will steer you. "But what about A and D buttons, those steer you too!" They do indeed. And you turn like someone using a walker. Mouse PoV manipulation is faster.

    If you spent your entire last paycheck on a mouse that has 13 buttons and a massager built in and you want to setup the custom color buttons, go for it. When the carpal tunnel eases up and you're able to type again and thank, me I'll be waiting. If your keyboard does weird things when you start-up your computer like flash goofy lights or make noises and you want to hardware macro, go for it. Good luck remembering the reasigns.
    What works best for you may not work best for everyone else. The only real advice you should be giving here is an example of a few ways that work for players who perform on the highest level. Which, frankly, doesn't include you. And, seriously, "strafing is your sissies"? You write a guide that's supposed to maximize somebody's chances of success, and you tell them not to use every ability at their disposal? The real issue here isn't that strafing isn't useful, but that you haven't figured out a way to use it without diminishing your effectiveness in other areas.
    Don't: Press the B button. Ever. (well... it's ok to in 1 circumstance, but 1** ONLY)

    Do: Use the RPG configuration.

    Explained: 'Shooter' mode does nothing for you. Nothing. There's no damage increase for it. There's no head shot crit fairy. Stop doing it. It's awkward and you have almost 1 degree of visibility with it. It's like playing paintball while only looking through a toilet paper roll tube.

    The only exception to this rule is when you're under the effects of "Confused". After you read this and put it to use you don't want to massacre your whole team by being better than those who didn't read it do you? (I'll pretend you said "no") Pressing B and then manually aiming with the mouse to a real bad guy will enable you to continue raining the pain on the near-dead without one shooting those feeble teammates of yours. **amendment - Leading a target for Orbital Strike is also an acceptable use of Shooter mode. Thanks Vilzk@chuzordie5
    In pvp, I'd occasionally dip into shooter mode to place an Exothermic Induction Field, drop a Distortion Field on myself to protect against cloakers, blind-firing a pulsewave where I know a cloaker is standing, etc. But, yeah, there's virtually no reason to use it even in PvP, and in PvE I wouldn't ever recommend it, even for skill-shotting kit powers.

    C button. Think of this as bending your knees to tighten up your strike zone. It adds +50% Dodge and recently, a Sure Footed buff. Use this when you've got some distance from your enemies. Press C again to UN[]crouch when your enemies close in. While crouching you suffer a -100 melee damage nerf, meaning that if they hit you with their little finger, you will die. Badly. So use it but know how[] to use it.
    Borg melee is a non-issue, if you're talking about STFs, even with a -100% dr debuff. Their plasma guns hit more than twice as hard.
    Explained: The Developers spend a lot of time dreaming up ways to make the encounters on ground as different as they can. Your kits have different skills in them. Look you'll see.

    Don't: Think that Exchange gear is "good enough" when you hit level 50.
    If you're not doing serious competitive PvP, exchange gear is perfectly fine. Hell, I've done serious PvP and carried elite stfs in less than a million ec worth of exchange gear. It's not like this game's PvE is hard. Good exchange gear is way better than the Jem Hadar set, as far as such things go.
    High Density Beam Rifles do the best Single Target DPS in the game.
    No, they don't.

    That would be Pulsewaves at point blank range, followed by Compression pistols at medium range, followed by just spamming the primary on a full auto rifle (although HDBRs will beat them if you get an expose). Without exposes, I'm pretty sure even spamming the primary on a stun pistol or wide beam pistol will out-dps a hdbr. I'd recommend the HDBR over a full auto rifle or either of the other pistols, but that's for reasons unrelated to straight dps. Swords can beat everything for dps, but that's another issue.
    Pulsewave handles groups the best. Slot both to not suck.
    Still good advice, though. HDBR or sniper is a nice gun to have because of the crowd control at long range and while your pulse is on cooldown.
    Wide beam pistol is the best gun to keep in secondary when meleeing.
    Wide beam pistols are pointless. Swords generate their own exposes, and the exposes are the only point of a wide beam.
    Romulan Plasma Reputation weapons can't be beat for versatile destruction. Get a nukara weapon if you're going to fight the Tholians regular grind-like.
    Nukara procs don't do enough damage to make a difference if you actually know what you're doing, so you might as well not bother. There are some nice romulan plasmas, but you can get better guns on the exchange if you have the ec.
    Don't: Say, "gg". I've parsed hundreds of encounters and it's always the lowest DPSing noob in the group who says, "gg". Either form a full, short sentence or keep silent, either way, keep your lazy off my screen.
    Somebody's got some issues.
    Don't: Assume someone's a noob just because they're having an issue. Check out their title or perhaps their accolade points in info before you lay down the the slam hammer. They just might come back with a, "Sorry, a -insert tragedy- just happened."
    Why slam them at all?

    For the most part it's a decent guide, and I'm glad people write stuff to help inform the community. Seriously though, chill. This game has a stupidly steep learning curve that level 1-50 does nothing to prepare you for. You've made it a few steps farther up the curve than most players. Good for you.

    You're still enough of a noob to write a two page guide on ground combat without ever mentioning flank damage and cover... and you make multiple factual errors in the process. So you should tone it the hell down when complaining about others.

    If you have trouble completing PvE content because other players aren't good enough, either find some fleetmates to help you or get good and carry your team by yourself.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's a question for everyone:

    Currently, as a fed Tac, i'm running Elite fleet shields and armor (polly with the h-reg and the shield has AP res). All of my passives from Rep are defense, and i have the points in my shield and armor, yet i still feel way too squishy against the voth at times, or the Borg. Any ideas to make the build a little more survivable, os should i respec it all into damage and try to kill before being killed?

    Also, are there any tips to getting more Crit chance in Melee?
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's a question for everyone:

    Currently, as a fed Tac, i'm running Elite fleet shields and armor (polly with the h-reg and the shield has AP res). All of my passives from Rep are defense, and i have the points in my shield and armor, yet i still feel way too squishy against the voth at times, or the Borg. Any ideas to make the build a little more survivable, os should i respec it all into damage and try to kill before being killed?

    Also, are there any tips to getting more Crit chance in Melee?

    Use the MACO, Dyson, or Honor Guard set instead of the fleet set. This will give you passive heals which make a HUGE difference. Watch out for the Voth that love to Melee you and stay out of mortar fire.

    As for the Borg... Well... They are nasty but slow so move around them.
  • guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hypos. First and foremost, hypos. If you're going into a serious fight with less than 60 in your inventory you're doing something wrong.

    Beyond that:
    Use a kit with Suppressing Fire, remember to crouch and aim when shooting and sprint or roll when moving, and stay close to cover. Never stand, never jog, never fire from the hip. Suppressing Fire debuffs the damage of enemies you shoot and slows them. The amount of the debuff increases with the amount that your damage is buffed up, which makes Fire Team (with its large self-damage buffs) a very powerful kit for both attack and defense. A weapon that can affect multiple enemies at once, like a splitbeam or pulsewave, is good for proccing suppressing fire on many enemies at once.

    As for your build, this one will serve you well. This build is designed with Fire Team in mind, although it is general enough to work with any kit in PvE.

    Take cover when you lose shields unless you think you can kill your enemy before they kill you. Shields come back after three seconds of not taking fire.

    STF gear will help but is not necessary. The Omega shield is the best in the game because of the large bonus to dodge and the expose proc. The Adapted MACO / KHG 2set is really strong with the large heal over time, but the rifle is all but useless, so you're limited to one real weapon, or giving up your Omega shield.
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