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4 DHC vs 3 DHC+torp

mt268mt268 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Federation Discussion
Ok heres my prob:

I run a defiant retro with 3x ADV fleet AP DHCs, one fleet quantum and three fleet turrets. By my thinking this does more damage than four dhcs because of power levels etc blah. Am i right or wrong?
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    4dhcs does more dps then 3+torp.

    But with all those tact slots, might as well use a torp
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    dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This is just my opinion so take it with a pinch of salt.

    I think 3 DHC + 1 DBB --> 4 DHC ---> 3 DHC 1 Torp.

    As much as I love the aesthetic torpedos have become a substandard option since they are nerfed so heavily by even a small sliver of shields.

    This is especially true in PVP, but it applies to PVE as well. Theyre a bit less awful to an extent in STFs since here at least you have plenty of unshielded targets.

    1 DBB gives you a nice wide arc fore weapon, and BO3 is great for spike. It also means you can make some use of the 3rd Tac ensign by moving another skill down to make room for BO3, or by running FAW1 in the ensign slot. BO3 you the nukage of the torp without worrying about the damage being heavily cut by 1% shield healing.

    In fact the torpedos niche is reduced further by the existence of the incredible kinetic cutting beam.

    Its average DPS is equal to if not outright superior to most turrets even against shields, and it rips hulls apart (with a 360 degree angle, unlike torpedos). Unlike Torpedos it is boosted by weapons power. Finally it also has a brilliant 2 piece set with the module, granting a huge boost to weapons drain resistance. This translates to a big damage increase to all your weapons.

    A less obligatory suggestion would be to replace another torp with Nukara web mines. Awesome damage and gives a great stun effect. Unlike a turret it doesnt drain weapons power, and unlike most mines they are untargetable until moments before they rain death on their target.
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    rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I use BO1 in the third ensign tactical slot personally, keeps my attack patterns nice and high. Still see 50k crits with it, so as far as im concerned its viable.

    For PvP I use the DBB, but for PvE I switch out for a fourth DHC just because of the power drain. Not so much need for spike in PvE, raw damage over time is fine.

    I will not ever use torps on any of my escorts, not only do I not have the skill points to spec into them, but that shield issue in a dealbreaker for me.
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