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Make Suggestion for STO Season 10: " The Iconian War"

valen006valen006 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
Greetings Captains! First, Sphere of Influence was a great featured episode. The "Sphere is doing well. However, we know the develpers are reading the threads so that planning for the expansion of STO Online will meet the demands of the fans. That being by Season 10 we should have an "Iconian War" across all quadrants.

Captains so the developers can get an idea of how to expand the game. What are you ideas about the storyline for the soon to be "Iconian War"? How will the Kingons and Romulans fit into the conflict? How will they be invaded? What impact will the war have on the New Republic vs. Tal Shiar. How would Selena and Admiral Taris fit in the storyline. Taris did break out of Facility 4208. The Klingon High Council will have to deal with the battle House Jempok & Duras vs. House Martok. Klingon/Federation Relations in link witht the war. How will The Dominion be used in the war friend or foe. Will Odo make a debut and what about the Alpha Quadrant great link? How will the Cardassians be used in the War? Can Garak be used possibly he was once a member of the Obsidian Order. What impact will the war have on Deep Space Nine, Bajor, and the Wormhole and Prophets. Could the Emissary help us win the battle? Will Kai Kaira help us?

What about the Borg, Breen, and Undine? How will we fight them in this great war? How will the Iconians use races from the Delta Quadrant?

What cannon characters would you like to see in the future from ST:TNG, DS9, or Voyager?

The war should be long like the Domionion War on DS9 season 4,5, 6, and 7.

In closing, Foundary Writiers this where you need to thave your voice heard as well. :)
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