...'cos we can't find reverse.
It's a fact of life with MMOs that there is relentless pressure on the developers to move forward; produce new end-game content, new areas, new equipment. But the STO team in particular has a bad habit of not revisiting earlier content, even when it's broken.
Take for example broken equipment such as the Omega Force engines and their non-functioning slipstream cooldown reduction. Or the all-in-one console and suicide button known as the Manheim Device.
Take the low level content; the second thing new customers see. Klingons only got their new and (vastly) improved early-game content because the Romulans were releasing with it, and not fleshing out the Klingons would have resulted in riots. The Federation only got their new tutorial (and bridge) because theirs then looked bad in comparison.
Take the speculation about improved PVP, crafting updates, and DOFFs on the gateway. The dev time those would take is being used for PVE content,
and it's very good content. But knowing these were at least being researched would be nice.
And now take this, from the Duty Officer forum (emphasis mine):
We had a couple of Chains and Accolades planned out for this system, but they had to take a back burner when the third AZ (Voth-Controlled) got postponed. Hopefully, if/when that zone gets released, we'll have time to revisit those plans.
The devs have to couch everything they say in ifs and maybes, because their every word is over-analyzed by the players. But the suggestion that they may not complete the Voth/Dyson Sphere content is fairly major.
I know there is insane amounts of pressure on the devs to push onward. I know they're doing their best to fix things, and that they don't have the manpower or money to throw at things like other games do. So, here's an idea.
I'm guessing development for Season 9 is already underway, and the plans are pretty much set in stone ("Boldly going forward" again). So let's talk Season 10. Why don't we have a break from the Iconians for a season and let the devs go back and touch everything old that needs touching: ship interiors, buggy textures, missions that would benefit from later game-engine changes. Underwhelming consoles. Design decisions that made sense at the time, but have been invalidated by more recent choices (extended hangar cooldown for the Vesta, for example). Crafting. PVP would be a season by itself, but a new map or two would be well received.
I suspect the devs are as annoyed about things they can't work on as we are. Let's all have a break from boldly going, and look back at where we boldly went.
And I do agree there are some things that need addressed/fixed.
I've never used that device except that my ship blows up. It's like auto-destruct.
There were many, many complaints about it when it was first released, but it went on the devs' "meh, mostly working as designed, ignore" list, like the Omega engines.
Edit: but that's just one example of something that needs to be looked at again, if the devs were given time. I'm sure they themselves could probably list a hundred different things they'd like to update.