Of course they're going to add things, they did last time. There has only been 2 winter events so far, but the second one had a lot of improvements over the first.
Too bad Cryptic won' make gingerbread men evil-looking like killing floor does.
Watch this classic Killing floor Christmas event promo trailer from 2010 and fast forward to 39 seconds in. Then tell me that gingerbread man isn't creepy. Hey, Cryptic could even make tribbles with giant antlers like the crawlies from killing floor.
Of course they're going to add things, they did last time. There has only been 2 winter events so far, but the second one had a lot of improvements over the first.
I loved the last Winter event. Granted it was my first, but it was a ton of fun fighting the snowman boss with everybody else. Funniest part about the whole event was people racing to every instance of the snowboss we could find to get the extra beads, candles, and incense.
Q: "Gentleman, ladies and everything in-between, start your ARGOs and other vechiles. Your race track is as follows. Oh ... and we have designed a small virtual phaser and torpedo which you can shoot at your enemy. Just to let out some of your primitive and merciless fun! To do this, run into a power up box to power up your weapons to stop your opponent! Good Luck!"
Over tannoy:
[*] GOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!
Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.
Q: "Gentleman, ladies and everything in-between, start your ARGOs and other vechiles. Your race track is as follows. Oh ... and we have designed a small virtual phaser and torpedo which you can shoot at your enemy. Just to let out some of your primitive and merciless fun! To do this, run into a power up box to power up your weapons to stop your opponent! Good Luck!"
Loved the winter event as it was (10x better than Risa Summer event [imho]), would love to see an Ice Hockey side event. Would also be cool to see the race go Crashed Ice, downhill mayhem! First over the line wins all, no rules. The Breen ship should stay as it is, but maybe, just maybe we can have a 'new' snowball /ice wep
1 month to go and I'm actually looking forward to seeing the patch notes for the first time since the Valentines day Massacre patch fix patch (really I couldn't think of a better way of wording it!)
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
its the winter event too, not christmas, no mater how innocent your guy's intentions are about it. focus it on a certain religions holiday and we will get the worst kind of complaining there is from the most offended people yet :rolleyes:
Well too bad!!! Santa Marsh is already here! http://i.imgur.com/u57lCFs.jpg?1 I will be running around the winter event with Ho HO HO's! If anyone complains ill add a AMEN! So there iggy Santa Marsh if you like! Change instance if my red suit scares you. But santa marsh will be in the house! If I had my way I would have a giant Christmas tree complete with bubble lights and star in the middle of the map!
Oh! One more thing! Santa Marsh the marsh that was behind one of the first great open parties of STO years back may be giving away a prize this year. Details to follow once I figure it out.
I am so ready for Q to bring us some good cheer and mistletoe. (My orion girl is hot for Q). Anything to take us away from the mind numbing Voth grind ... even if it is another kind of grind. Cheers!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I have voiced this before but no one seems to like it. I want a privateer ship. That cargo ship that I own btw don't count as privateer or mercenary . But my real Saint Nick wish is a privateer faction. Running cargo, mercenary work, treasure hunting, even pirating! Choose good or evil.
I'm very much hoping for, but not really expecting, a good non-consumable ground combat pet.
Aside from that, I'd guess we'll be getting a Breen ship. I'm thinking it might be more cruiser-like after the last one, maybe tac commander, eng lt. cmdr? Or possibly one that's very science-y, though considering we just got the Nebula for free a couple months ago I'm not too sure on that one. And, of course, nanopulse bat'leths and lirpas. My guess is they'll be green colored this year.
Other than that? The standard assortment of winter clothing, scarves, eppohs, and food for winter tribbles.
No clue on the actual events, though, other than a return of racing.
I have voiced this before but no one seems to like it. I want a privateer ship. That cargo ship that I own btw don't count as privateer or mercenary . But my real Saint Nick wish is a privateer faction. Running cargo, mercenary work, treasure hunting, even pirating! Choose good or evil.
you already have privateers in the Nausicaans.they maybe a part of the empire but nausicaans in general are mercenaries and privateers. and if you count breen as well they can also be pirates and privateers. since someone mentioned the chel grett is coming back, you already have that wish... at least when news about it is released, whenever.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I am looking forward to the Winter event, and had some ideas and guesses-
New items:
I assume they will have the same cool winter clothing items, weapons like the Full Auto Snowball Launcher, perhaps an additional scarf and a new Nanopulse set of weapons with a different blade color.
Maybe a new outfit or two to add to the existing/neat outfits they added last year.
In the past they always took the Winter Event away so that it would remain 'fresh' during the holidays. However, they have changed things up in that you can visit the summer event maps any time you want on Risa, so perhaps they will toss the Winter event on Andoria and you will be able to visit it in the future for fleet ice skating parties in May?
I think that would be very neat-
Gathering materials:
In the past, you could sit down and watch a TV show, and just hit 'f' every so often to harvest snowballs and collect winter commodities.
(But I don't think that was what Cryptic wanted us to do, as the snowmen attack the pile areas. ; )
With the changes to the summer event and how you earn event marks, I wonder if they might change how you gather winter commodities, and change/reduce how many different commodities there are. (Though the different names are fun-)
My guess, since they still haven't changed the name on the USS Enterprise-F ship model during the First Contact event (It still says USS Odyssey on the hull) they won't change it at all as they don't have time to revisit such things.
What do you all think?
Star Trek Online Enlistment Date: February 2010
Fleet website: www.stoacademy.com
- NOT BEFORE December 6th. December 5th is a Dutch holiday, Sinterklaas (you might have heard some discussion about his black workers, Zwarte Pieten) and I would hate to see any winter event, including christmas decoration in stores, before that day. But that's just me.
- I'm holding my hopes high for a So'na destroyer. Insurrection haters gonna hate, but really, that ship has a lot of STO potential. I'm thinking about something similar to the Chel Grett, just with different stats. Maybe a lt cmd uni to let players decide whether they want the eng-heavy destroyer, the sci-scort or the all-out DPS monster. And remember its movie power: subspace rift that is tearing anything in (GravWell) and can only be destroyed through a high kinetic damage (torpedoes, mines, cutting beam, explosions). That could be very interesting to fly.
- Something of a protection for racers, so that they don't get angry snowmen attacking them
- An option to unlock "Winter Ship Interior". Would be a new layout, like the Medium interior but then with Christmas decorations.
- A lottery system. I'm gonna run another Winter Gift event with my friends: buy a present for x amount of EC that isn't really needed, but fun to have (last year I got a grey Jackal Mastiff, I love that filthy beast). A random lottery sytem is just much more useful than me knowing everybody's person.
- Snowball PvP zone sounds nice indeed!
- A new area inside where players can sit next to a burning fire, drinking hot beverages, where Gorn, Remans and Pakleds are having a good time. Along with Christmas decoration, some Klingon statues and, well, something Romulanish. Below the main spawn seems like a good idea.
- Snowmen hunt accolade replaced by a Hor'ghan (or whatever) hunt kind of thing. I love fun rewards that aren't needies for builds.
- (Too much to hope, maybe) winter C-Store giveaway! I am a huge fan of the Summer Store Giveaway (even though I had some products already) and would love some new stuff for my chars! Not even ships, but the Emissary bridge would be nice!
And that's my list. Dear Qanta, make it so!
EDIT: This post has made me get the forum achievement: THIS IS SPARTA!!!!! (Post no. 300 )
- NOT BEFORE December 6th. December 5th is a Dutch holiday, Sinterklaas (you might have heard some discussion about his black workers, Zwarte Pieten) and I would hate to see any winter event, including christmas decoration in stores, before that day. But that's just me.
- I'm holding my hopes high for a So'na destroyer. Insurrection haters gonna hate, but really, that ship has a lot of STO potential. I'm thinking about something similar to the Chel Grett, just with different stats. Maybe a lt cmd uni to let players decide whether they want the eng-heavy destroyer, the sci-scort or the all-out DPS monster. And remember its movie power: subspace rift that is tearing anything in (GravWell) and can only be destroyed through a high kinetic damage (torpedoes, mines, cutting beam, explosions). That could be very interesting to fly.
- Something of a protection for racers, so that they don't get angry snowmen attacking them
- An option to unlock "Winter Ship Interior". Would be a new layout, like the Medium interior but then with Christmas decorations.
- A lottery system. I'm gonna run another Winter Gift event with my friends: buy a present for x amount of EC that isn't really needed, but fun to have (last year I got a grey Jackal Mastiff, I love that filthy beast). A random lottery sytem is just much more useful than me knowing everybody's person.
- Snowball PvP zone sounds nice indeed!
- A new area inside where players can sit next to a burning fire, drinking hot beverages, where Gorn, Remans and Pakleds are having a good time. Along with Christmas decoration, some Klingon statues and, well, something Romulanish. Below the main spawn seems like a good idea.
- Snowmen hunt accolade replaced by a Hor'ghan (or whatever) hunt kind of thing. I love fun rewards that aren't needies for builds.
- (Too much to hope, maybe) winter C-Store giveaway! I am a huge fan of the Summer Store Giveaway (even though I had some products already) and would love some new stuff for my chars! Not even ships, but the Emissary bridge would be nice!
And that's my list. Dear Qanta, make it so!
EDIT: This post has made me get the forum achievement: THIS IS SPARTA!!!!! (Post no. 300 )
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
A sona ship would not be practical in game imo. It would need far too many polys in the model to make it look even halfway acceptable. It was tried for Bridge commander some years ago by their mod community and it was a performance dog, even in that game (this was about 2009).
If it were a sona ship, then I doubt that it would be one of the ones that featured in the movie.
A sona ship would not be practical in game imo. It would need far too many polys in the model to make it look even halfway acceptable. It was tried for Bridge commander some years ago by their mod community and it was a performance dog, even in that game (this was about 2009).
If it were a sona ship, then I doubt that it would be one of the ones that featured in the movie.
You don't need polygons to pull of the smaller details. Environments or bump maps could be used when zoomed out. Besides tech has advanced pretty far from days of bridge commander.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
My character Tsin'xing
ROFL gingerbread nubs!!!
Too bad Cryptic won' make gingerbread men evil-looking like killing floor does.
Watch this classic Killing floor Christmas event promo trailer from 2010 and fast forward to 39 seconds in. Then tell me that gingerbread man isn't creepy. Hey, Cryptic could even make tribbles with giant antlers like the crawlies from killing floor.
I loved the last Winter event. Granted it was my first, but it was a ton of fun fighting the snowman boss with everybody else. Funniest part about the whole event was people racing to every instance of the snowboss we could find to get the extra beads, candles, and incense.
I hope they will add a new race track, with different ways to do it, and power ups!!
(I am sounding like a Mario Karts fan ... which I kind of am ...)
I hope STO get's better ...
Jetpack powerups.
Could be ... could be!
Or ...
Q: "Gentleman, ladies and everything in-between, start your ARGOs and other vechiles. Your race track is as follows. Oh ... and we have designed a small virtual phaser and torpedo which you can shoot at your enemy. Just to let out some of your primitive and merciless fun! To do this, run into a power up box to power up your weapons to stop your opponent! Good Luck!"
Over tannoy:
[*] GOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!
I hope STO get's better ...
Finally get a use for shuttles? I like.
1 month to go and I'm actually looking forward to seeing the patch notes for the first time since the Valentines day Massacre patch fix patch (really I couldn't think of a better way of wording it!)
My character Tsin'xing
Well too bad!!! Santa Marsh is already here! http://i.imgur.com/u57lCFs.jpg?1 I will be running around the winter event with Ho HO HO's! If anyone complains ill add a AMEN! So there iggy Santa Marsh if you like! Change instance if my red suit scares you. But santa marsh will be in the house! If I had my way I would have a giant Christmas tree complete with bubble lights and star in the middle of the map!
Malon Garbage scow special attack release garbage
- Judge Aaron Satie
Aside from that, I'd guess we'll be getting a Breen ship. I'm thinking it might be more cruiser-like after the last one, maybe tac commander, eng lt. cmdr? Or possibly one that's very science-y, though considering we just got the Nebula for free a couple months ago I'm not too sure on that one. And, of course, nanopulse bat'leths and lirpas. My guess is they'll be green colored this year.
Other than that? The standard assortment of winter clothing, scarves, eppohs, and food for winter tribbles.
No clue on the actual events, though, other than a return of racing.
you already have privateers in the Nausicaans.they maybe a part of the empire but nausicaans in general are mercenaries and privateers. and if you count breen as well they can also be pirates and privateers. since someone mentioned the chel grett is coming back, you already have that wish... at least when news about it is released, whenever.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Some people don't like that.
In-fact, did you know, that some people like to share their fantasies and thoughts and hopes.
Did you also know, if you don't like the thread, move on!
Anyway, leave the troll behind.
I saw a post a little back that mentioned a new / improved use for ice skates.
EXCELLENT IDEA! I think a cool ramp thing, and stuff would be fun.
I still like my Mario Karts idea!
I hope STO get's better ...
New items:
I assume they will have the same cool winter clothing items, weapons like the Full Auto Snowball Launcher, perhaps an additional scarf and a new Nanopulse set of weapons with a different blade color.
Maybe a new outfit or two to add to the existing/neat outfits they added last year.
In the past they always took the Winter Event away so that it would remain 'fresh' during the holidays. However, they have changed things up in that you can visit the summer event maps any time you want on Risa, so perhaps they will toss the Winter event on Andoria and you will be able to visit it in the future for fleet ice skating parties in May?
I think that would be very neat-
Gathering materials:
In the past, you could sit down and watch a TV show, and just hit 'f' every so often to harvest snowballs and collect winter commodities.
(But I don't think that was what Cryptic wanted us to do, as the snowmen attack the pile areas. ; )
With the changes to the summer event and how you earn event marks, I wonder if they might change how you gather winter commodities, and change/reduce how many different commodities there are. (Though the different names are fun-)
My guess, since they still haven't changed the name on the USS Enterprise-F ship model during the First Contact event (It still says USS Odyssey on the hull) they won't change it at all as they don't have time to revisit such things.
What do you all think?
Star Trek Online Enlistment Date: February 2010
Fleet website: www.stoacademy.com
And well.... the Summer event map was actually a permanent redress of Risa. It was little more than a beach before.
My character Tsin'xing
>It was little more than a beach before.
Andoria doesn't even have the beach! I'm not sure I understand your point. ; )
I've heard rumors of the Gingerbread village rescue event, but honestly I'm not sure if it's a joke, or serious. ; )
We'll find out in a few days I imagine.
Star Trek Online Enlistment Date: February 2010
Fleet website: www.stoacademy.com
- NOT BEFORE December 6th. December 5th is a Dutch holiday, Sinterklaas (you might have heard some discussion about his black workers, Zwarte Pieten) and I would hate to see any winter event, including christmas decoration in stores, before that day. But that's just me.
- I'm holding my hopes high for a So'na destroyer. Insurrection haters gonna hate, but really, that ship has a lot of STO potential. I'm thinking about something similar to the Chel Grett, just with different stats. Maybe a lt cmd uni to let players decide whether they want the eng-heavy destroyer, the sci-scort or the all-out DPS monster. And remember its movie power: subspace rift that is tearing anything in (GravWell) and can only be destroyed through a high kinetic damage (torpedoes, mines, cutting beam, explosions). That could be very interesting to fly.
- Something of a protection for racers, so that they don't get angry snowmen attacking them
- An option to unlock "Winter Ship Interior". Would be a new layout, like the Medium interior but then with Christmas decorations.
- A lottery system. I'm gonna run another Winter Gift event with my friends: buy a present for x amount of EC that isn't really needed, but fun to have (last year I got a grey Jackal Mastiff, I love that filthy beast). A random lottery sytem is just much more useful than me knowing everybody's person.
- Snowball PvP zone sounds nice indeed!
- A new area inside where players can sit next to a burning fire, drinking hot beverages, where Gorn, Remans and Pakleds are having a good time. Along with Christmas decoration, some Klingon statues and, well, something Romulanish. Below the main spawn seems like a good idea.
- Snowmen hunt accolade replaced by a Hor'ghan (or whatever) hunt kind of thing. I love fun rewards that aren't needies for builds.
- (Too much to hope, maybe) winter C-Store giveaway! I am a huge fan of the Summer Store Giveaway (even though I had some products already) and would love some new stuff for my chars! Not even ships, but the Emissary bridge would be nice!
And that's my list. Dear Qanta, make it so!
EDIT: This post has made me get the forum achievement: THIS IS SPARTA!!!!! (Post no. 300
Join the Deltas today!
- Judge Aaron Satie
Kazon Raider
Son'a Battleship
Suliban Long Ship
A sona ship would not be practical in game imo. It would need far too many polys in the model to make it look even halfway acceptable. It was tried for Bridge commander some years ago by their mod community and it was a performance dog, even in that game (this was about 2009).
If it were a sona ship, then I doubt that it would be one of the ones that featured in the movie.
You don't need polygons to pull of the smaller details. Environments or bump maps could be used when zoomed out. Besides tech has advanced pretty far from days of bridge commander.
- Judge Aaron Satie