Did you start or join a fleet that just decided to up and go inactive on you? are there only 1-3 active members of your fleet? no one want to join your fleet because it is too inactive? i know the feeling i have been there myself. Let me tell you this really sucks when this happens, and i may have a solution to your problem.
My fleet Started off with 10 active players then the next day it was 9 then 8 then 7 ect until it was just me. so i floated arround solo last week for a bit then i came across a random officer looking for a fleet to join. so naturaly i replyed to him that i was looking and gave him my fleet info. he joined and asked if he could bring 3 more people. i was like O.O really? so ofcourse i invited them aswell. then the next day i got 4 more from an inactive fleet to join. before the end of the week i went from 1 (me) to 18 active members now the fleet is rumbling back to life.
so an idea dawned on me... why not create a public chat channel to help members in an inactive fleet become part of an evergrowing fleet community with few rules and very laid back where players can come to just enjoy the game and hang out.
So i Created the new chat channel : TheMergeChannel.
this is where players in inactive fleets can come to get info on how to merge their roster into ours and what the benifits are for doing so. so if you are one or two or three of those players in an inactive fleet and want to become our ever growing fleet/community then come on over and join
Chat channel: TheMergeChannel
if you have buddies who want to join awsome! if you are a solo player looking to join thats awsome aswell we welcome all levels playstyles, and walks of life. look forward to seeing you ingame.